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Need help with BEC auto-restart




i´m experimenting a lot of days and i don´t get it working. I have found a lot of HowTo´s and tryed to update the scripts to the new versions.


My Scheduler.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<job id='0'>
		<cmd>say -1 BEC server active!</cmd>
	<job id="1">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 30 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="2">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 15 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="3">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 10 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="4">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 5 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="5">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 4 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="6">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 3 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="7">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 2 minutes</cmd>	

	<job id="8">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in the next minute!</cmd>	

	<job id="9">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in the next 30 seconds!</cmd>	

	<job id="10">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in the next 15 seconds!</cmd>	

	<job id="11">
		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in the next 10 seconds!</cmd>	

	<job id="12">
		<cmd>say -1 ...10</cmd>	

	<job id="13">
		<cmd>say -1 ...9</cmd>	

	<job id="14">
		<cmd>say -1 ...8</cmd>	

	<job id="15">
		<cmd>say -1 ...7</cmd>	

	<job id="16">
		<cmd>say -1 ...6</cmd>	

	<job id="17">
		<cmd>say -1 ...5</cmd>	

	<job id="18">
		<cmd>say -1 ...4</cmd>	

	<job id="19">
		<cmd>say -1 ...3</cmd>	

	<job id="20">
		<cmd>say -1 ...2</cmd>	

	<job id="21">
		<cmd>say -1 ...1</cmd>	

	<job id="22">
		<cmd>say -1 SHUTDOWN</cmd>	
  <job id='23'>
		<cmd>say -1 Do NOT loot/damage LOCKED buildings or vehicles! (Result = Kick/Ban!)</cmd>
  <job id='24'>
		<cmd>say -1 Loot/steal UNlocked buildings/vehicles is ALLOWED! ...but please no insane destroying of it!</cmd>


In HiveExt.ini i have set

Type = Static
Hour = 8

...but absolute no effect. The serverrules i have set in the scheduler working fine (ID 23,24) but absolute no warings about restarting and the server don´t shut down after 6 hours. Can someone tell me please why this don´t working?

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5 answers to this question

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Heres a section from mine. Working Fine.

<job id='49'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='50'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
<job id='51'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 05 minutes</cmd>
<job id='52'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 03 minutes</cmd>
<job id='53'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 02 minutes</cmd>
<job id='54'>
     <cmd>say -1 Restart in 01 minute</cmd>
<job id='55'>
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Thanks a lot for your answers.

Does the counter starts at serverstart or have i sync it with the server daytime?


In my HiveExt.ini i have set...

Type = Static
Hour = 8

If i want a restart evey 3 hours have i set the counter for restart at 030000 or 110000?

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Some important things to remember when running BEC:


1.) Restart warnings should be using time format 2, as it is specific to real world, ie 6am = 06:00:00

2.) "Advertising" messages that you want to show every 20 min or so (advertising TS/Website/etc) should be in time format 1, as it is specific to how long Bec has been running, ie every 25 min = 002500

3.) When using time format 2, you need to know what timezone your server is in, as it will read the time from the actual server.

4.) BEC is started as a separate service from Arma 2 - there are always going to be slight delays when timing things, so give yourself a 30 sec margin in messages.

5.) Use the to be safe.

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