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Maintaining trader stock levels



Hey all, just a quick question... I'm a new vanilla DAYZ EPOCH CHERARUS server owner, I have most of the things working as I want, but have run across an issue...




I know/presume this fixes it:

copy and paste from EPOCH WIKI,

How to add stock for a specific item:

In "traders_data" table use Navicat to filter by column "item" then "contains" then "Itemvault" then change the "qty" column to add more stock and click on the checkmark at the bottom to save. Any changes to the qty will be live to the server instantly.

Or execute this SQL:

UPDATE `traders_data` SET qty=10 WHERE `item` LIKE '%ItemVault%' AND qty=0;

We recommend running this code daily to ensure that traders have some stock except vehicles and boats since they should normally spawn dynamically and are already sold for profit.

UPDATE `traders_data` SET qty=10 WHERE qty=0 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat';



But my question is, where do I put it, or do I run it via HEIDISQL and if so, how??

What I was gonna to use was:


UPDATE `traders_data` SET qty=25 WHERE qty<10 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat';



Any suggestions would be appreciated..

Thnx in advance


As soon as I can get gametracker sorted out, I will hit the EPOCH admins/dev's to list it as Offical vanilla server

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