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Safes not opening / Building items dissapearing after restart.



I have just uninstalled the Plot Pole for life mod and removed all of it's files. I have updated my compiles so that it's executing all of the default files inside of the dayz folders. It now looks like this;

//Player only
if (!isDedicated) then {

	"filmic" setToneMappingParams [0.07, 0.31, 0.23, 0.37, 0.011, 3.750, 6, 4]; setToneMapping "Filmic";

	BIS_Effects_Burn = 				compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf";
	player_zombieCheck = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";	//Run on a players computer, checks if the player is near a zombie
	player_zombieAttack = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieAttack.sqf";	//Run on a players computer, causes a nearby zombie to attack them
	fnc_usec_damageActions =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageActions.sqf";	//Checks which actions for nearby casualty
	fnc_inAngleSector =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_inAngleSector.sqf";		//Checks which actions for nearby casualty
	fnc_usec_selfActions =          compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf";		//Checks which actions for self
	fnc_usec_unconscious =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
	player_temp_calculation	=		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_temperatur.sqf";		//Temperatur System	//TeeChange
	player_weaponFiredNear =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_weaponFiredNear.sqf";
	player_animalCheck =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_animalCheck.sqf";
	player_spawnCheck = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_spawnCheck.sqf";
	player_dumpBackpack = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_dumpBackpack.sqf";
	building_spawnLoot =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\building_spawnLoot.sqf";
	building_spawnZombies =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\building_spawnZombies.sqf";
	dayz_spaceInterrupt =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";
	player_fired =					compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_fired.sqf";			//Runs when player fires. Alerts nearby Zeds depending on calibre && audial rating
	player_harvest =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_harvest.sqf";
	player_packTent =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_packTent.sqf";
    player_packVault =              compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_packVault.sqf";

	player_removeObject =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf";
	player_removeNearby =    		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_removeNearby.sqf";

	player_removeTankTrap = {
		//Object Array, Range, Error Message (@Skaronator)
		[["Hedgehog_DZ"], 1,"STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_14"] call player_removeNearby;
	player_removeNet = {
		[["DesertLargeCamoNet","ForestCamoNet_DZ","DesertLargeCamoNet_DZ","ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ"], 5,"str_epoch_player_8"] call player_removeNearby;

	player_login = {
		private ["_unit","_detail"];
		_unit = _this select 0;
		_detail = _this select 1;
		if(_unit == getPlayerUID player) then {
			player setVariable["publish",_detail];

	player_unlockDoor =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_unlockDoor.sqf";
	player_changeCombo =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_changeCombo.sqf";

    player_lockVault =          compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_lockVault.sqf";
    player_updateGui =          compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf";
	player_crossbowBolt =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_crossbowBolt.sqf";
	player_music = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_music.sqf";			//Used to generate ambient music
	player_death =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_death.sqf";
	player_switchModel =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_switchModel.sqf";
	player_checkStealth =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_checkStealth.sqf";
	world_sunRise =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_sunRise.sqf";
	world_surfaceNoise =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_surfaceNoise.sqf";
	player_humanityMorph =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_humanityMorph.sqf";
	player_throwObject = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_throwObject.sqf";
	player_alertZombies = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_alertZombies.sqf";
	player_fireMonitor = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\fire_monitor.sqf";
	fn_gearMenuChecks =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_gearMenuChecks.sqf";

	object_roadFlare = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_roadFlare.sqf";
	object_setpitchbank	=		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_setpitchbank.sqf";
	object_monitorGear =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_monitorGear.sqf";

	local_roadDebris =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_roadDebris.sqf";

	zombie_findTargetAgent = 	compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf";
	zombie_loiter = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_loiter.sqf";			//Server compile, used for loiter behaviour
	zombie_generate = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_generate.sqf";			//Server compile, used for loiter behaviour
	wild_spawnZombies = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\wild_spawnZombies.sqf";			//Server compile, used for loiter behaviour

	pz_attack = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\pzombie\pz_attack.sqf";

	dog_findTargetAgent = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\dog_findTargetAgent.sqf";

	player_countmagazines =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_countmagazines.sqf";
	player_addToolbelt =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_addToolbelt.sqf";
	player_copyKey =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_copyKey.sqf";
	player_reloadMag =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_reloadMags.sqf";
	player_loadCrate =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_loadCrate.sqf";
	player_craftItem =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_craftItem.sqf";
    player_tentPitch =          compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tent_pitch.sqf";
    player_vaultPitch =         compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_pitch.sqf";
	player_drink =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_drink.sqf";
	player_eat =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_eat.sqf";
	player_useMeds =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_useMeds.sqf";
	player_fillWater = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\water_fill.sqf";
	player_makeFire =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_makefire.sqf";
	player_harvestPlant =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_harvestPlant.sqf";
	player_goFishing =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_goFishing.sqf";
	player_build =              compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf";
	player_wearClothes =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_wearClothes.sqf";
	object_pickup = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf";
	player_flipvehicle = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_flipvehicle.sqf";
	player_sleep = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_sleep.sqf";
	player_antiWall =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_antiWall.sqf";
	player_deathBoard =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\list_playerDeathsAlt.sqf";

	player_plotPreview = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_showPlotRadius.sqf";
	player_upgradeVehicle =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_upgradeVehicle.sqf";

	player_selectSlot =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf";
	player_gearSync	=			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_gearSync.sqf";
	player_gearSet	=			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_gearSet.sqf";
	ui_changeDisplay = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_changeDisplay.sqf";
	ui_gear_sound =             compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_gear_sound.sqf";

	player_monitor =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
	player_spawn_1 =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_1.sqf";
	player_spawn_2 =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf";
	onPreloadStarted 			"dayz_preloadFinished = false;";
	onPreloadFinished 			"dayz_preloadFinished = true;";

	// helper functions
	player_hasTools =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_hasTools.sqf";
	player_checkItems =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_checkItems.sqf";
	player_removeItems =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_removeItems.sqf";
	//Trader ["Trader City Name",false,"enter"] - Trader City Name | Show Message | "enter" || "leave"
	player_traderCity = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderCity.sqf";

	// combination of check && remove items
	player_checkAndRemoveItems = {
		private ["_items","_b"];
		_items = _this;
		_b = _items call player_checkItems;
		if (_b) then {
			_b = _items call player_removeItems;

	dayz_HungerThirst = {
		dayz_hunger = dayz_hunger + (_this select 0);
		dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + (_this select 1);

	epoch_totalCurrency = {
		// total currency
		_total_currency = 0;
			_part =  (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x);
			_worth =  (_part >> "worth");
			if isNumber (_worth) then {
				_total_currency = _total_currency + getNumber(_worth);
		} count (magazines player);

	epoch_itemCost = {
		_trade_total = 0;
			_part_in_configClass =  configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0);
			if (isClass (_part_in_configClass)) then {
				_part_inWorth = (_part_in_configClass >> "worth");
				if isNumber (_part_inWorth) then {
					_trade_total = _trade_total + (getNumber(_part_inWorth) * (_x select 1));
		} count _this;

		//diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER ITEMCOST: %1", _this];

	epoch_returnChange =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\epoch_returnChange.sqf";
	// usage [["partinclassname",4]] call epoch_returnChange;

	dayz_losChance = {
		_agent = 	_this select 0;
		_dis =		_this select 1;
		_maxDis = 	_this select 2;
		// diag_log ("VAL:  " + str(_this));
		_val = 		(_maxDis - _dis) max 0;
		_maxExp = 	((exp 2) * _maxDis);
		_myExp = 	((exp 2) * (_val)) / _maxExp;
		_myExp = _myExp * 0.7;

	ui_initDisplay = {
		private["_control","_ctrlBleed","_display","_ctrlFracture","_ctrlDogFood","_ctrlDogWater","_ctrlDogWaterBorder", "_ctrlDogFoodBorder"];
		_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
		_control = 	_display displayCtrl 1204;
		_control ctrlShow false;
		if (!r_player_injured) then {
			_ctrlBleed = 	_display displayCtrl 1303;
			_ctrlBleed ctrlShow false;
		if (!r_fracture_legs && !r_fracture_arms) then {
			_ctrlFracture = 	_display displayCtrl 1203;
			_ctrlFracture ctrlShow false;
		_ctrlDogFoodBorder = _display displayCtrl 1501;
		_ctrlDogFoodBorder ctrlShow false;
		_ctrlDogFood = _display displayCtrl 1701;
		_ctrlDogFood ctrlShow false;

		_ctrlDogWaterBorder = _display displayCtrl 1502;
		_ctrlDogWaterBorder ctrlShow false;
		_ctrlDogWater = _display displayCtrl 1702;
		_ctrlDogWater ctrlShow false

	dayz_losCheck = {
		_target = _this select 0; // PUT THE PLAYER IN FIRST ARGUMENT!!!!
		_agent = _this select 1;
		_cantSee = true;
		if (!isNull _target) then {

			_tPos = visiblePositionASL _target;
			_zPos = visiblePositionASL _agent;

			_tPos set [2,(_tPos select 2)+1];
			_zPos set [2,(_zPos select 2)+1];

			if ((count _tPos > 0) && (count _zPos > 0)) then {
				_cantSee = terrainIntersectASL [_tPos, _zPos];
				if (!_cantSee) then {
					_cantSee = lineIntersects [_tPos, _zPos, _agent, vehicle _target];

	dayz_equipCheck = {
		private ["_empty", "_needed","_diff","_success"];
		_config = _this;
		_empty = [player] call BIS_fnc_invSlotsEmpty;
		_needed = [_config] call BIS_fnc_invSlotType;
		_diff = [_empty,_needed] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff;

		_success = true;
			if (_x > 0) then {_success = false};
		} count _diff;
		hint format["Config: %5\nEmpty: %1\nNeeded: %2\nDiff: %3\nSuccess: %4",_empty,_needed,_diff,_success,_config];

	vehicle_gear_count = {
		_counter = 0;
			_counter = _counter + _x;
		} count _this;

	player_tagFriendlyMsg = {
		if(player == (_this select 0)) then {
			cutText[(localize "str_epoch_player_2"),"PLAIN DOWN"];

	player_serverModelChange = {
		_object = _this select 0;
		_model = _this select 1;
		if (_object == player) then {
			_model call player_switchModel;

	player_guiControlFlash = 	{
		_control = _this;
		if (ctrlShown _control) then {
			_control ctrlShow false;
		} else {
			_control ctrlShow true;
	gearDialog_create = {
		private ["_i","_dialog"];
		if (!isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {
			(findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 0;
		openMap false;
		closeDialog 0;
		if (gear_done) then {sleep 0.001;};
		player action ["Gear", player];
		if (gear_done) then {sleep 0.001;};
		_dialog = findDisplay 106;
		_i = 0;
		while {isNull _dialog} do {//DO NOT CHANGE TO A FOR LOOP!
			_i = _i + 1;
			_dialog = findDisplay 106;
			if (gear_done) then {sleep 0.001;};
			if (_i in [100,200,299]) then {
				closeDialog 0;
				player action ["Gear", player];
			if (_i > 300) exitWith {};
		if (gear_done) then {sleep 0.001;};
		_dialog = findDisplay 106;
		if ((parseNumber(_this select 0)) != 0) then {
			ctrlActivate (_dialog displayCtrl 157);
			if (gear_done) then {
				waitUntil {ctrlShown (_dialog displayCtrl 159)};
				sleep 0.001;

	gear_ui_offMenu = {
		_control = 	_this select 0;
		_parent = 	findDisplay 106;
		if (!(_this select 3)) then {
			for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
				_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
				_menu ctrlShow false;
			_grpPos = ctrlPosition _control;
			_grpPos set [3,0];
			_control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos;
			_control ctrlShow false;
			_control ctrlCommit 0;

	dze_surrender_off = {
		player setVariable ["DZE_Surrendered", false, true];
		DZE_Surrender = false;

	gear_ui_init = {
		_parent = findDisplay 106;
		_control = 	_parent displayCtrl 6902;
		for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
			_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
			_menu ctrlShow false;
		_grpPos = ctrlPosition _control;
		_grpPos set [3,0];
		_control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos;
		_control ctrlShow false;
		_control ctrlCommit 0;

	dayz_eyeDir = {
		_vval = (eyeDirection _this);
		_vdir = (_vval select 0) atan2 (_vval select 1);
		if (_vdir < 0) then {_vdir = 360 + _vdir};

	DZE_getModelName = {
		_objInfo = toArray(str(_this));
		_lenInfo = count _objInfo - 1;
		_objName = [];
		_i = 0;
		// determine where the object name starts
			if (58 == _objInfo select _i) exitWith {};
			_i = _i + 1;
		} count _objInfo;
		_i = _i + 2; // skip the ": " part
		for "_k" from _i to _lenInfo do {
			_objName set [(count _objName), (_objInfo select _k)];
		_objName = toLower(toString(_objName));

	dze_isnearest_player = {
		private ["_notClosest","_playerDistance","_nearPlayers","_obj","_playerNear"];
		if(!isNull _this) then {
			_nearPlayers = _this nearEntities ["CAManBase", 12];
			_playerNear = ({isPlayer _x} count _nearPlayers) > 1;
			_notClosest = false;
			if (_playerNear) then {
				// check if another player is closer
				_playerDistance = player distance _this;
					if (_playerDistance > (_x distance _this)) exitWith { _notClosest = true; };
				} count _nearPlayers;
		} else {
			_notClosest = false;

	// trader menu code
	if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then {
		call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuConfig.sqf";
		call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuHive.sqf";
	// recent murders menu code
	call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_murderMenu.sqf";

	//This is still needed but the fsm should terminate if any errors pop up.
	[] spawn {
        _timeOut = 0;
        dayz_loadScreenMsg = "";
        diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard started.";
        _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "BIS_loadingScreen";
        if (!isNil "_display") then {
                _control1 = _display displayctrl 8400;
                _control2 = _display displayctrl 102;
		if (!isNil "dayz_DisplayGenderSelect") then {
			waitUntil {!dayz_DisplayGenderSelect};

        // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
        while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
            if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };
            if (!isNil "_display") then {
                if ( isNull _display ) then {
                        waitUntil { !dialog; };
                        startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
                        _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "BIS_loadingScreen";
                        _control1 = _display displayctrl 8400;
                        _control2 = _display displayctrl 102;

                if ( dayz_loadScreenMsg != "" ) then {
                        _control1 ctrlSetText dayz_loadScreenMsg;
                        dayz_loadScreenMsg = "";

                _control2 ctrlSetText format["%1",round(_timeOut*0.01)];

            _timeOut = _timeOut + 1;

            if (_timeOut >= 12000) then {
                1 cutText [localize "str_player_login_timeout", "PLAIN DOWN"];
                sleep 10;
                endMission "END1";

            sleep 0.01;

	dayz_meleeMagazineCheck = {
                _magType =         ([] + getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpnType >> "magazines")) select 0;
                _meleeNum = ({_x == _magType} count magazines player);
                if (_meleeNum < 1) then {
                        player addMagazine _magType;

	dayz_originalPlayer = player;

	progressLoadingScreen 0.8;

	BIS_fnc_selectRandom =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_selectRandom.sqf";
	BIS_fnc_vectorAdd =         compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_vectorAdd.sqf";
	BIS_fnc_halo =              compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_halo.sqf";
	BIS_fnc_findNestedElement =	compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_findNestedElement.sqf";
	BIS_fnc_param = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_param.sqf";

	fnc_buildWeightedArray = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_buildWeightedArray.sqf";		//Checks which actions for nearby casualty
	fnc_usec_damageVehicle =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandlerVehicle.sqf";		//Event handler run on damage

	// object_vehicleKilled =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf";		//Event handler run on damage
	object_setHitServer =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHitServer.sqf";	//process the hit as a NORMAL damage (useful for persistent vehicles)
	object_setFixServer =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setFixServer.sqf";	//process the hit as a NORMAL damage (useful for persistent vehicles)
	object_getHit =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_getHit.sqf";			//gets the hit value for a HitPoint (i.e. HitLegs) against the selection (i.e. "legs"), returns the value
	object_setHit =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHit.sqf";			//process the hit as a NORMAL damage (useful for persistent vehicles)
	object_processHit =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_processHit.sqf";		//process the hit in the REVO damage system (records && sets hit)
	object_delLocal =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_delLocal.sqf";
	// object_cargoCheck =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_cargoCheck.sqf";		//Run by the player || server to monitor changes in cargo contents
	fnc_usec_damageHandler =		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";		//Event handler run on damage
	fnc_veh_ResetEH = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\veh_ResetEH.sqf";			//Initialize vehicle
	// Vehicle damage fix
	vehicle_handleDamage    = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";
	vehicle_handleKilled    = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleKilled.sqf";
	//fnc_vehicleEventHandler = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\vehicle_init.sqf";			//Initialize vehicle
	fnc_inString = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_inString.sqf";
	fnc_isInsideBuilding = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_isInsideBuilding.sqf";	//_isInside = [_unit,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
	fnc_isInsideBuilding2 = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_isInsideBuilding2.sqf";	//_isInside = [_unit,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding2;
	fnc_isInsideBuilding3 = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_isInsideBuilding3.sqf";	//_isInside = [_unit,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding3;
	dayz_zombieSpeak = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_speak.sqf";			//Used to generate random speech for a unit
	vehicle_getHitpoints =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_getHitpoints.sqf";
	local_gutObject =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_gutObject.sqf";		//Generated on the server (|| local to unit) when gutting an object
	local_lockUnlock =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\local_lockUnlock.sqf";		//When vehicle is local to unit perform locking vehicle
	local_gutObjectZ =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_gutObjectZ.sqf";		//Generated on the server (|| local to unit) when gutting an object
	local_zombieDamage = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandlerZ.sqf";		//Generated by the client who created a zombie to track damage
	local_eventKill = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_eventKill.sqf";		//Generated when something is killed
	//player_weaponCheck =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_weaponCheck.sqf";	//Run by the player || server to monitor whether they have picked up a new weapon
	curTimeStr =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_curTimeStr.sqf";
	player_medBandage =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medBandaged.sqf";
	player_medInject =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medInject.sqf";
	player_medEpi =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medEpi.sqf";
	player_medTransfuse =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medTransfuse.sqf";
	player_medMorphine =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medMorphine.sqf";
	player_breaklegs =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medBreakLegs.sqf";
	player_medPainkiller =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medPainkiller.sqf";
	world_isDay = 				{if ((daytime < (24 - dayz_sunRise)) && (daytime > dayz_sunRise)) then {true} else {false}};
	player_humanityChange =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_humanityChange.sqf";
	spawn_loot =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\spawn_loot.sqf";
	spawn_loot_small = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\spawn_loot_small.sqf";
	// player_projectileNear = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_projectileNear.sqf";
	/*Build Snapping calls*/
	player_build			= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf";
	player_buildControls	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_buildControls.sqf";
	snap_object				= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\snap_object.sqf";
		private "_pos";
		_thingy = _this select 0;
		_pos = getPosASL _thingy;
		if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
			_thingy setPosASL _pos;
		} else {
			_thingy setPosATL (ASLToATL _pos);
	FNC_GetPos = {
		private "_pos";
		if (isNil {_this select 0}) exitWith {[0,0,0]};
		_thingy = _this select 0;
		_pos = getPosASL _thingy;
		if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
			_pos =  ASLToATL _pos;
	local_setFuel =	{
		_vehicle = _this select 0;
		_qty = _this select 1;
		_vehicle setFuel _qty;
	zombie_initialize = {
		private ["_unit","_position"];
		_unit = _this select 0;
		if (isServer) then {
			_unit addEventHandler ["local", {_this call zombie_findOwner}];
		_id = _unit addeventhandler["HandleDamage", { _this call local_zombieDamage }];
		_id = _unit addeventhandler["Killed", { [_this, "zombieKills"] call local_eventKill }];

	dayz_EjectPlayer = {
		// check if player in vehicle
        private ["_noDriver","_vehicle","_inVehicle"];
        _vehicle = vehicle player;
		_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
		if(_inVehicle) then {
			_noDriver = ((_vehicle emptyPositions "driver") > 0);
			if (_noDriver && (speed _vehicle) != 0) then {
				player action [ "eject", _vehicle];

	player_sumMedical = {
		_character = 	_this;
		_wounds =		[];
		if (_character getVariable["USEC_injured",false]) then {
				if (_character getVariable[_x,false]) then {
					_wounds set [count _wounds,_x];
			} count USEC_typeOfWounds;
		_legs = _character getVariable ["hit_legs",0];
		_arms = _character getVariable ["hit_arms",0];
		_medical = [
			_character getVariable["USEC_isDead",false],
			_character getVariable["NORRN_unconscious", false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_infected",false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_injured",false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_inPain",false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_isCardiac",false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_lowBlood",false],
			_character getVariable["USEC_BloodQty",12000],
			_character getVariable["unconsciousTime",0],
			_character getVariable["messing",[0,0]]

	//Server Only
	if (isServer) then {
		call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf";
	} else {
		eh_localCleanup = {};
	if (!isDedicated) then {
	player_death = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Recover_Skin\player_death.sqf"; // RECOVER SKIN CALL

initialized = true; 


I have now disabled plot poles by using the following code inside of my init.sqf file in my mission file, this works and players no longer need to place plot poles to build.

DZE_requireplot = 0;

The issue I am having is that on server restart any objects that a player places down disappears, along with plot poles that are placed down to protect their base from others building there. Safes stay there however the player can't enter their pass code and unlock the safe, leaving players unable to access/use it.


When I first created my server this all worked fine, but after installing the plot pole for life mod(s) I am now having alot of problems with objects and safes, I have uninstalled it correctly and everything should be in check. Does anyone know which files I should check and how I can possibly resolve this? Thank you.


Here is my RPT Log;

== D:\TCAFiles\Users\MathewP\26644\arma2oaserver.exe
== ARMA2OASERVER.exe  -name=VilayerDayZEpoch -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZEpochServer -config=vilayer_active_server_152036\26644_config.cfg -cfg=vilayer_active_server_152036\basic.cfg -profiles=vilayer_active_server_152036 -ip= -port=2402 -malloc=tbbmalloc_vi -exThreads=0 
Exe timestamp: 2014/07/15 21:20:21
Current time:  2014/07/28 23:51:12

Version 1.63.125548
Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice
Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice
Conflicting addon Monaro in 'holdenmonarocop\', previous definition in 'holdenmonaro\'
File nissan_350z\config.cpp, line 244: '/CfgVehicles/350zBase/Library.libTextDesc': Missing ';' prior '}'
Unsupported language English in stringtable
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</German>
		<English>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</English>
		<Italian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Italian>
		<Spanish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Spanish>
		<French>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</French>
		<Czech>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Czech>
		<Russian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Russian>
		<Polish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Polish>
		<Hungarian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Hungarian>
      <German>Compact assault rifle with silenced grenade launcher&lt'
Item STR_VIL_DN_BS1 listed twice
Item STR_AUTHOR_VILAS listed twice
Item STR_VIL_EASTERN listed twice
Item STR_VIL_WEAPONS listed twice
Item str_dss_10rnd_vss listed twice
Item str_dss_20rnd_vss listed twice
Item str_dn_20rnd_9x39_sp5_vss listed twice
Item str_dn_ak_107_gl_pso listed twice
Item str_dn_ak_107_kobra listed twice
Item str_dn_M40A3 listed twice
Item str_dn_rpk_74 listed twice
Item str_ep1_dn_fn_fal listed twice
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->Car, by holdenmonaro\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_sedan/
Updating base class ->Man, by nof_fsk\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/
Updating base class ->BulletCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/
Updating base class ->GrenadeCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/GrenadeBase/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class ->PistolCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/
Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/GrenadeLauncher/
Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/US_Patrol_Pack_EP1/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/US_Backpack_EP1/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/CZ_Backpack_EP1/
Updating base class Man->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Civilian/
Updating base class TalkTopics->TalkTopics, by bb_mercs_desert\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/TalkTopics/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Light/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier2/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_GL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Officer/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_SL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_TL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_LAT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_HAT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AA/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Medic/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AR/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_MG/
Updating base class ->USMC_SoldierS_Sniper, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS_SniperH/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierM_Marksman/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS_Engineer/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_TL/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_R/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Marksman/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Corpsman/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_AR/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_GL/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Sapper/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_AC/
Updating base class ->RU_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/RU_Soldier2/
Updating base class Soldier->MVD_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MVD_Soldier/
Updating base class ->Citizen, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1/
Updating base class ->US_Soldier_Base_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Soldier_Base_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_TL_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_AR_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Marksman_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Air_Controller_EP1/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_M2/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_TOW/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_MK19/
Updating base class Car->SkodaBase, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/car_sedan/
Updating base class ->Pickup_PK_base, by ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Pickup_PK_GUE/
Updating base class ->Offroad_DSHKM_base, by ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_DSHKM_Gue/
Updating base class ->Offroad_DSHKM_base, by ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_SPG9_Gue/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_tent/
Updating base class ->Camp_base, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACamp/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_villager1/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_worker1/
Updating base class Soldier_Crew_PMC->Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SurvivorW2_DZ/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class HouseBase->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class MeleeHatchet->MeleeWeapon, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MeleeCrowbar/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face1/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face2/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face3/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face4/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face5/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face5_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face6/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face6_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face7/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face8/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face8_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face9/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face10/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face11/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face12/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face13/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face13_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face14/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face15/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face16/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face17/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face18/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face19/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face20/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face21/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face22/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face23/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face24/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face25/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face26/
Updating base class ->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face27/
Updating base class ->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face28/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face29/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face30/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face31/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face32/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face33/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet_2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Kevlar_Helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Kevlar_Helmet_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/wdl_helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Barett/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/US_green_beret/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/US_black_beret/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Barett_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Bdu_cap/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Bdu_cap_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/b_TacticalGlasses/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/headset/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/headset_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_red/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_helmet2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_mask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_mask_v/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_v/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/skull_cap/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/skull_cap2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/taliban_hat_shadow/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/dive_mask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/BlackSun_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/RedSun_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/None_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/goggles_winter/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class Hatchet_Swing->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/crowbar_swing/
Updating base class CA_Magazine->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/Hatchet_Swing/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air2\mv22\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MV22/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air2\uh1y\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNet_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNet_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNetB_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_1L_Noentry, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Sign_1L_Noentry_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_circle, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helper_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_baf\config.bin/cfgWeapons/BAF_AS50_scoped/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M60A4_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_m145_EP1/
Updating base class ->m107, by ca\weapons_e\m107\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m107_TWS_EP1/
Updating base class ->M240, by ca\weapons_e\m240\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m240_scoped_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base_EP1, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1/
Updating base class AKS_BASE->AK_BASE, by vilas_aks_cfg\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/AKS_74_UN_kobra/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
Updating base class ->C130J_base, by ca\air_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C130J_US_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_e\ah6j\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AH6_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air_e\an2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/An2_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->CH47_base_EP1, by ca\air_e\ch47\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CH_47F_EP1/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air_e\uh1h\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Crew_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_TL_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_L_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_L_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_Officer_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_SniperH_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_SniperH_W/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_d_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Merlin_HC3_D/
Updating base class AK_BASE->AKS_BASE, by ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaks74unkobrafullysilenced\config.bin/CfgWeapons/AKS_74_UN_kobra/
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:15 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:16 Server error: Player without identity Piotr (id 611550801)
23:53:19 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
23:53:24 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
23:53:24 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:24 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
23:53:30 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
23:53:30 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
23:53:30 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.man.SecretFace_W not found
23:53:30 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.man.SecretFace_W not found
23:53:30 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.man.SecretFace_W not found
23:53:30 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.man.SecretFace_W not found
23:53:31 "DayZ Epoch: PRELOAD Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
23:53:31 "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"
23:53:31 "infiSTAR.de - Waiting for bis_fnc_init..."
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - bis_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
23:53:32 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
23:53:32 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
23:53:32 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
23:53:32 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 19072014IAHAT332E | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,125548] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: dayz_epoch_11"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _fnc_RandomGen: {
_arr = ["V","c","Y","O","4","t","F","t","4","o","z","K","C","B","0","g","M","A","u","M","o","N","4","P","5","k","9","2","I","g"];
_gen = "PV_";
for "_i" from 1 to 7 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar1: PV_N0BBM0C"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar2: PV_44P4CAO"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar3: PV_gOo9gYk"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar4: PV_oBKFP0Y"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar5: PV_zF4Y4VM"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar6: PV_uFoIMcM"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar13: PV_ugcB05g"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar19: PV_C9Yo4t4"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar26: PV_Cg9gtBg"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27: PV_cK4t4gk"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27a: PV_uco045o"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar28: PV_YzOK5ou"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - infiSTAR_DLL_PATH: "
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack LOADED!"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - CREATING AdminMenu"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - ADDING PublicVariableEventHandlers"
23:53:32 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
23:53:33 Strange convex component93 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component94 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component95 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component96 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component99 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component100 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component101 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component102 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component103 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component104 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component105 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component106 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component107 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component108 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component109 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component110 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component111 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component112 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component113 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component114 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component115 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component116 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component117 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component118 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component119 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component120 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component121 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component122 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component123 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component124 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component125 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component126 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component127 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component128 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component129 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component130 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component131 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component132 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component133 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:33 Strange convex component134 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
23:53:41 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
23:53:41 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
23:53:41 UH1Wreck_DZ: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
23:53:42 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangar,
23:53:42 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangar,
23:53:42 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198115990538   _name: Piotr"
23:53:42 "infiSTAR.de - Player-Log: Piotr(76561198115990538) - 0h 00min"
23:53:43 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid:    _name: __SERVER__"
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:43 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:44 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:45 BIKE: loading version 2.5.1 ...
23:53:45 BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list...
23:53:45 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
23:53:45 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:45 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:45 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:45 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:46 Error in expression <setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
marker1 = _KamenkaMine;

_marker2 = createMarker [>
23:53:46   Error position: <_KamenkaMine;

_marker2 = createMarker [>
23:53:46   Error Undefined variable in expression: _kamenkamine
23:53:46 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\custom\custom_markers.sqf, line 5
23:53:46 No speaker given for Christian Jones
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.FoodCanDerpy'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine FoodCanDerpy with scope=private
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:46 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
23:53:46 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
23:53:47 "HIVE: Starting"
23:53:47 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:47 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangaar,
23:53:47 "HIVE: found 324 objects"
23:53:47 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
23:53:51 "HIVE: got 10 Epoch Objects and 314 Vehicles"
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:57 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:59 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack2/
23:53:59 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:59 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:59 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:53:59 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:54:00 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:54:00 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:54:00 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:54:00 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
23:54:01 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack1/
23:54:02 "[denmark Pack] Skalisty Island loaded"
23:54:03 Error in expression <73 = objNull; 
if (true) then
_this = _group_1 createUnit ["frb_stealth_tl", [>
23:54:03   Error position: <_group_1 createUnit ["frb_stealth_tl", [>
23:54:03   Error setdir: Undefined variable in expression: _group_1
23:54:03 File z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf, line 1848
23:54:04 Error in expression <01.nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
23:54:04   Error position: <nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
23:54:04   Error Missing ;
23:54:04 Error in expression <01.nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
23:54:04   Error position: <nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
23:54:04   Error Missing ;
23:54:09 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret
23:54:09 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun
23:54:11 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret
23:54:11 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r1' for 'door_r1'
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r2' for 'door_r2'
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l1' for 'door_l1'
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l2' for 'door_l2'
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kapota' for 'kapota'
23:54:12 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kufr' for 'kufr'
23:54:14 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
23:54:14 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 500"
23:54:14 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
23:54:14 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
23:54:14 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
23:54:20 "DEBUG: Too many at [4086.9,10787.3]"
23:54:22 "DEBUG: Too many at [4586.35,2536.59]"
23:54:25 "DEBUG VEIN: Too many objects at [4180.51,11774.3]"
23:54:36 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
23:54:38 Server: Object 3:18 not found (message 70)
23:54:38 SetFace error: class CfgFaces.Man.SecretFace_W not found
23:54:38 Error: Error during SetFace - class CfgFaces.Man.SecretFace_W not found
23:54:38 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,22,54]"
23:54:42 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
23:54:47 Strange convex component01 in rh_m14\rh_m1saim.p3d:geometry
23:54:47 Strange convex component07 in rh_m14\rh_m1saim.p3d:geometry
23:54:47 Strange convex component12 in rh_m14\rh_m1saim.p3d:geometry
23:54:49 "infiSTAR.de Log: Piotr(76561198115990538) -    Left SafeZone @046055"
23:54:59 "WAI: Mission Config File Loaded"
23:55:05 "WAI: Starting AI Missions Moniter"
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: WickedAI Found! Using WickedAI's Relations!"
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: chernarus Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
23:55:33 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
23:55:39 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
23:55:39 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
23:55:43 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
23:55:45 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6556.06,14200.9,0.00152588]"
23:55:46 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6587.41,14184.3,0.00149536]"
23:55:46 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6594.51,14225.3,0.00140381]"
23:55:47 "WAI: Spawned a group of 10 Bandits at [6612.52,14203.3,0.00158691]"
23:55:48 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6683.66,14206.3,0.00158691]"
23:55:48 "WAI: Spawned a group of 1 Bandits at [6722.66,14206.9,0.000549316]"
23:55:50 "WAI: Spawned a group of 6 Bandits at [6633.98,14179,0.00149536]"
23:55:51 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6518.82,14290.6,0.00131226]"
23:55:51 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6615.67,14324.3,0.00158691]"
23:55:51 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6656.63,14295.8,0.00146484]"
23:55:52 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6684.53,14274.9,0.00149536]"
23:55:52 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6789.46,14218.1,0.00161743]"
23:55:54 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6744.1,14134.6,0.00131226]"
23:55:55 "WAI: Spawned a group of 5 Bandits at [6638.74,14184.7,0.00134277]"
23:55:56 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6475.72,14296.8,0.00125122]"
23:55:56 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8119.71,13652.1,0.00131226]"
23:55:56 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8102.91,13691.5,0.00140381]"
23:55:57 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8071.35,13701.5,0.00140381]"
23:55:58 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8069.46,13646.5,0.00161743]"
23:55:58 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8115.09,13601.2,0.00137329]"
23:55:59 "WAI: Spawned a group of 5 Bandits at [8083.08,13561.1,0.0015564]"
23:55:59 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8089.04,13500,0.00137329]"
23:55:59 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8114.57,13477.7,0.00143433]"
23:56:00 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8078.85,13472.7,0.00128174]"
23:56:00 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8078.85,13472.7,0.00128174]"
23:56:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8050.68,13521.7,0.00125122]"
23:56:01 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8034.15,13598.6,0.0012207]"
23:56:02 "WAI: Spawned a group of 6 Bandits at [7981.1,13669.4,0.00152588]"
23:56:02 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [7972.16,13595.4,0.00115967]"
23:56:02 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
23:56:02 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
23:56:03 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
23:56:03 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
23:56:03 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
23:56:08 "WAI: Starting Mission Ural"
23:56:08 "WAI: Ural Attack Mission Started At [4992.36,4396.18]"
23:56:08 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [4992.36,4396.18,0]"
23:56:08 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [4992.36,4396.18,0]"
23:56:09 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [4992.36,4396.18,0]"
23:56:09 "WAI: Sapwned in 2 M2StaticMG"
23:56:51 "116 Active ground units"
23:56:51 "5 Active emplacement units"
23:56:51 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
23:56:51 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 0:00:07 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2014,7,28,23,0]"
 0:00:24 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM12."
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 0:00:27 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 0:00:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 0:00:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95


Everything inside of my server_functions.sqf file seems fine too and is pointing to the default directories, i'm puzzled and can't figure out what the problem is here...

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25 answers to this question

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Do you use WAI?

I do, but it was working fine alongside that. Problems only started to occur after I installed Plot Pole for life. That's all be uninstalled though and everything is set to how it was before.

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If you do try removing it and trying i had a problem with my safes gear not saving because of this. Also when people would place something it would disappear.

Good Luck


I will disable it now and let you know if it is related to my problem or not

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I have discovered that safes do save inside of the database however plot poles and other building items are not getting written to it, this is why they are not appearing on server restart. This is my RPT log;

Version 1.63.125548
Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice
Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice
Conflicting addon Monaro in 'holdenmonarocop\', previous definition in 'holdenmonaro\'
File nissan_350z\config.cpp, line 244: '/CfgVehicles/350zBase/Library.libTextDesc': Missing ';' prior '}'
Unsupported language English in stringtable
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</German>
		<English>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</English>
		<Italian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Italian>
		<Spanish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Spanish>
		<French>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</French>
		<Czech>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Czech>
		<Russian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Russian>
		<Polish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Polish>
		<Hungarian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Hungarian>
      <German>Compact assault rifle with silenced grenade launcher&lt'
Item STR_VIL_DN_BS1 listed twice
Item STR_AUTHOR_VILAS listed twice
Item STR_VIL_EASTERN listed twice
Item STR_VIL_WEAPONS listed twice
Item str_dss_10rnd_vss listed twice
Item str_dss_20rnd_vss listed twice
Item str_dn_20rnd_9x39_sp5_vss listed twice
Item str_dn_ak_107_gl_pso listed twice
Item str_dn_ak_107_kobra listed twice
Item str_dn_M40A3 listed twice
Item str_dn_rpk_74 listed twice
Item str_ep1_dn_fn_fal listed twice
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by Ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->Car, by holdenmonaro\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_sedan/
Updating base class ->Man, by nof_fsk\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/
Updating base class ->BulletCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/
Updating base class ->GrenadeCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/GrenadeBase/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class ->PistolCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/
Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/GrenadeLauncher/
Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->Default, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/US_Patrol_Pack_EP1/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/US_Backpack_EP1/
Updating base class ->Bag_Base_EP1, by ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\config.bin/cfgVehicles/CZ_Backpack_EP1/
Updating base class Man->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Civilian/
Updating base class TalkTopics->TalkTopics, by bb_mercs_desert\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/TalkTopics/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Light/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier2/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_GL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Officer/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_SL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_TL/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_LAT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_HAT/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_AT_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AA/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_Medic/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_AR/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_Soldier_MG/
Updating base class ->USMC_SoldierS_Sniper, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS_SniperH/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierM_Marksman/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS/
Updating base class ->USMC_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_SoldierS_Engineer/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_TL/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_R/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Marksman/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Corpsman/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_AR/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_GL/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_Sapper/
Updating base class ->FR_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FR_AC/
Updating base class ->RU_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/RU_Soldier2/
Updating base class Soldier->MVD_Soldier_Base, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MVD_Soldier/
Updating base class ->Citizen, by ca\characters2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1/
Updating base class ->US_Soldier_Base_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Soldier_Base_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_TL_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_AR_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Marksman_EP1/
Updating base class ->US_Delta_Force_EP1, by ca\characters_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/US_Delta_Force_Air_Controller_EP1/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_M2/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_TOW/
Updating base class ->HMMWV_Base, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV_MK19/
Updating base class Car->SkodaBase, by ca\wheeled\config.bin/CfgVehicles/car_sedan/
Updating base class ->Pickup_PK_base, by ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Pickup_PK_GUE/
Updating base class ->Offroad_DSHKM_base, by ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_DSHKM_Gue/
Updating base class ->Offroad_DSHKM_base, by ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_SPG9_Gue/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire/
Updating base class ->House, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_tent/
Updating base class ->Camp_base, by ca\misc3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACamp/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_villager1/
Updating base class zZombie_Base->zZombie_new_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/z_worker1/
Updating base class Soldier_Crew_PMC->Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SurvivorW2_DZ/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class HouseBase->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class MeleeHatchet->MeleeWeapon, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MeleeCrowbar/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face1/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face2/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face3/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face4/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face5/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face5_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face6/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face6_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face7/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face8/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face8_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face9/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face10/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face11/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face12/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face13/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face13_camo/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face14/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face15/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face16/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face17/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face18/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face19/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face20/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face21/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face22/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face23/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face24/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face25/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face26/
Updating base class ->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face27/
Updating base class ->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face28/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face29/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face30/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face31/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face32/
Updating base class Default->OW_Nope, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgFaces/Man/Merc_Face33/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Pro_Helmet_2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Kevlar_Helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Kevlar_Helmet_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/wdl_helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Barett/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/US_green_beret/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/US_black_beret/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Barett_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Bdu_cap/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/Bdu_cap_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/b_TacticalGlasses/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/headset/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/headset_g/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_helmet/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_red/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/gasmask_helmet2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_mask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_mask_v/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/pilot_v/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/skull_cap/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/skull_cap2/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/taliban_hat_shadow/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/dive_mask/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/BlackSun_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/RedSun_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/None_sof_w/
Updating base class ->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgGlasses/goggles_winter/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class Hatchet_Swing->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/crowbar_swing/
Updating base class CA_Magazine->Melee_Swing, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/Hatchet_Swing/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air2\mv22\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MV22/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air2\uh1y\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNet_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNet_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Land_CamoNetB_EAST, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_1L_Noentry, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Sign_1L_Noentry_EP1/
Updating base class ->Sign_circle, by ca\misc_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helper_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_baf\config.bin/cfgWeapons/BAF_AS50_scoped/
Updating base class ->Rifle, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M60A4_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_EP1/
Updating base class ->M249, by ca\weapons_e\config.bin/cfgWeapons/M249_m145_EP1/
Updating base class ->m107, by ca\weapons_e\m107\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m107_TWS_EP1/
Updating base class ->M240, by ca\weapons_e\m240\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m240_scoped_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->V3S_Base_EP1, by ca\wheeled_e\v3s\config.bin/CfgVehicles/V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1/
Updating base class AKS_BASE->AK_BASE, by vilas_aks_cfg\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/AKS_74_UN_kobra/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
Updating base class ->C130J_base, by ca\air_e\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C130J_US_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_e\ah6j\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AH6_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->Plane, by ca\air_e\an2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/An2_Base_EP1/
Updating base class ->CH47_base_EP1, by ca\air_e\ch47\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CH_47F_EP1/
Updating base class ViewOptics->, by ca\air_e\uh1h\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Crew_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_TL_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_M4_PMC/
Updating base class ->Soldier_Base_PMC, by ca\characters_pmc\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_L_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_L_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_Officer_W/
Updating base class ->BAF_Soldier_SniperH_MTP, by ca\characters_w_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Soldier_SniperH_W/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_UN_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113Ambul_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113Ambul_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->M113_Base, by ca\tracked_e\m113\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M113_TK_EP1/
Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air_d_baf\config.bin/CfgVehicles/BAF_Merlin_HC3_D/
Updating base class AK_BASE->AKS_BASE, by ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaks74unkobrafullysilenced\config.bin/CfgWeapons/AKS_74_UN_kobra/
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:23 Server error: Player without identity Rotzloch (id 853936979)
 2:08:26 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
 2:08:31 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
 2:08:31 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:31 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:37 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
 2:08:37 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
 2:08:37 "DayZ Epoch: PRELOAD Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
 2:08:37 "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - Waiting for bis_fnc_init..."
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - bis_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
 2:08:38 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
 2:08:38 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
 2:08:38 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
 2:08:38 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 19072014IAHAT332E | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,125548] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: dayz_epoch_11"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _fnc_RandomGen: {
_arr = ["V","c","Y","O","4","t","F","t","4","o","z","K","C","B","0","g","M","A","u","M","o","N","4","P","5","k","9","2","I","g"];
_gen = "PV_";
for "_i" from 1 to 7 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar1: PV_05M4MBB"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar2: PV_Og9INo5"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar3: PV_tY4OcAN"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar4: PV_u90zctB"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar5: PV_oICKKVP"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar6: PV_OB2o402"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar13: PV_44I9VIP"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar19: PV_u9NFcku"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar26: PV_c4zozM2"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27: PV_uFuu0tz"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27a: PV_2M9tYMY"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar28: PV_gMocYYu"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - infiSTAR_DLL_PATH: "
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack LOADED!"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - CREATING AdminMenu"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - ADDING PublicVariableEventHandlers"
 2:08:38 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
 2:08:40 Strange convex component93 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component94 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component95 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component96 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component99 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component100 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component101 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component102 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component103 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component104 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component105 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component106 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component107 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component108 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component109 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component110 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component111 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component112 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component113 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component114 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component115 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component116 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component117 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component118 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component119 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component120 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component121 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component122 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component123 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component124 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component125 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component126 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component127 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component128 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component129 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component130 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component131 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component132 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component133 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:40 Strange convex component134 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
 2:08:49 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:49 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:49 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:49 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:49 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangar,
 2:08:49 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangar,
 2:08:50 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
 2:08:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
 2:08:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
 2:08:52 BIKE: loading version 2.5.1 ...
 2:08:52 BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list...
 2:08:52 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\structures\ruins\glass_cullet_01.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:52 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:08:53 Error in expression <setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
marker1 = _KamenkaMine;

_marker2 = createMarker [>
 2:08:53   Error position: <_KamenkaMine;

_marker2 = createMarker [>
 2:08:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: _kamenkamine
 2:08:53 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\custom\custom_markers.sqf, line 5
 2:08:53 No speaker given for Edgar Taylor
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.FoodCanDerpy'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine FoodCanDerpy with scope=private
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:53 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
 2:08:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:08:54 "HIVE: Starting"
 2:08:54 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
 2:08:54 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_SS_ hangaar,
 2:08:54 "HIVE: found 324 objects"
 2:08:54 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
 2:08:57 "HIVE: got 10 Epoch Objects and 314 Vehicles"
 2:09:00 "infiSTAR.de - Player-Log: Rotzloch(76561197969290367) - 0h 08min"
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:02 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:03 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:03 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:04 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack2/
 2:09:04 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:04 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:04 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:04 ca\misc\pallets_column.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:05 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:05 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:05 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:05 ca\misc\sphere2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
 2:09:06 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack1/
 2:09:06 "[denmark Pack] Skalisty Island loaded"
 2:09:11 Error in expression <01.nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
 2:09:11   Error position: <nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
 2:09:11   Error Missing ;
 2:09:11 Error in expression <01.nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
 2:09:11   Error position: <nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>
 2:09:11   Error Missing ;
 2:09:11 Error in expression <73 = objNull; 
if (true) then
_this = _group_1 createUnit ["frb_stealth_tl", [>
 2:09:11   Error position: <_group_1 createUnit ["frb_stealth_tl", [>
 2:09:11   Error setdir: Undefined variable in expression: _group_1
 2:09:11 File z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf, line 1848
 2:09:15 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret
 2:09:15 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun
 2:09:17 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret
 2:09:17 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r1' for 'door_r1'
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r2' for 'door_r2'
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l1' for 'door_l1'
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l2' for 'door_l2'
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kapota' for 'kapota'
 2:09:18 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kufr' for 'kufr'
 2:09:20 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
 2:09:20 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 500"
 2:09:20 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
 2:09:20 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
 2:09:21 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
 2:09:22 "DEBUG: Too many at [11917.1,5748.4]"
 2:09:27 "DEBUG: Too many at [4451.59,10786.8]"
 2:09:31 "DEBUG VEIN: Too many objects at [3904.34,9809.39]"
 2:09:37 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,9]"
 2:09:49 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
 2:09:54 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
 2:09:55 "infiSTAR.de Log: Rotzloch(76561197969290367) -    Left SafeZone @027134"
 2:10:00 "WAI: Mission Config File Loaded"
 2:10:06 "WAI: Starting AI Missions Moniter"
 2:10:31 "get: STRING (76561197969290367), sent: STRING (76561197969290367)"
 2:10:31 "DISCONNECT: Rotzloch (76561197969290367) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Rotzloch) REMOTE, _characterID: 211 at loc [2727.9,1952,0.00115538]"
 2:10:31 Client: Remote object 3:17 not found
 2:10:32 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:16 not found
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: WickedAI Found! Using WickedAI's Relations!"
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: chernarus Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
 2:10:35 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
 2:10:39 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
 2:10:41 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
 2:10:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
 2:10:42 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6556.06,14200.9,0.00152588]"
 2:10:42 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6587.41,14184.3,0.00149536]"
 2:10:43 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6594.51,14225.3,0.00140381]"
 2:10:44 "WAI: Spawned a group of 10 Bandits at [6612.52,14203.3,0.00158691]"
 2:10:45 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6683.66,14206.3,0.00158691]"
 2:10:45 "WAI: Spawned a group of 1 Bandits at [6722.66,14206.9,0.000549316]"
 2:10:46 "WAI: Spawned a group of 6 Bandits at [6633.98,14179,0.00149536]"
 2:10:46 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6518.82,14290.6,0.00131226]"
 2:10:47 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [6615.67,14324.3,0.00158691]"
 2:10:47 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6656.63,14295.8,0.00146484]"
 2:10:47 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [6684.53,14274.9,0.00149536]"
 2:10:48 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6789.46,14218.1,0.00161743]"
 2:10:48 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6744.1,14134.6,0.00131226]"
 2:10:49 "WAI: Spawned a group of 5 Bandits at [6638.74,14184.7,0.00134277]"
 2:10:49 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [6475.72,14296.8,0.00125122]"
 2:10:50 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8119.71,13652.1,0.00131226]"
 2:10:50 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8102.91,13691.5,0.00140381]"
 2:10:50 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8071.35,13701.5,0.00140381]"
 2:10:51 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8069.46,13646.5,0.00161743]"
 2:10:51 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8115.09,13601.2,0.00137329]"
 2:10:52 "WAI: Spawned a group of 5 Bandits at [8083.08,13561.1,0.0015564]"
 2:10:52 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8089.04,13500,0.00137329]"
 2:10:53 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [8114.57,13477.7,0.00143433]"
 2:10:53 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8078.85,13472.7,0.00128174]"
 2:10:53 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8078.85,13472.7,0.00128174]"
 2:10:54 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [8050.68,13521.7,0.00125122]"
 2:10:54 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [8034.15,13598.6,0.0012207]"
 2:10:54 "WAI: Spawned a group of 6 Bandits at [7981.1,13669.4,0.00152588]"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 Bandits at [7972.16,13595.4,0.00115967]"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
 2:10:55 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
 2:11:56 "104 Active ground units"
 2:11:56 "3 Active emplacement units"
 2:11:56 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 2:11:56 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 2:15:07 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2014,7,29,1,15]"
 2:17:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,17]"
 2:21:57 "104 Active ground units"
 2:21:57 "3 Active emplacement units"
 2:21:57 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 2:21:57 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 2:22:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,22]"
 2:25:21 "[DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM11."
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:24 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:24 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:25:25 Error in expression < {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps3;};
_weapon = _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:25   Error position: <_aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aiweapon
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 194
 2:25:25 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:25 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:25 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:25 Error in expression <dMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:25   Error position: <_weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:25   Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
 2:25:25 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 73
 2:25:26 Error in expression < {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps3;};
_weapon = _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aiweapon
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 194
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <dMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:26   Error position: <_weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 73
 2:25:26 Error in expression < {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps3;};
_weapon = _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aiweapon
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 194
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <"_i" from 1 to 3 do {
_unit addMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error position: <_magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 71
 2:25:26 Error in expression <dMagazine _magazine;
_unit addWeapon _weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:26   Error position: <_weapon;
_unit selectWeapon _weapon;

 2:25:26   Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
 2:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 73
 2:27:43 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 1"
 2:27:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,27]"
 2:30:09 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2014,7,29,1,30]"
 2:30:10 Strange convex component01 in rh_m14\rh_sc2acog.p3d:geometry
 2:30:10 Strange convex component07 in rh_m14\rh_sc2acog.p3d:geometry
 2:30:10 Strange convex component12 in rh_m14\rh_sc2acog.p3d:geometry
 2:31:57 "104 Active ground units"
 2:31:57 "3 Active emplacement units"
 2:31:57 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 2:31:57 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 2:32:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,32]"
 2:33:46 "CLEANUP: Deleted 22 Loot Piles out of 36"
 2:36:27 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM3."
 2:36:33 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:33 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:33 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:38 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:38 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:38 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:38 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:38 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:38   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:38 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:43 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:43 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:43 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:43 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:43 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:43 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:48 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:48 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:36:48 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 2:36:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 2:36:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 95
 2:37:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,37]"
 2:41:57 "104 Active ground units"
 2:41:57 "3 Active emplacement units"
 2:41:57 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 2:41:57 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 2:42:43 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 1"
 2:42:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,42]"
 2:47:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,47]"
 2:51:57 "104 Active ground units"
 2:51:57 "3 Active emplacement units"
 2:51:57 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 2:51:57 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 2:52:43 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,52]"
 2:55:25 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198078660616   _name: Link"
 2:55:25 "infiSTAR.de - Player-Log: Link(76561198078660616) - 0h 54min | ******ADMIN******"
 2:55:45 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [1234,B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"76561198078660616"]"
 2:55:45 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE"
 2:55:45 "infiSTAR.de ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: Link(76561198078660616)"
 2:55:46 "infiSTAR.de Log: Link(76561198078660616) -    Left SafeZone @045056"
 2:55:53 Strange convex component01 in rh_m14\rh_m1s.p3d:geometry
 2:55:53 Strange convex component07 in rh_m14\rh_m1s.p3d:geometry
 2:55:53 Strange convex component08 in rh_m14\rh_m1s.p3d:geometry
 2:55:53 Strange convex component12 in rh_m14\rh_m1s.p3d:geometry
 2:55:55 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link No Zed Aggro - On"]"
 2:55:55 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link - No PlotPole - ON"]"
 2:55:56 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link - No PlotPole - OFF"]"
 2:55:57 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link G_o_d ON"]"
 2:55:59 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link adminammo_recoil ON"]"
 2:56:02 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [9006,B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE]"
 2:56:02 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE"
 2:56:02 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (Link) REMOTE,"Link - LARGE SUPPLY PACKAGE @045056"]"
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemWoodenLadder'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine ItemWoodenLadder with scope=private
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemWoodenStairs'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine ItemWoodenStairs with scope=private
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:02 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
 2:56:02 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
 2:56:11 "WAI: Starting Mission weapon_cache"
 2:56:11 "WAI: Mission Weapon Cache Started At [5090.61,7096.2]"
 2:56:11 "WAI: Spawned a group of 6 Bandits at [5090.61,7096.2,0]"
 2:56:11 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [5090.61,7096.2,0]"
 2:56:12 "WAI: Sapwned in 2 M2StaticMG"
 2:56:50 "CLEANUP: Deleted 5 Loot Piles out of 68"
 2:57:31 Server: Object 4:138 not found (message 94)
 2:57:43 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 1"
 2:57:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,1,57]"
 3:00:04 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2014,7,29,2,0]"
 3:00:04 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
 3:00:04 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
 3:00:04 UH60Wreck_DZ: MachineGun_1 - unknown animation source Gatling_1
 3:00:04 Strange convex component01 in rh_m14\rh_sc2sp.p3d:geometry
 3:00:04 Strange convex component07 in rh_m14\rh_sc2sp.p3d:geometry
 3:00:04 Strange convex component08 in rh_m14\rh_sc2sp.p3d:geometry
 3:00:04 Strange convex component12 in rh_m14\rh_sc2sp.p3d:geometry
 3:01:58 "114 Active ground units"
 3:01:58 "5 Active emplacement units"
 3:01:58 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 3:01:58 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 3:02:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,2,2]"
 3:07:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,2,7]"
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone leftshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:10:44 Error: Bone rightshoulder doesn't exist in some skeleton 
 3:11:58 "114 Active ground units"
 3:11:58 "5 Active emplacement units"
 3:11:58 "12 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
 3:11:58 "8 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
 3:12:44 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 3"
 3:12:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,2,12]"
 3:15:07 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2014,7,29,2,15]"
 3:16:51 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Loot Piles out of 76"

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Ok what have you done to your functions? i would check that over because if it wont write to the data base thats something with your server functions. Is the 10 epoch items safes?

I have been spawning in lots of safes to test to see if they save and they do, here is my server_functions.sql file. I may have changed it at some point, although im not sure.


[] spawn {[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\AH.sqf";};

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = {
	if ((_this select 1) select 2 == "JIPrequest") then {
		[nil,(_this select 1) select 0,"loc",rJIPEXEC,[any,any,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"]] call RE;

BIS_Effects_Burn =				{};
server_playerLogin =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf";
server_playerSetup =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf";
server_onPlayerDisconnect = 	compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf";
server_updateObject =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf";
server_playerDied =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDied.sqf";
server_publishObj = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishObject.sqf";
server_deleteObj =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf";
server_swapObject =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_swapObject.sqf"; 
server_publishVeh = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle.sqf";
server_publishVeh2 = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle2.sqf";
server_publishVeh3 = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle3.sqf";
server_tradeObj = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_tradeObject.sqf";
server_traders = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_traders.sqf";
server_playerSync =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf";
server_spawnCrashSite  =    	compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";
server_spawnEvents =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnEvent.sqf";
//server_weather =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_weather.sqf";
fnc_plyrHit   =					compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_plyrHit.sqf";
server_deaths = 				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDeaths.sqf";
server_maintainArea = 			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_maintainArea.sqf";

/* PVS/PVC - Skaronator */
server_sendToClient =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_sendToClient.sqf";

//onPlayerConnected 			{[_uid,_name] call server_onPlayerConnect;};
onPlayerDisconnected 		{[_uid,_name] call server_onPlayerDisconnect;};

server_updateNearbyObjects = {
	_pos = _this select 0;
		[_x, "gear"] call server_updateObject;
	} count nearestObjects [_pos, dayz_updateObjects, 10];

server_handleZedSpawn = {
	_zed = _this select 0;
	_zed enableSimulation false;

zombie_findOwner = {
	_unit = _this select 0;
	diag_log ("CLEANUP: DELETE UNCONTROLLED ZOMBIE: " + (typeOf _unit) + " OF: " + str(_unit) );
	deleteVehicle _unit;

vehicle_handleInteract = {
	_object = _this select 0;
	needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_object];
	[_object, "all"] call server_updateObject;

array_reduceSizeReverse = {
	_array = _this select 0;
	_newarray = [];
	_count = _this select 1;
	_num = count _array;
	if (_num > _count) then {
		_startnum = _num - 1;
		_index = _count - 1;
		for "_i" from 0 to _index do {
			_newarray set [(_index-_i),_array select (_startnum - _i)];
		_array = _newarray;

array_reduceSize = {
	private ["_array1","_array","_count","_num"];
	_array1 = _this select 0;
	_array = _array1 - ["Hatchet_Swing","Machete_Swing","Fishing_Swing","sledge_swing","crowbar_swing","CSGAS"];
	_count = _this select 1;
	_num = count _array;
	if (_num > _count) then {
		_array resize _count;

object_handleServerKilled = {
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_killer = _this select 1;
	_objectID =	 _unit getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
	_objectUID = _unit getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];
	[_objectID,_objectUID,_killer] call server_deleteObj;
	_unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPKilled";
	_unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
	_unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
	_unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
	_unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";

check_publishobject = {

	_object = _this select 0;
	_playername = _this select 1;
	_allowed = false;

	if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) then {
			//diag_log format ["DEBUG: Object: %1 published by %2 is Safe",_object, _playername];
			_allowed = true;

//event Handlers
eh_localCleanup = {
	private ["_object"];
	_object = _this select 0;
	_object addEventHandler ["local", {
		if(_this select 1) then {
			_unit = _this select 0;
			_type = typeOf _unit;
			 _myGroupUnit = group _unit;
 			_unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
 			_unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
 			_unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
 			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
			_unit removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
			clearVehicleInit _unit;
			deleteVehicle _unit;
			if ((count (units _myGroupUnit) == 0) && (_myGroupUnit != grpNull)) then {
				deleteGroup _myGroupUnit;
			//_unit = nil;
			// diag_log ("CLEANUP: DELETED A " + str(_type) );

server_hiveWrite = {
	_data = "HiveExt" callExtension _this;

server_hiveReadWrite = {
	_key = _this;
	_data = "HiveExt" callExtension _key;
	_resultArray = call compile format ["%1",_data];

server_hiveReadWriteLarge = {
	_key = _this;
	_data = "HiveExt" callExtension _key;
	_resultArray = call compile _data;

server_checkIfTowed = {
	private ["_vehicle","_player","_attached"];
	if (DZE_HeliLift) then {
		_vehicle = 	_this select 0;
		_player = 	_this select 2;
		_attached = _vehicle getVariable["attached",false];
		if (typeName _attached == "OBJECT") then {
			_player action ["eject", _vehicle];
			detach _vehicle;
			_vehicle setVariable["attached",false,true];
			_attached setVariable["hasAttached",false,true];

server_characterSync = {
	private ["_characterID","_playerPos","_playerGear","_playerBackp","_medical","_currentState","_currentModel","_key"];
	_characterID = 	_this select 0;	
	_playerPos =	_this select 1;
	_playerGear =	_this select 2;
	_playerBackp =	_this select 3;
	_medical = 		_this select 4;
	_currentState =	_this select 5;
	_currentModel = _this select 6;
	_key = format["CHILD:201:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:",_characterID,_playerPos,_playerGear,_playerBackp,_medical,false,false,0,0,0,0,_currentState,0,0,_currentModel,0];
	_key call server_hiveWrite;

if(isnil "dayz_MapArea") then {
	dayz_MapArea = 10000;
if(isnil "DynamicVehicleArea") then {
	DynamicVehicleArea = dayz_MapArea / 2;

// Get all buildings && roads only once TODO: set variables to nil after done if nessicary 
MarkerPosition = getMarkerPos "center";
RoadList = MarkerPosition nearRoads DynamicVehicleArea;

// Very taxing !!! but only on first startup
BuildingList = [];
	if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
		if (isClass (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> (typeOf _x))) then
				BuildingList set [count BuildingList,_x];
	} else {
		if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> (typeOf _x))) then
			BuildingList set [count BuildingList,_x];
} count (MarkerPosition nearObjects ["building",DynamicVehicleArea]);

spawn_vehicles = {
	private ["_random","_lastIndex","_weights","_index","_vehicle","_velimit","_qty","_isAir","_isShip","_position","_dir","_istoomany","_veh","_objPosition","_marker","_iClass","_itemTypes","_cntWeights","_itemType","_num","_allCfgLoots"];
	if (!isDedicated) exitWith { }; //Be sure the run this

	while {count AllowedVehiclesList > 0} do {
		// BIS_fnc_selectRandom replaced because the index may be needed to remove the element
		_index = floor random count AllowedVehiclesList;
		_random = AllowedVehiclesList select _index;

		_vehicle = _random select 0;
		_velimit = _random select 1;

		_qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;

		// If under limit allow to proceed
		if (_qty <= _velimit) exitWith {};

		// vehicle limit reached, remove vehicle from list
		// since elements cannot be removed from an array, overwrite it with the last element && cut the last element of (as long as order is not important)
		_lastIndex = (count AllowedVehiclesList) - 1;
		if (_lastIndex != _index) then {
			AllowedVehiclesList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
		AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;

	if (count AllowedVehiclesList == 0) then {
		diag_log("DEBUG: unable to find suitable vehicle to spawn");
	} else {

		// add vehicle to counter for next pass
		serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_vehicle];
		// Find Vehicle Type to better control spawns
		_isAir = _vehicle isKindOf "Air";
		_isShip = _vehicle isKindOf "Ship";
		if(_isShip || _isAir) then {
			if(_isShip) then {
				// Spawn anywhere on coast on water
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
				_position = [MarkerPosition,0,DynamicVehicleArea,10,1,2000,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning boat near coast " + str(_position));
			} else {
				// Spawn air anywhere that is flat
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
				_position = [MarkerPosition,0,DynamicVehicleArea,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning air anywhere flat " + str(_position));
		} else {
			// Spawn around buildings && 50% near roads
			if((random 1) > 0.5) then {
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
				_position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
				_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
				_position = [_position,0,10,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning near road " + str(_position));
			} else {
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
				_position = BuildingList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
				_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
				waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
				_position = [_position,0,40,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawning around buildings " + str(_position));
		// only proceed if two params otherwise BIS_fnc_findSafePos failed && may spawn in air
		if ((count _position) == 2) then { 
			_dir = round(random 180);
			_istoomany = _position nearObjects ["AllVehicles",50];
			if((count _istoomany) > 0) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG: Too many vehicles at " + str(_position)); };
			//place vehicle 
			_veh = createVehicle [_vehicle, _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_veh setdir _dir;
			_veh setpos _position;		
			if(DZEdebug) then {
				_marker = createMarker [str(_position) , _position];
				_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
				_marker setMarkerType "DOT";
				_marker setMarkerText _vehicle;
			// Get position with ground
			_objPosition = getPosATL _veh;
			clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _veh;
			clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _veh;
			// _veh setVehicleAmmo DZE_vehicleAmmo;

			// Add 0-3 loots to vehicle using random cfgloots 
			_num = floor(random 4);
			_allCfgLoots = ["trash","civilian","food","generic","medical","military","policeman","hunter","worker","clothes","militaryclothes","specialclothes","trash"];
			for "_x" from 1 to _num do {
				_iClass = _allCfgLoots call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

				_itemTypes = [];
				if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then{
						_itemTypes set[count _itemTypes, _x select 0]
					} count getArray(missionConfigFile >> "cfgLoot" >> _iClass);
				else {
						_itemTypes set[count _itemTypes, _x select 0]
					} count getArray(configFile >> "cfgLoot" >> _iClass);

				_index = dayz_CLBase find _iClass;
				_weights = dayz_CLChances select _index;
				_cntWeights = count _weights;
				_index = floor(random _cntWeights);
				_index = _weights select _index;
				_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
				_veh addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemType,1];
				//diag_log("DEBUG: spawed loot inside vehicle " + str(_itemType));

			[_veh,[_dir,_objPosition],_vehicle,true,"0"] call server_publishVeh;

spawn_ammosupply = {
	private ["_position","_veh","_istoomany","_marker","_spawnveh","_WreckList"];
	if (isDedicated) then {
		_WreckList = ["Supply_Crate_DZE"];
		waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
		_position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
		_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
		waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
		_position = [_position,5,20,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
		if ((count _position) == 2) then {

			_istoomany = _position nearObjects ["All",5];
			if((count _istoomany) > 0) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG VEIN: Too many at " + str(_position)); };
			_spawnveh = _WreckList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			if(DZEdebug) then {
				_marker = createMarker [str(_position) , _position];
				_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
				_marker setMarkerType "DOT";
				_marker setMarkerText str(_spawnveh);
			_veh = createVehicle [_spawnveh,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_veh enableSimulation false;
			_veh setDir round(random 360);
			_veh setpos _position;
			_veh setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];

DZE_LocalRoadBlocks = [];

spawn_roadblocks = {
	private ["_position","_veh","_istoomany","_marker","_spawnveh","_WreckList"];
	_WreckList = ["SKODAWreck","HMMWVWreck","UralWreck","datsun01Wreck","hiluxWreck","datsun02Wreck","UAZWreck","Land_Misc_Garb_Heap_EP1","Fort_Barricade_EP1","Rubbish2"];
	waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
	if (isDedicated) then {
		_position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
		_position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0];
		waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"};
		_position = [_position,0,10,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
		if ((count _position) == 2) then {
			// Get position with ground
			_istoomany = _position nearObjects ["All",5];
			if((count _istoomany) > 0) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG: Too many at " + str(_position)); };
			waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom"};
			_spawnveh = _WreckList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			if(DZEdebug) then {
				_marker = createMarker [str(_position) , _position];
				_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
				_marker setMarkerType "DOT";
				_marker setMarkerText str(_spawnveh);

			_veh = createVehicle [_spawnveh,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_veh enableSimulation false;

			_veh setDir round(random 360); // Randomize placement a bit
			_veh setpos _position;

			_veh setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];

spawn_mineveins = {
	private ["_position","_veh","_istoomany","_marker","_spawnveh","_positions"];

	if (isDedicated) then {
		_position = [getMarkerPos "center",0,(HeliCrashArea*0.75),10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

		if ((count _position) == 2) then {
			_positions = selectBestPlaces [_position, 500, "(1 + forest) * (1 + hills) * (1 - houses) * (1 - sea)", 10, 5];

			_position = (_positions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) select 0;

			// Get position with ground
			_istoomany = _position nearObjects ["All",10];
			if((count _istoomany) > 0) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG VEIN: Too many objects at " + str(_position)); };

			if(isOnRoad _position) exitWith { diag_log("DEBUG VEIN: on road " + str(_position)); };
			_spawnveh = ["Iron_Vein_DZE","Iron_Vein_DZE","Iron_Vein_DZE","Iron_Vein_DZE","Iron_Vein_DZE","Silver_Vein_DZE","Silver_Vein_DZE","Silver_Vein_DZE","Gold_Vein_DZE","Gold_Vein_DZE"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

			if(DZEdebug) then {
				_marker = createMarker [str(_position) , _position];
				_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
				_marker setMarkerType "DOT";
				_marker setMarkerText str(_spawnveh);
			//diag_log("DEBUG: Spawning a crashed " + _spawnveh + " with " + _spawnloot + " at " + str(_position));
			_veh = createVehicle [_spawnveh,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_veh enableSimulation false;

			// Randomize placement a bit
			_veh setDir round(random 360);
			_veh setpos _position;

			_veh setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];


if(isnil "DynamicVehicleDamageLow") then {
	DynamicVehicleDamageLow = 0;
if(isnil "DynamicVehicleDamageHigh") then {
	DynamicVehicleDamageHigh = 100;

if(isnil "DynamicVehicleFuelLow") then {
	DynamicVehicleFuelLow = 0;
if(isnil "DynamicVehicleFuelHigh") then {
	DynamicVehicleFuelHigh = 100;

if(isnil "DZE_DiagFpsSlow") then {
	DZE_DiagFpsSlow = false;
if(isnil "DZE_DiagFpsFast") then {
	DZE_DiagFpsFast = false;
if(isnil "DZE_DiagVerbose") then {
	DZE_DiagVerbose = false;

dze_diag_fps = {
	if(DZE_DiagVerbose) then {
		diag_log format["DEBUG FPS : %1 OBJECTS: %2 : PLAYERS: %3", diag_fps,(count (allMissionObjects "")),(playersNumber west)];
	} else {
		diag_log format["DEBUG FPS : %1", diag_fps];

// Damage generator function
generate_new_damage = {
	private ["_damage"];
    _damage = ((random(DynamicVehicleDamageHigh-DynamicVehicleDamageLow))+DynamicVehicleDamageLow) / 100;

// Damage generator fuction
generate_exp_damage = {
	private ["_damage"];
    _damage = ((random(DynamicVehicleDamageHigh-DynamicVehicleDamageLow))+DynamicVehicleDamageLow) / 100;
	// limit this to 85% since vehicle would blow up otherwise.
	//if(_damage >= 0.85) then {
	//	_damage = 0.85;

server_getDiff =	{
	_variable = _this select 0;
	_object = 	_this select 1;
	_vNew = 	_object getVariable[_variable,0];
	_vOld = 	_object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
	_result = 	0;
	if (_vNew < _vOld) then {
		//JIP issues
		_vNew = _vNew + _vOld;
		_object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
	} else {
		_result = _vNew - _vOld;
		_object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];

server_getDiff2 =	{
	_variable = _this select 0;
	_object = 	_this select 1;
	_vNew = 	_object getVariable[_variable,0];
	_vOld = 	_object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
	_result = _vNew - _vOld;
	_object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];

dayz_objectUID = {
	_object = _this;
	_position = getPosATL _object;
	_dir = direction _object;
	_key = [_dir,_position] call dayz_objectUID2;

dayz_objectUID2 = {
	_dir = _this select 0;
	_key = "";
	_position = _this select 1;
		_x = _x * 10;
		if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
		_key = _key + str(round(_x));
	} count _position;
	_key = _key + str(round(_dir));

dayz_objectUID3 = {
	_dir = _this select 0;
	_key = "";
	_position = _this select 1;
		_x = _x * 10;
		if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
		_key = _key + str(round(_x));
	} count _position;
	_key = _key + str(round(_dir + time));

dayz_recordLogin = {
	_key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
	_key call server_hiveWrite;

dayz_perform_purge = {
	if(!isNull(_this)) then {
		_group = group _this;
		_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
		_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
		_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
		_this removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
		clearVehicleInit _this;
		deleteVehicle _this;
		if ((count (units _group) == 0) && (_group != grpNull)) then {
			deleteGroup _group;

dayz_perform_purge_player = {

	private ["_countr","_backpack","_backpackType","_backpackWpn","_backpackMag","_objWpnTypes","_objWpnQty","_location","_dir","_holder","_weapons","_magazines"];
    diag_log ("Purging player: " + str(_this));	

	if(!isNull(_this)) then {

		_location = getPosATL _this;
		_dir = getDir _this;

		_holder = createVehicle ["GraveDZE", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_holder setDir _dir;
		_holder setPosATL _location;

		_holder enableSimulation false;

		_weapons = weapons _this;
		_magazines = magazines _this;

		// find backpack
		if(!(isNull unitBackpack _this)) then {
			_backpack = unitBackpack _this;
			_backpackType = typeOf _backpack;
			_backpackWpn = getWeaponCargo _backpack;
			_backpackMag = getMagazineCargo _backpack;

			_holder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_backpackType,1];

			// add items from backpack 
			_objWpnTypes = _backpackWpn select 0;
			_objWpnQty = _backpackWpn select 1;
			_countr = 0;
				_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
				_countr = _countr + 1;
			} count _objWpnTypes;

			// add backpack magazine items
			_objWpnTypes = _backpackMag select 0;
			_objWpnQty = _backpackMag select 1;
			_countr = 0;
				_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];
				_countr = _countr + 1;
			} count _objWpnTypes;

	// add weapons
		_holder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
	} count _weapons;

	// add mags
		_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
	} count _magazines;
	_group = group _this;
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
	_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
	_this removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
	clearVehicleInit _this;
	deleteVehicle _this;
	if ((count (units _group) == 0) && (_group != grpNull)) then {
		deleteGroup _group;
	//  _this = nil;

dayz_removePlayerOnDisconnect = {
	if(!isNull(_this)) then {
		_group = group _this;
		_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
		deleteVehicle _this;
		deleteGroup (group _this);

server_timeSync = {
	//Send request
	private ["_hour","_minute","_date","_key","_result","_outcome"];
    _key = "CHILD:307:";
	_result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
	_outcome = _result select 0;
	if(_outcome == "PASS") then {
		_date = _result select 1; 
		if(dayz_fullMoonNights) then {
			_hour = _date select 3;
			_minute = _date select 4;
			//Force full moon nights
			_date = [2013,8,3,_hour,_minute];

		setDate _date;
		PVDZE_plr_SetDate = _date;
		publicVariable "PVDZE_plr_SetDate";
		diag_log ("TIME SYNC: Local Time set to " + str(_date));	

// must spawn these 
server_spawncleanDead = {
	private ["_deathTime","_delQtyZ","_delQtyP","_qty","_allDead"];
	_allDead = allDead;
	_delQtyZ = 0;
	_delQtyP = 0;
		if (local _x) then {
			if (_x isKindOf "zZombie_Base") then
				_x call dayz_perform_purge;
				sleep 0.05;
				_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;
			} else {
				if (_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
					_deathTime = _x getVariable ["processedDeath", diag_tickTime];
					if (diag_tickTime - _deathTime > 1800) then {
						_x call dayz_perform_purge_player;
						sleep 0.025;
						_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;
		sleep 0.025;
	} count _allDead;
	if (_delQtyZ > 0 || _delQtyP > 0) then {
		_qty = count _allDead;
		diag_log (format["CLEANUP: Deleted %1 players && %2 zombies out of %3 dead",_delQtyP,_delQtyZ,_qty]);
server_cleanupGroups = {
	if (DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd > 3) then { DZE_DYN_GroupCleanup = nil; DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd = 0; };
	if(!isNil "DZE_DYN_GroupCleanup") exitWith {  DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd = DZE_DYN_AntiStuck3rd + 1;};
	DZE_DYN_GroupCleanup = true;
		if ((count (units _x) == 0) && (_x != grpNull)) then {
			deleteGroup _x;
		sleep 0.001;
	} count allGroups;
	DZE_DYN_GroupCleanup = nil;

server_checkHackers = {
	if (DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd > 3) then { DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil; DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = 0; };
	if(!isNil "DZE_DYN_HackerCheck") exitWith {  DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd + 1;};
	DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = true;
	if (!((isNil "_x") || {(isNull _x)})) then {
		if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
			diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));
			(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;
			_x setDamage 1;
			sleep 0.25;
		sleep 0.001;
	} count allUnits;
	DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil;

server_spawnCleanFire = {
	private ["_delQtyFP","_qty","_delQtyNull","_missionFires"];
	_missionFires = allMissionObjects "Land_Fire_DZ";
	_delQtyFP = 0;
		if (local _x) then {
			deleteVehicle _x;
			sleep 0.025;
			_delQtyFP = _delQtyFP + 1;
		sleep 0.001;
	} count _missionFires;
	if (_delQtyFP > 0) then {
		_qty = count _missionFires;
		diag_log (format["CLEANUP: Deleted %1 fireplaces out of %2",_delQtyNull,_qty]);
server_spawnCleanLoot = {
	private ["_created","_delQty","_nearby","_age","_keep","_qty","_missionObjs","_dateNow"];
	if (DZE_DYN_AntiStuck > 3) then { DZE_DYN_cleanLoot = nil; DZE_DYN_AntiStuck = 0; };
	if(!isNil "DZE_DYN_cleanLoot") exitWith {  DZE_DYN_AntiStuck = DZE_DYN_AntiStuck + 1;};
	DZE_DYN_cleanLoot = true;

	_missionObjs =  allMissionObjects "ReammoBox";
	_delQty = 0;
	_dateNow = (DateToNumber date);
		if (!isNull _x) then {
			_keep = _x getVariable["permaLoot", false];
			if (!_keep) then {
				_created = _x getVariable["created", -0.1];
				if (_created == -0.1) then{
					_x setVariable["created", _dateNow, false];
					_created = _dateNow;
				else {
					_age = (_dateNow - _created) * 525948;
					if (_age > 20) then{
						_nearby = { (isPlayer _x) && (alive _x) } count(_x nearEntities[["CAManBase", "AllVehicles"], 130]);
						if (_nearby == 0) then{
							deleteVehicle _x;
							sleep 0.025;
							_delQty = _delQty + 1;
		sleep 0.001;
	} count _missionObjs;
	if (_delQty > 0) then {
		_qty = count _missionObjs;
		diag_log (format["CLEANUP: Deleted %1 Loot Piles out of %2",_delQty,_qty]);
	DZE_DYN_cleanLoot = nil;

server_spawnCleanAnimals = {
	private ["_pos","_delQtyAnimal","_qty","_missonAnimals","_nearby"];
	_missonAnimals = entities "CAAnimalBase";
	_delQtyAnimal = 0;
		if (local _x) then {
			_x call dayz_perform_purge;
			sleep 0.05;
			_delQtyAnimal = _delQtyAnimal + 1;
		} else {
			if (!alive _x) then {
				_pos = getPosATL _x;
				if (count _pos > 0) then {
					_nearby = {(isPlayer _x) && (alive _x)} count (_pos nearEntities [["CAManBase","AllVehicles"], 130]);
					if (_nearby==0) then {
						_x call dayz_perform_purge;
						sleep 0.05;
						_delQtyAnimal = _delQtyAnimal + 1;
		sleep 0.001;
	} count _missonAnimals;
	if (_delQtyAnimal > 0) then {
		_qty = count _missonAnimals;
		diag_log (format["CLEANUP: Deleted %1 Animals out of %2",_delQtyAnimal,_qty]);

server_logUnlockLockEvent = {
	private["_player", "_obj", "_objectID", "_objectUID", "_statusText", "_status"];
	_player = _this select 0;
	_obj = _this select 1;
	_status = _this select 2;
	if (!isNull(_obj)) then {
		_objectID = _obj getVariable["ObjectID", "0"];
		_objectUID = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID", "0"];
		_statusText = "UNLOCKED";
		if (_status) then {
			[_obj, "gear"] call server_updateObject;
			_statusText = "LOCKED";
		diag_log format["SAFE %5: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4)", _objectID, _objectUID, (name _player), (getPlayerUID _player), _statusText];


Edit: I have just compared my copy with the original and they are exactly the same except for the fact mine calls the antihacks and custom maps. I'm still having issues and have no idea how to fix this, can anyone help?

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As a test I have backed up all of the files inside of my server file and I am going to replace all of them with the default epoch server files, if it works then obviously there is an issue somewhere with my server files

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I tested by replacing them all with default epoch server files and I still had the same issue in-game. I place down a plot pole or object, restart the server and they dissapear (not writing to database). If my server files are fine what's causing this issue and why arent objects being written at all like they should be to the database?

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Then its the data base u using navi cat or hedi?

If its not writing too data base i would empty out the current object_data and let it make a new one dont delete the table just empty it.

something in the db might be corrupt.

Okay I have just tried this and its STILL not WORKING. So it's not the server files, not the database tables, could something in the mission files surely cause objects not to get written to the database? Someone on these forums must have had this issue and know how to fix it

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A good example for folks who run a server, always make a backup of your .bpo's when you install a new addon. It's so much less hassle to have multiple backups to use then it is to remove scripts.

Yeah I have backups its fine. Got everything working in the end anyway, was due to files not being merged properly.

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