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Hello survivors .


I am looking into setting up a epoch napf server soon .


I can use some help setting up things . i have a local test server up and running and most things i love to see and try out are working aswell so the basics are up .Ai missions with wai , dzai etc are working aswell .


I have problems with the ai though  i have made many ofp and arma(2) missions in the past but the way its going at dayz is not the same .


I miss some information , i figgered most things out but i would like to see a good tutor how this works .

I dont wanna use any tools like wai zai or banzai :) if possible just the editor and txt editor besides the needed tools like pbo manager etc.


It would be nice if someobody could point me to the right topics /sites for doing this , or else to a tutor for doing this the best way .


I hope somebody can help me out here :)   Got some stuff working but i rather have the total know how as it comes to this way of adding ai missions and ai who guards a town etc .


kind regards .



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Ah most of the juppy's are using crap like   dzai  wai  sarge  ai etc 


Found the way myself just missed some small info but   now i see how sad most of yous are using these tools and pretend as if y ou made the missions yourself . no you installed a uncompatible buggy tool so you only have to put in some  coords and stupid parameters and thats it  most of the times and then pretend as if  you had to script the lot or did a hell of a job  >  LOL    (NOT) .Your buggy tool does that for you and most of yous have no clue whats going on at the background  kind of sad though.

Thanks a lot for the needed information (Not )   .

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Ah most of the juppy's are using crap like   dzai  wai  sarge  ai etc 


Found the way myself just missed some small info but   now i see how sad most of yous are using these tools and pretend as if y ou made the missions yourself . no you installed a uncompatible buggy tool so you only have to put in some  coords and stupid parameters and thats it  most of the times and then pretend as if  you had to script the lot or did a hell of a job  >  LOL    (NOT) .Your buggy tool does that for you and most of yous have no clue whats going on at the background  kind of sad though.

Thanks a lot for the needed information (Not )   .


I haven't had any issues with DZAI, although SargeAI has issues due to it trying to have friendly AI.

I'm also the developer of DZMS.


The reason these AI Systems and so on are provided is so that people who do not know how to code for DayZ can run their own servers still, or can run a setup with things that are more advanced than what they could program themselves. Just because a majority of people run servers that don't know how to actually program what they add, does not mean they are any less than us. Some people work a 9-5 job and just want a server up that they can play on, without wanting to learn a new scripting language.


So I resent your generalization.

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