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How to add 'minus humanity' to suicide script

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i like this idea,

But is it not a fast track to bandit, could it work like,


if you are +0 humanity  it removes the amount to no lower than 0

If your -0 humanity it will take you back to 0


this way both side will suffer from this and may stop fast track Bandit.


Many thanks 



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i use a different suicide script, where would the code be added in this one?

//Suicide script by Grafzahl edited by axeman to allow coming back from the brink.
//File name: suicide.sqf 
private ["_Secondary","_lostHope","_plEH","_actSuicide"];
_Secondary = currentWeapon player;
_plEH = player addEventHandler ["fired", "player SetDamage 1.1"];
_lostHope = time;
r_interrupt = false;

cutText [format["You think about your family..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
sleep 2;
player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
_actSuicide = 1;

while {alive player}do{

	player playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon";
	cutText [format["They wouldn't have wanted it to end this way.."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
		if(!((animationState player) in ["AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon"]) && (alive player))exitWith{player removeEventHandler["fired", _plEH];sleep 1;player switchmove "";sleep 1;PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,[],true,true];publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";};
	if(time - _lostHope > 2 && _actSuicide < 2)then{
	cutText [format["Your little daughter, and what happened to her..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	_actSuicide = 2;
	if(time - _lostHope > 6 && _actSuicide < 3)then{
	cutText [format["You cant take this shit any longer..."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	_actSuicide = 3;
	if(time - _lostHope > 7 && _actSuicide <4)then{
	cutText [format["Goodbye cruel world!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	_actSuicide = 4;
	if(time - _lostHope > 9.2 && _actSuicide > 3)exitWith{
	player fire _Secondary;

sleep .1;
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