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How do I slow down a zombie's running speed?



I've followed the tutorials that say to go in dayz_code and go in control_zombieagent.sqf and modify the following:


//Start Movement loop
while {!isNull _target and _isAlive and _isSomeone} do {
_target = _agent call zombie_findTargetAgent;
_isAlive = alive _agent;
_targetPos = getPosATL _target;
//Move to target
_agent moveTo _targetPos;
_agent forceSpeed 2;
sleep 1;
I also went in system/zombie_agent.fsm and modified the following:
       "//Move to target" \n
       "_agent moveTo _targetPos;" \n
       "_agent forceSpeed 2;" \n
       "" \n
       "if (_losCheck == 2) then {" \n
       " _losCheck = 0;" \n
       " _cantSee = [_agent,_target] call dayz_losCheck;" \n
       "};" \n


None of that worked for me. So I tried taking those files and putting them in a custom folder in my mission index, and telling my custom compiles to use them...still no luck. So I checked the stock compiles.sqf in dayz_code and noticed the call for control_zombieagent.sqf was //slashed out, so I unslashed it, recompiled, and still nothing. Is there some hidden code somewhere in Epoch that controls a zombie's run speed that I haven't found yet?


My server is running almost stock Epoch with very few custom scripts/mods. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong, or what if anything I haven't done? How on earth do I make these zombies slow down? I basically want them to have a walking speed while chasing, at the cost of many more spawned zombies and them being a lot tougher to kill, and doing more damage to you. But right now I just need to figure out how to slow the damn things down.


Thank you.

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