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Error log when executing epoch.sh


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Warning Message: Addon 'CALanguage_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'CALanguage_missions_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'CA_Missions2_PMC' requires addon 'CAAir_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'CA_Missions_BAF' requires addon 'CA_Missions_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CA_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CARoads_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CARocks_E'
Warning Message: Addon 'ProvingGrounds_PMC' requires addon 'CAStructures_E'
You are missing the expansion/addon files, I guess. Have a look at the file&folder structure (link in the video description) to compare.
Mayber you are missing more files or have them at the wrong location.
I have no clue about the torrent files. I took mine from my local Epoch installation.
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Thx for promt answer. Funny thing is, that I have all the files completely the same as you have in the video :D And furthermore, the addons CAStructures_E, CARocks_E, CARoads_E, CA_Missions_E, CAAir_E' doesnt even exist anywhere. it looks like they are part of some pbo file.


Part two. Cant this be related to the list of errors in the config?

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No, that are PBO files. And in my server the are located in the expansion/addon....for what I've seen.

Maybe you are missing the beta version installed. I do not exactly know where these files are from...but from the location I guess these are from ArmaOA (normal or beta).

If you say these files do not exist anymore...how can you then have completely the same files that I show in my list? ;)

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well sorry if I wrote this badly. I checked the list again, comparing every single file I have in my server folder. Everything is the same. And I checked your list and there is no caroads_e.pbo for instance :) maybe you have them on your server but not in the list :) Please do not take this as rudness or anything, am just trying to figure out, why I have console full of errors.

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