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Debug Monitor and Whitelist


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Hello Members again :D

is there a way to design the debugmonitor by myself background with .png


second question how i can whitelist my Linuxserver


i used a php whitelist but i this php plugin dont connect with rcon to my server


need help pls

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I have fund this script but it dont works for Whitelist


class server
    private $name='';
    private $ip='';
    private $port='';
    private $pass='';
    private $wlist=array();
    private $msg='';
    private $kicked=array();    
    function __construct($name, $ip, $port, $pass, $msg)
    private function load_list()
           if (file_exists('guids.txt')) $this->wlist=explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "",file_get_contents('guids.txt')));
           else echo "guids.txt not found! nobody allowed \n";
    private function error($msg='')
        echo $this->name." connection error ({$this->ip} {$this->port} {$this->pass}) ($msg)\n";
    function check_players()
        if (!$players) {
            $this->error('get players list');
            return 0;
        $players=explode("\n", $players);
        foreach($players as $row)
            if (strpos($row, 'players in total')!==false) break;
            if ($begin) {
                $n=mb_substr($row, 0, strpos($row, " "));
                $player=mb_substr($row, (strpos($row, '(OK)')-32), 255);
                $player=explode('(OK) ', $player);
                if (preg_match("/[^a-z0-9\s]/", $player[0])==0  && preg_match("/[^0-9\s]/", $n)==0 && !in_array($player[0], $this->wlist))
                        //echo "DEBUG: $row \n";
                        echo "{$this->name}: {$player[1]}({$player[0]}) not in list...";
                        if(!empty($this->kicked[$player[0]]) && $this->kicked[$player[0]]>3)
                if (!$this->rcon("addBan {$player[0]} 1 {$this->msg}"))
                                $this->error("ban {$player[0]}");
                    echo "banned \n";
                    return 1;

                            if (!$this->rcon("kick $n  {$this->msg}"))
                                $this->error("kick $n");
                                echo "kicked #$n \n";
                                return 1;
            if (strpos($row, '--------------------------------------------------')!==false) $begin=1;
        return 0;
    //some rcon functions  from katzsmile / DayZAdmin
    private function strToHex($string)
    for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
        $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i]));
    return $hex;


    private function computeUnsignedCRC32($str){
       sscanf(crc32($str), "%u", $var);
       $var = dechex($var + 0);
       return $var;

    private function get_checksum($cs)
        $var = $this->computeUnsignedCRC32($cs);
    $x = ('0x');
    $a = substr($var, 0, 2);
    $a = $x.$a;
    $b = substr($var, 2, 2);
    $b = $x.$b;
    $c = substr($var, 4, 2);
    $c = $x.$c;
    $d = substr($var, 6, 2);
    $d = $x.$d;
    return chr($d).chr($c).chr($b).chr($a);

     private function rcon($cmd){
    $passhead = chr(0xFF).chr(0x00);
    $head = chr(0x42).chr(0x45);
    $pass = $passhead.$rconpassword;
    $answer = "";
    $checksum = $this->get_checksum($pass);

    $loginmsg = $head.$checksum.$pass;

    $rcon = fsockopen("udp://".$serverip, $serverport, $errno, $errstr, 1);
    stream_set_timeout($rcon, 1);

    if (!$rcon) {
        echo "ERROR: $errno - $errstr<br />\n";
    } else {
        fwrite($rcon, $loginmsg);
        $res = fread($rcon, 16);

        $cmdhead = chr(0xFF).chr(0x01).chr(0x00);
        $cmd = $cmdhead.$cmd;
        $checksum = $this->get_checksum($cmd);
        $cmdmsg = $head.$checksum.$cmd;
        $hlen = strlen($head.$checksum.chr(0xFF).chr(0x01));

        fwrite($rcon, $cmdmsg);
        for ($i=1; $i<3; $i++) $answer .= fread($rcon, 102400);

        if ( $this->strToHex(substr($answer, 9, 1)) == "0"){
            $count = $this->strToHex(substr($answer, 10, 1));
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count-1; $i++){
                $answer .= fread($rcon, 102400);
        $cmd = "Exit";
        $cmd = $cmdhead.$cmd;
        $checksum = $this->get_checksum($cmd);
        $cmdmsg = $head.$checksum.$cmd;
        fwrite($rcon, $cmdmsg);

    return $answer;

$config=json_decode(str_replace(chr(239).chr(187).chr(191), "", file_get_contents('config.cfg')), true);
if (!$config) die("bad config \n");

foreach($config as $name=>$param)
    $servers[]=new server($name, $param['ip'], $param['port'], $param['pass'], $param['msg']);

echo "LisGames WhiteList tool for Arma2/DayZ v0.28  \n";

    foreach ($servers as $server)
        while ($server->check_players())


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There is one post...I guess on the second page about whitelist. To be honest, I do not know exactly what is meant by a whitelist.

I would add a password in server.cfg...then the server is whitelisted. Or not?


For debug monitor and things like this...don't know how others see that here...the normal forum should be used. To keep here the things which are olinux server specific.


This is just my opinion or better: how I understand this forum.

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Whitelist is without password


Password is a bad think



Whitelist works with batteleye


Batteleye checks a .txt or sql for the GUID  to give player accsess on server . is your GUID not on list you dont get access



Actually my Whitelist works i need only help with Debug monitor for the background i have my one logo for this

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