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Can the temperature effect be adjusted or disabled?

I'm running an Epoch Taviana server with 2 carriers on it and would like to make it warmer on the carriers so we don't have to sit by fires or constantly use heatpacks.

Is this possible?

Thank you.

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_water_factor = -8;

_rain_factor = -3;

_night_factor = -1.5;

_wind_factor = -1;

So if I changed the 8 for water factor to 3 it would mean that water factor would be the same as rain?

Being over or in the water would take the same amount of time to get chilled as being in the rain?

Thanks for the reply.

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_water_factor = -8;

_rain_factor = -3;

_night_factor = -1.5;

_wind_factor = -1;

So if I changed the 8 for water factor to 3 it would mean that water factor would be the same as rain?

Being over or in the water would take the same amount of time to get chilled as being in the rain?

Thanks for the reply.



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DayZ-Epoch / SQF / dayz_code / compile / fn_temperatur.sqf

Where do I find this "fn_temperatur.sqf" file?

Is it in the server pbo?



It's not in the server pbo, you need to extract it from the dayz_code.pbo using something like PBO Manager. Then, make your changes and package it into your mission file. Do the usual overrides in compiles.sqf, etc.

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It's not in the server pbo, you need to extract it from the dayz_code.pbo using something like PBO Manager. Then, make your changes and package it into your mission file. Do the usual overrides in compiles.sqf, etc.

Do the usual overrides in compiles.sqf?

What does this mean?

I can't just change: _water_factor = -8;

To: _water_factor = -3;

Is there more involved?

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You need a custom compiles.sqf and fn_temperatur.sqf in your mission file. You can't just change the files in dayz_code.
1) init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf";
2) compiles.sqf
player_temp_calculation = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_temperatur.sqf";
player_temp_calculation = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_temperatur.sqf";
3) Make sure the edited versions of compiles.sqf and fn_temperatur.sqf are in the same folder as init.sqf in your mission file.
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