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Fn_selfactions dont with my script.



_teleports_locations =
[2194.91,12838.1,0.00143433,       "Войти в бункер",              14657.8,14696,1.56864],
[14657.8,14696,1.56864,            "Выйти из бункера",       2194.91,12838.1,0.00143433],
[3915.79,10776.2,0.0,              "Moscow Metro",                  5615.73,10776.2,0.0]
	if ((player distance [(_x select 0), (_x select 1), (_x select 2)]) < 8) then { // 8 - Teleport checkpoint radius
		if (s_player_onteleport < 0) then { 
				s_player_onteleport = player addAction [format["%1"], (_x select 3)],"scripts\teleporter.sqf",[_x], 6, false, true,"",""];
				} else {
				player removeAction s_player_onteleport;
				s_player_onteleport = 		-1;
} forEach _teleports_locations;
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if distance < 8 ? Maybe you mean > 8? Why teleporting if you are already there or did I misread something?


if (distance to teleport checkpoint (A1)) < 8 then { teleport player to B1 } else 

if (distance to teleport checkpoint (A2)) < 8 then { teleport player to B2 } else 

if (distance to teleport checkpoint (A3)) < 8 then { teleport player to B3 };

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Hm, from the scripting commands wiki: if positions are given in command distance, these are seen as positionATL. Try maybe:

_objPosition = getPosATL player

and compare that. Thats just a rough gess. Didn't mess around so much with positions so far. But for me the documentation sounds like this.

I would put an if around your if for checking player_speed < 1. So these distance checks will only be executed if a player stands still. Don't know how much that costs if this is being done for any step every player is doing while moving.

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Imapper: yes, and the second thing with the if for checking player speed? I have the feeling with my server menu that it only appears if there is a change, like I run or stand still...or you have a look at a cursurtarget or something. It does not apear if the condition is just set to true. It needs some kind of update or change if you understand what I mean?

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Imapper: yes, and the second thing with the if for checking player speed? I have the feeling with my server menu that it only appears if there is a change, like I run or stand still...or you have a look at a cursurtarget or something. It does not apear if the condition is just set to true. It needs some kind of update or change if you understand what I mean?

yes, thanks !

i will check it !

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I tried this, but to no avail. Again no error on arma 2 rpt client or server side:

_napf_bunkers =
[1058.68,2963,0.0,   "North-West",        3090.19, 10751.9,0.0],
[1068.76,2981.2,0.0,   "North",   6576.86, 15874.3,0.0],
[1101.9,2941,0.0,   "North-East",     17317.203, 10170,0.0],
[1137.22,2889,0.0,   "South-East",   17086.6, 4305.84,0.0],
[1112.31,2886.65,0.0,   "South-West",     6405.6, 3493.56,0.0],
[1112.31,2886.65,0.0,   "Center",     10385.249, 8766.09,0.0]

	if (((player distance [_x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2]) < 3) && (speed player <= 1) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Bunker_PMC") then { 
		if (s_player_napfbunker < 0) then { 
				s_player_napfbunker = player addAction [format["Move in %1"], (_x select 3),"addons\extras\bunker\napftransport.sqf",[_x], 6, false, true,"",""];
				} else {
				player removeAction s_player_napfbunker;
				s_player_napfbunker = -1;
} forEach _napf_bunkers;

What's the next proposal :D bring it on ^^ I tried only speed, only cursortarget

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I tried this, but to no avail. Again no error on arma 2 rpt client or server side:

_napf_bunkers =
[1058.68,2963,0.0,   "North-West",        3090.19, 10751.9,0.0],
[1068.76,2981.2,0.0,   "North",   6576.86, 15874.3,0.0],
[1101.9,2941,0.0,   "North-East",     17317.203, 10170,0.0],
[1137.22,2889,0.0,   "South-East",   17086.6, 4305.84,0.0],
[1112.31,2886.65,0.0,   "South-West",     6405.6, 3493.56,0.0],
[1112.31,2886.65,0.0,   "Center",     10385.249, 8766.09,0.0]

	if (((player distance [_x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2]) < 3) && (speed player <= 1) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Bunker_PMC") then { 
		if (s_player_napfbunker < 0) then { 
				s_player_napfbunker = player addAction [format["Move in %1"], (_x select 3),"addons\extras\bunker\napftransport.sqf",[_x], 6, false, true,"",""];
				} else {
				player removeAction s_player_napfbunker;
				s_player_napfbunker = -1;
} forEach _napf_bunkers;

What's the next proposal :D bring it on ^^ I tried only speed, only cursortarget

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It's much better for performance to do several if conditions:


if(speed player <= 1) then {


if ((player distance [_x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2]) < 3) then




And leave out that part: && (speed player <= 1) && cursorTarget isKindOf "Bunker_PMC")

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