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Lapua Magnum

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The 'Private Hive Tools' posted in the Resources section here is a great way of adding new items. Not done it directly via Navicat personally, I'm a noob with it.

Once you have PHT installed under instance 11, change it to instance 17 within the 'Settings' tab and make any trader edits you wish.

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this will add it to the Black market vendor at Stary (using this one as I am adding the M32 to this trader)



INSERT INTO 'traders_data' ('item','qty','buy','sell','order','tid','afile') VALUES ('["baf_lrr_scoped",3]',10,'[5,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar",1]',0,526,'trade_weapons')


INSERT INTO 'traders_data' ('item','qty','buy','sell','order','tid','afile') VALUES ('["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",1]',10,'[5,"ItemGoldBar",1]','[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]',0,527,'trade_items')


I don't know if you need to add to the Trader Items table first, if so then...


INSERT INTO `trader_items`(`classname`, `type`, `group`, `afile`) VALUES ("baf_lrr_scoped",3,"Rifle Sniper",'trade_weapons')

INSERT INTO 'trader_items'('classname', 'type', 'group', 'afile') VALUES ("5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",1,"Ammo Rifle Sniper",'trade_items')

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this will add it to the Black market vendor at Stary (using this one as I am adding the M32 to this trader)



INSERT INTO 'traders_data' ('item','qty','buy','sell','order','tid','afile') VALUES ('["baf_lrr_scoped",3]',10,'[5,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]','[4,"ItemGoldBar",1]',0,526,'trade_weapons')


INSERT INTO 'traders_data' ('item','qty','buy','sell','order','tid','afile') VALUES ('["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",1]',10,'[5,"ItemGoldBar",1]','[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]',0,527,'trade_items')


I don't know if you need to add to the Trader Items table first, if so then...


INSERT INTO `trader_items`(`classname`, `type`, `group`, `afile`) VALUES ("baf_lrr_scoped",3,"Rifle Sniper",'trade_weapons')

INSERT INTO 'trader_items'('classname', 'type', 'group', 'afile') VALUES ("5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",1,"Ammo Rifle Sniper",'trade_items')


What would I need to change to add this to the Hero traders too?

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Lapua Magnum is the type of ammunition by the way, the actual rifle is an AWM. If you ever player Counterstrike it is the same rifle. You can add the standard version with green furniture as above, BAF_LRR_scoped_W


Check it out using Navicat, traders_data table, sort tid and scroll to the trader identifier used on you instance. Identifiers found in the mission server_trader.sqf. If you updated to you should have it. 

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Yeah my bad next time I won't bother. Perhaps next time you will also spend a little time to answer your own question, by the looks of it you didn't even check the trader on your server to confirm what your player said. Or check your db, or even simply google to find the weapon class name. 


But as myself, and others have said learn to use Navicat, it is super easy to use and will allow you to check exactly what your traders have. 

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