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I understand that using DZE_ConfigTrader = True means that it will read the traders from files. But i have looked all over and can't find the files. I would like to change this because apparently it speeds up trading.

If anyone knows where to get the files and/or anything else needed then please let me know :)


Thanks in Advanced!

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I installed this on my server.  My server is hosted by vert hosting, I went into the phpmyadmin.  I deleted everything under traders_data, and trader_tids.  I placed the category folder under \MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\Category\


In the description.ext I added the line like this


#include "custom\snap_pro\snappoints.hpp"
#include "custom\cfgServerTrader.hpp"                  Since I put the cfgservertrader.hpp in my customs folder


In the init.sqf I added the line to look like this


//quick build
DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 1;
DZE_selfTransfuse_Values =[12000, 0.1, 240];
DZE_selfTransfuse = true;
DZE_ConfigTrader = true;              // Config traders instead of DB


Now when I login I get stuck on the waiting for host screen.  I have backpack tradeing installed.  Not sure if that would mess it up.

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