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New Server - New to "Coding"



Hi Guys,


Will be setting up a new Epoch server, dedicated hardware.


I have set up a test server on my home system, which is working well and working on the basics. Baby steps.


Any video tutorials on adding the various "addons" such as deployable bike, self bloodbag, spawn location etc?


I am trying to get my head around the primary file locations and actions:


MP Missions folder, Init etc and how they interact with each other.


Also any tutorials on importing a modified map, does anyone offer their Cherno maps to use please?


Normally I would pay someone to set it up for me, but would like to try and do it myself, although I am time poor.


Ideally I want the server to be:


Modified Chernarus map with traders


Spawn selection including parachute spawn and options, Cherno, Balota, Elektro etc.


Custom load out (done)


Custom Debug Monitor (done, but when pressing the ins key the default shows as well).


Self Bloodbag


Scroll toolbox deploy and pack bike


Safe Zones at Traders


AI missions with custom loot


Building with snapping available



That is all I can think of at the moment. I am slowly going through the search function and numerous posts, not easy. Then again nothing in life usually is.


Any help and or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Sandbird, thank you. Amazing. I looked and looked and could not see it. Please PM me your paypal details so I can send you some $$$$ for your time and as a token of appreciation.


I will look for what each of the characters mean:


// nulls it out, that I know, lol.


Not sure on the others though.




Hehe no need for that :) And be careful of the scammers :P  Its not me if they ask for money lol.

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