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Posts posted by Fyrefyghter

  1. I was checking the forums this morning, and I think for the first time, the title of this section................ just kind of hit me, cuz I glanced at the title but wasn't paying attention to it.




    Hopefully, it is not an infestation?


    J/King, like I said, it just hit me.


    Been a long week for many of us, I think my mind is just looking for some humor right now, lol.

  2. I use to play on Dayzmad.com until they closed the doors. They had a script they made that would pull all the gear from the heli into a cargo box and drop it from the heli in a paradrop. Maybe killzone kid would be willing to share his scripts. I would try hitting him up at https://twitter.com/Killzone_Kid

    Debrowney are you saying YOU are gonna killzone kid up, or are you suggesting someone ELSE do it for ya???? Lol. AND NO IM NOT VOLUNTEERING AT ALL!!!! (:

  3. Thanks for the props Sinsaver, can I admit a man-crush, or would it still be too early???? Lol, J/King, but thanks for the kind words. pssst, I will whisper as quietly as I can, "where did you say I should deposit the gold bars"?

  4. You can open pack up the safe then redeploy it. The combo will show on your screen for several minutes. Then you can spend the time required to pick up all the items you had in the safe, that are now laying all over on the ground. I suggest grabbing the precious metals first and get em back inside before Debrowney rolls up on ya and shoots first and asks l8r, lol...............

  5. *sidenote: did anyone get into the safe during the event? I tried like 100 different numbers and gave up haha.


    Nope, I went in long enough last night to put thumb-print, eyeball recognition safeguards on it, it will ONLY open for me......... however, for 12 10oz gold bars, I will open it for ya *INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE*, LOL

  6.   I say a barrel, maybe the large fuel drum or something.


      If any of you have collected rain before you'd know a can would take days to fill based off the showers you get in ARMA. 


    Use a fuel barrel, so you get a chance of getting infected, dysentery, vomits everywhere and grow a second head that glows green, lol

  7. I have had other BloodyDayZ clients ask the same question, so I thought I would post it here seperately


    Hey AWOL, Axle, is the update going to be a DB wipe, or will it be updating certain files? Players would LOVE to NOT lose vehicles, but need to understand if it IS gonna be a complete DB wipe. Ive told them to just brace them selves, they  wanna play but, not sure if they  should put much time in it if it is all just going DayZ-bye-bye, lol. Thanks for responding, keep up the great work.. 

  8. IF anyone needs, on the Chernarus map, I can explain the worldspace and how it relates to the map. IT is NOT the same as the GPS reading it is

    [XXX,[XXXXX.XX,XXXXX.XX,XXXXX.XX]] or [Degrees of facing,[Latitude,Longitude,Elevation]] or [Degrees,[X,Y,Z]]

  9. When you have ten bars of metal (example: silver), get within 2 meters of a fire, open your inventory and right click on one of the ten metals, click smelt............ ta dahhhhhhhhhhhhh they all smelt into one 10 ounce bar. Use three 10 ounce bars to get a gold bar.


    Collect, smelt, repeat


    I just realized, I left out THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP (and I dont want anyone yelling at me l8r for the mistake).........


    Get within two meters of the fire AND LOOK DOWN AT THE FIRE, then open your inventory and continue, lol


    Whew, no one will ever know I left that part out now, muhahahahahahahahah

  10. When I sold some stuff, I got silver bars. Are those different from 10oz bars? The Wiki doesn't address metals, so it can be confusing.


    When you have ten bars of metal (example: silver), get within 2 meters of a fire, open your inventory and right click on one of the ten metals, click smelt............ ta dahhhhhhhhhhhhh they all smelt into one 10 ounce bar. Use three 10 ounce bars to get a gold bar.


    Collect, smelt, repeat

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