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Posts posted by auzgamer

  1. These files were stolen from my old Chernarus server...So 'HE' stole the files.....why else would he have 6months old files on his computer.... "not taking credit" my ass.

    I mean wtf...i spend 3 weeks in making something to populate my clan's server and a 'SadPanda' type of guy comes and release it in public.


    And @TehGunz .... good luck decoding them. The time you'll spend in decoding my mission files could be spent in learning how to code and do things yourself.

    "Lets not get too dramatic here".....how about I join your server, steal anything custom you've made and release it in public...so you got nothing unique on your server anymore.

    Would you like that? Unless of course you are just a copy/paster...with 0 coding knowledge....then yeah....i understand why you wouldnt get pissed off.


    FFS i made the 3d.live.mission just for this reason...so people can learn to code and debug in dayz the fastest way possible, without having to start a server and test things....only to be backstabbed again by yet another guy....You stole the files? Fine....use them for your own server....dont make them public you noob without asking first.


    Screw this.....i wont be releasing anything else until i see soulfinder banned.

    no such thing as stealing its there for the downloading,stop being a bitch and pull your head out of your ass.

  2. If it's letting you or anyone on at all it's a different problem. However, sounds like a performance issue, weak CPU/RAM/Connection for the dedi, or an ass load of errors lagging the connection with the database. I had the same problem once due to errors spamming my RPT once a good few were on the server. I used to not take much care to look at the RPT if everything seemed to be working. Cost me quite a bit or server performance and in end result loss or regular players. Check or even stream the RPT if you can and see what its doing when you start the server and when people join/die

    thanks dude ill check it out, the server itself is not even running at 50 percent so i know its a database issue its slow to communicate 

  3. hey guys anyone having issues when the server gets over 40 people other people cant log in they just sit at the count and after 100 seconds it kicks them back to lobby,if you do manage to get in and you die you will not get back in till the following restart.

  4. I had been experiencing the same problem over the last few days with traders being really slow and sometimes vehicles wont appear until after a restart.


    after numerous attempts to repair, one of these 2 things fixed my problem, cant say which one it was as I did both at the same time


    1. Completely deleted the database, re-created and imported from last backup


    2. removed the new mission system i had installed and replaced with one i had working previously


    Noticed an immediate difference to trader performance after doing this.

    thanks ill give that a try and let you know.

  5. hello,

    we are having a few issues with the server maybe someone knows a fix


    -vehicles take upto 3 minutes to spawn once brought we are running config traders

    -when some players get to the count it just times out and they cant join

    -sometimes when you die you cant log back in

    -vehicles despawn get this message

     22:01:36 "["PVAHR_0_ecicwc_PVAHR_0_ecicwc",["Simple Man","xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","DELETED Vehicle with Invalid ID(0): AH6X_DZ @120026"]]"


    some things that could cause issues database has 12700 items

    running maintenance every 4 days 

    server fps drops below 5 even after a restart

    player fps seems fine


    server specs

    6 core full dedicated

    6144mb ram

    600gb storage

    12000gb bandwidth

    30 gb ssd

    we tried to run the game and database off the ssd but did not make much difference

    would it help to run the database on a separate machine?

    can you run more cores to the database?

    if anyone has this issue or knows a fix please let me know.

  6. so this is my config does this look right?
    steamport = 2300;
    steamqueryport = 2301;
    hostName = "MAYHEM |Overpoch|Parameters -mod=@DayZOverwatch;| SSD + dedicated box | Spawn Select | Elevators | Base Jumping | No Overburden | 30+ Missions | Deploy Bike/heli | Heli Evac |WAI Missions |Day/Night| SelfBB | Active Admins |New Weapons|Self Epi|Ikea Drops|Custom Map|AntiHacks|Extra Features|( ";
    password = "";
    passwordAdmin = "xxxxxxxxxx";
    maxPlayers = 80;
    logFile = "server_log.txt";
    voteThreshold = 2;
    voteMissionPlayers = 3;
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
    motd[] = {"DayZ overpoch","Have fun!"};
    motdInterval = 3;
    vonCodecQuality = 11;
    disableVoN = 0;
    kickduplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 0;
    persistent = 1;
    BattlEye = 1;
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    regularCheck = "";
    requiredBuild = 125548;
    requiredSecureId = 2;
    class Missions
        class Mission1
        template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";
  7. Update all your servers to 1.63.125548


    1.62.103718 and 1.63.112555 are incompatible with Steam and are no longer actively protected by BattlEye



    Also get all your players to update to the Steam version of Arma2OA, use the forum search function theres plenty of guides on how to do this.

    i done that but it still doesnt show in DZC.

  8. I cant seem to get my server to show on DayZ Commander after I used to new patch.  You are able to login and play if you just click the server on DayZ Commander or go to Steam. Server is up and usable.


    Steam Port = 2300;

    Steamqueryport = 2301

    Server Port is 2302

    requiredBuild = 125548;   


    Am I doing something wrong? I have them all port forward. Do I need to port forward more? Any help would be great. I have my players joining on steam rigth now and it sucks. I hate haveing down time :(


    doesn't show for me either

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