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Posts posted by goldenpsp

  1. Hey all,

    So I have been away from this mod for a looong time (years?).  Not so much any other reason than life got busy.  I've had the itch to play again so I'm setting up a dedicated server for myself and some friends.  I have the basic server working with the latest epoch etc.  I wanted to add a few mods.  It has been so long and so many threads seem old that it seemed better to ask here than blindly guess what mods are best to use these days.  I'm trying to keep the server fairly basic but wanted to add:


    1. Roamin AI

    2. AI missions

    3. self bloodbag

    4. Deployable bicycle (I remember using one that deployed a bike, motorcycle and mozzie)

    5. vehicle refueling

    Any tips/favorite mods that serve these functions that work with the latest epoch would be greatly appreciated. 

  2. Managed to get blow outs working. next up is blood suckers + the weather effects (snow)



    Snow fall done. I just cant figure out how to get the blood suckers runing.

    Edit 2>>

    Spotted object a2 didn't have the correct sounds playing when going down into the bunker plus the objects wasn't there. added them back in.



    Would love to know where you went to add these back in.  Would save me from reinventing the wheel with my brand new namalsk server

  3. When I started my server 6 months ago, I thought I needed one also, but it caused me more problems than good and made me lazy.  After a week or two of messing around, I deleted everything and started over, learning it all as I went.  It's still a learning process for me, but I picked it up much faster than I expected.  Trust me, you're going to want to learn it, relying on custom packs in my opinion will just cause you more headache than learning it yourself.


    Pretty much this.


    Not to rail on the OP, but as far as I can tell he didn't "create" anything new.  He just combined a bunch of other peoples work into a single "pack".  Which is why it was removed to begin with.  And as Chester said, you will get along better simply setting up the pieces yourself as you will far better understand all of the components by the end.

  4. Use @Namalsk instead. 


    Even though the downloaded files default to a @dayz_namalsk folder under OA?


    edit- nope.  Just switching to @namalsk breaks it completely.  You can't even get to the lobby that way.


    Is there a special version of namalsk for epoch that should be downloaded that goes to a @namalsk folder?  As I mentioned above dayz commander downloads it to @DayZ_Namalsk



    Second edit.  I can also confirm that I am able to successfully launch standard dayz on the namalsk map.  

  5. Hello,


    First off I want to say thank you for making this, it's working awesomely! I am trying to disable the debug due to it conflicting with my Blurgaming debug monitor.


    I was following your steps and changed the the following;

    mission_warning_debug = false;

    However I do not have

    dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "extras\debug_monitor\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";

    in my mpmission\init.sqf


    And because of this the debug menu still appears, flickering between blur's and yours. Any suggestions?



    And this is my init.sqf to show that it's not there. http://pastebin.com/qz3cim61




    You would only have that line in your init file if you had put it there as part of the instructions further up.


    The problem you are having with Blur isn't with this mission pack.  

  6. Any of the missions that use sarge can easily be edited to disabled roaming patrols.




    That one is pretty easy to setup.  It's pretty solid IMO.


    Once setup just go to the dayz_server\addons\sarge\map_config\SAR_cfg_grps_mapname.sqf and comment out all of the lines for any dynamic and static spawns.


    Bingo, all missions, no patrols.

  7. Torndeco,


    I'm sorry you are upset.  That was not my intention.


    First off I'm not arguing anything.  I was simply stating that since you had modified the stock sarge install, AND it seemed that something stopped working on our end after installing an updated version of your missions, it made sense to ask you first.


    It has been an excellent mission system overall.  I greatly appreciate all of the hard work you have put into it.


    I truly hope you at least manage to read this reply.

  8. Torndeco,


    We aren't.  We are seeing all of the default heli patrols.


    I know you just told me @ the sarge config file.  And the comment of the config file states "// define the type of heli(s) you want to use here for the heli patrols"

    I was simply asking to clarify that this is also what your missions used as I didn't know if Heli patrols = helis in your missions.


    While I respect that you don't want to get into sarge troubleshooting, you are including a modified sarge in your mission pack. As such it is no longer a stock sarge install.


    For example, Prior to your latest update (for vehicle ammo and crate despawning) the edits I made in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf worked.  IE, static spawns that I commented out would not spawn.  This issue occurred after I installed the latest update.  Which is why I asked you here first.


    The only thing we have added to our stock epoch server is your mission pack, and INfistar antihack.

  9. Just pastebin your config files, ten times faster to confirm u didn't make a typo mistake.

    Since its the only possible scenario imo


    Also there should be only one map_config located in your server pbo...

    U really should avoid copying updates over each other.

    U will end up with unneed files confusing yourself, anytime i alter the location / filename etc..


    As for the heli types they are defined @  https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/blob/master/mpmission/addons/SARGE/SAR_config.sqf at the very bottom of the file




    Thank you for your always quick replies.


    1. I did not copy updates over each other.  As I had explained above I deleted all of the existing SARGE and mission related folders/files and did the setup again from scratch.


    After doing so I did only 1 thing.

    1. I commented out the Heli patrols in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf under dayz_server/addons/SARGE/map_config.  Lines 243-261




    After doing so I still had the heli patrols flying over those locations (NWAF, NEAF, East coast, etc).





    Do the mission helis also pull from the https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/blob/master/mpmission/addons/SARGE/SAR_config.sqf  file?  IE if i were to edit that to only have the UH1H would missions then only use UH1H as well?

  10. Actually I would be curious about the static spawns as well.


    Prior to this update we had the default heli patrols flying per the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf file.  I had disabled them since they did not shoot (no ammo like your missions) by commenting them out in SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf.  I commented them out in both places (under the mission file and dayz_server).


    Now the heli patrols are back even though I have confirmed those lines are still commented out. 




    As a follow up.  To be sure I removed all of the former Sarge install, and reinstalled the mission system from scratch.  I verified I only have one copy of SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf and it is located under dayz_server\addons\SARGE\map_config


    This file is at the defaults from your install.  Yet I am getting heli patrol spawns in areas that are not even defined in the file.  It seems that nothing I change in the SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf is even being read.


    Is there somewhere else I should be defining static and dynamic patrols?


    Additionally is there a place to define what Vehicles the mission AI will use?  Now that they are armed some of the helis, like the UH1Y are terribly lethal and very difficult to take down without serious firepower.

  11. That is fine...

    If the timer is running slow its cause your server is under stress i.e to low fps..



    Will be an update later to stop boxes getting deleted by server cleanup..

    Sarge AI fix for reammo them when usine Epoch DZE Vehicles

    Moving some more SARGE AI files to serverside to reduce missionfile size



    If you are adding, also please look at AI not shooting at Air vehicles.  I can buzz a mission at 20m and take no fire.  They won't start shooting until I land.

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