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Posts posted by domuk

  1. I will pass this on as I believe that I will the point of contact on this thread now. Ill update the thread if I find any issues.


    I am having an issue where its saying it cant find the arma oa 2 path and to enter manually, I do that and it still says it doesnt see it? thoughts?

    I assume you installed your game through steam, if you click on the path in dayz launcher you should be able to set the path then click save or it will forget the path. If this doesnt work then grab a screenshot of where your making the changes so we can see what it going on.


    Any problems per say you are best using the support email for the time being 92e4584fc7.png and ill try to keep this thread updated with updated and help where I can.

  2. Are you sure it's not the new update ? I'm still running 0.5 and it works fine, others i play with updated and they said it's much slower, so much so they went back to DZC.

    They are both pulling the server list from the same location (web frame inside the application) so that would be very hard to determine why it would be slower in one vs the other. Maca would be best checking or explaining that, I will pass on the feedback to him see if there is anything for 0.7 that might improve things.

  3. Ever since updating to it opens two copies of Arma.  One takes me to the server, the other just to Arma's main menu

    If you own any of the DLC, make sure its installed fully. Run the install on the DLC again and it should fix that problem.


    I dont think the next version has been released yet.

    In other news, Dayz Launcher is still really slow for me (wasnt before), asked around and others are experiencing the same issue. My brother got it even worse then me, for me the application loads instant and then its slow/laggy on showing results and paging. For him it takes like 20/30 seconds for the application to load (only show empty grey screen first) and then its equally slow as mine on the resultlist.

    The server its hosted on has taken a large hit with new people using it, Maca is looking in to new hardware to host it but its all out of pocket at this point.

  4. DayZ Commander might still be used by a core group of people but DZL chooses to do its version control using the foldername+version number. Ill say this outright because in all fairness people moaning about this are just trolling for a response, if you are using DayZ Commander still why are you here complaining, just use DayZ commander and use it. If it works so well why are you on this thread and  trying to use two different tools to launch your game?


    Pick a launcher and use it or put up with them being different <_< - People now have choice and in all fairness its nice not having one tool rule them all, at least DayZ Launcher is in active development and trying to make the effort to talk to its users.

  5. Oh, thats DayZ Commanders version, the way DayZ Launcher is doing version control with mods it to have the versions appended to the folder names. In all fairness thats not really a problem, just rename the folder manually or re-download it, people that are using DayZ Launcher don't need backwards compatibility with DayZ Commander as they are happy using a working server browser/tool.


    Does anyone know why DayZ Commander is only showing 2000+ servers rather than the 4500+ that are actually running?

  6. New version still doesn't recognise standard Epoch installation.

    Strange, not had any complaints, you got a server that isn't working that we can test to see why its not in the listing?


    We can see in the database all the failed request servers, it would be good to see why its not picking up because we tested a vanilla build server out of all control panels using the torrent provided epoch files and ran it from a server desktop without any problems.

  7. Version Released - Thread Updated
    New - Auto Updater (http://puu.sh/axPS1/71fb81c5c4.png & http://puu.sh/axQ2T/2f3c45dd4b.png)
    New - Mod Page Layour
    New - Ping/Location Filters

    New - Link your server on your website using dzl://IP:QueryPort to have people join your server from your website. E.G dzl:// when ran will load DZL and start you joining ingame

    New - Checks for more than one instance of Arma, offers to close it.

    Fixed - Launch(Quick) no longer loads the IP:PORT from the advanced page so it loads only the mods selected to and opens the game

    Fixed - Server name/mod updated on refresh so you do not need to wait 5 minutes for it to update.

  8. On 7/26/2014 at 7:12 PM, Richie said:

    It would be nice to be able to manually add an IP/Port like DZC has, I tried searching for my favorites and could only find half of them.

    If you put the server IP:PORT for the server in the search and then click the gold star next to the server. Clear the search and all your favorite servers will be at the top of the page.


    On 7/26/2014 at 5:27 PM, stonXer said:

    I'd like to click on the bottom part of the launcher without opening one of the links. (selecting the launcher when viewing another window and only the bottom is visible) :) (ping filter?)

    Ping filter is on the request list.

    A button to close the game added to the request list, also something that checks if the game is running already has been requested also.

  9. Just to clear this up, there was no DMCA request issued, it was simply a request forwarded to have the link removed as maca has no way of posting on the forum. I also reported it to AWOL who has spoken to me and removed it. This whole threads gone off topic, if you are not here to download and use the launcher simply walk away and stop complaining. You can always go make your own launcher or use some easy to maintain batch files B)


    I have to post all this on Macas behalf as he cannot post on here because of his status, even when banned hes still helping the community which his free scripts and tools. At least hes making an effort, where is dotjosh in all of this drama, hes huddled away and not talking to posting to anyone because he either has no idea what hes doing or has given up with DZC.

  10. Domuk, Rather than beating us with a shitty stick and when I say us I mean the admins and players that make up 80% of the epoch community, why don't you include 112555 in dzl so there is a clear choice and all servers are once again listed in one place?

    You are aware that the launcher doesnt work with the old version because it was build to query steam servers only. 112555 is not a steam build so it would never show up in the list, and not to mention that the tool also launches the new exe "ArmA2OA_BE.exe" which is the one that needs the commandline running.


    Its just not going to support the old version of the game, update and be ready for whne gamespy and Battleye finally goes down, no point going backwards.

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