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kevin 385874

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Posts posted by kevin 385874

  1. YES i wanted to ask if theres anyway to remove the antitp i know its under dayz epoch\dayz_code

    but if i remove the antihack i dont want it to mess up the server

    and it gives me a error when i even empty the file i use blue phoenix admin tool and i need to teleport any ways to bypass the antihacks on my server

  2. INSERT INTO Traders_DATA (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["ItemComboLock",1]', 15, '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 530, 'trade_items');

    INSERT INTO Traders_DATA (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["ItemComboLock",1]', 15, '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 662, 'trade_items');

    INSERT INTO Traders_DATA (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["ItemComboLock",1]', 15, '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 508, 'trade_items');


    If your traders_data is spelled "traders_data", adjust it so.

    Also change the prices to your liking of course.

    This will put the combo lock at the Building Supplies vendors at Bash, Stary and Klen.

    thanks but what do i change to edit the ammont of items i get i know the qty is the stock number and the second number by itemgoldbar glitchs the trader

  3. So if you have custom items at the traders (like cinderblocks) maybe there is a bug with the added items in the database?

    Sorry without seeing anything its like fishing in the dark haha

    it still does it on other items still

  4. I mean the item from the previous (first) trade, did you receive that? If not the trade is still in progress and you have to wait..

    if you have received it and can't start a new trade there might be a bug, can also be in other scripts because many scripts use the trade progress.. so if there is a bug in any other script it might also tell you "trade already in progress.." :/


    I experienced it on another server that was really laggy.. so you had to wait forver for the trade to complete.. lol

    yes i got the first item then i go to trade again lets say i trade 1 cinderblock i get it then i want mortar then it glitchs

  5. Did you receive the item? maybe the server is just laggy then it can take some minutes (!) for the trade to complete.

    How long does it take to load the item list? Could also be a bug but should be an error in your report file then.

    i dident i still had my gold and when i press trader menu it keeps saying trading still in progress

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