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Posts posted by peipo118

  1. You could for example do a new action function like trade_weapon_mystery and then have that executed in your trading file ( whether you use config traders or database ones doesn't really matter) and then in that trading file you just copy and paste the normal weapon trading stuff and add the part wher you choose a random classname from the loottables...

    Or you could go and modify the normal weapon trading file to take the classname "Mistery" as trigger of an if clause and then in there you go and choose the random new classname again (this second method might be easier actually :P )

  2. Ok to get this out of the way once and for all!!

    Scripts do NOT cause performance problems, what is causing them is running them (genius right?) Now if we have stuff like bike deploy, selfBB, tow and lift etc etc, those will not take any performance, as Arma is able to run sqf (btw a very quick script language) like butter. Now what does Arma not handle very well? First of all AI, not spawning them in as in general the SERVER handles spawning stuff in really good (allthough it might cause some lagging on the client who has to load it all), but more the general calculations that are necessary. Not with all the mission systems out there EMS is probably the worst and most outdated to use, as it goes pretty much brute force on the AI, with lots of loops running.. For example I am using a quite heavily modified version of WAai wher i only spawn in the AI when actual players get near the mission, which saves a lot of performance...

    Next thing that causes desync is heavy server processes, triggered by publicVars.. Allthough in general publicVars do not affect performance very much, there is quite a few server side processes that do (mainly the updating and spawning of vehicles as there is also a database interaction involved )

    Now a headless client can solve most of your AI problems, and allows you to have over 300 AI on the map without issues (at least on my setup )

    For the rest as a general tip i would say, avoid loops if you can, don't go nuts with map addons that run server side, and keep the general swag up :)

    Peace ;)

  3. looks fine to me.. there is a few undefined variables, and you get the line and the file where it happens so make sure to declare it in the private ["","",....] array...

    For the rest the NETServer is caused by your database being a little slow and is a common Arma desync problem, but if the server is running none of these errors should cause problems

  4. Lag, piping issues and wait even more lag.

    Arma2net is the most lag producing thing in the world, it has the most horrible piping issues.

    The reason why Arma 3 Life servers lag and cause soo much d'sync.


    It is like having a bunch of pipes connected with low pressure and some leaking problems.

    Just stick with MYSQL and have all the server connected to one 1 user but different databases you can have mysql communicate between those if you know how to do it.

    I am not really going into much detail of it right now as its a pain in the ass to do it.


    And that is because the Altis Life coders are noobs or don´t know about this: Arma2NET offers an asynchronous call method, something i have been requesting a million times from the epoch devs aswell. With asynchronous calls i have had 50/50 players and was handling all the database stuff via Arma2NET, similar to Sandbird´s editor, and i experienced a lot less lag with database stuff and general Arma problems like desync etc..


    So yea. the asynchronous calls are a little more difficult to implement, but get results much faster, with the benefit of not being a stuffed pipe but more like a big cluster waiting for the response of the server.


    I will look at Torndeco´s extDB.dll though, i did not hear about it before so it might be worth trying out :)

  5. Yes the bounty adds up, so people can push the bounty higher and higher on a certain player, yes it is tied to UID, the bounty hunter will have different "levels" depending on his skills.. the more bounties he collects the higher his skills get, and based on that he will get more or less precise map markers of the last known position of the searched player.


    And yes there will be systems in place to prevent grinding with the skills and/or collecting the bounty of a friend

  6. This is something i had started on some time ago.. Got stuck on a few conceptual problems back then, rethinking exploiting and such..

    Got motivated again today, threw out a bunch of shit i did not like and working on new functions and features to it.. This could make a difference in the entire gameplay of Dayz, even offer new aspects of gameplay if i succeed and make it exploit-free....

    If I get happy enough with it, I will probably release it, pls give me your thoughts and ideas in addition to mine :)


  7. Not impossible to do, but yea i would say for someone who has no experience at all it could be very frustrating... Most of us who claim to be fairly good scripters ( pls note the "claim" ;) ), have been doing this for at least a year, most longer..

    From the post with your ideas i would say that it would be work for a week maybe, but is it really worth it? I see cool ideas, but those are not really as cool anymore when you have them in an Arma2 engine that handles AI not too well... Plus i do not think that players would love it too much, they would stick to it for some time but when the server would whipe their stuff, they get frustrated and leave..

    This is just my personal opinion, but i encourage you to post ideas!!! The main problem of not much new content being created right now is that people that have the skills to develop new things ( me included ), are currently in a hole of uninspiration.. So if you have any other cool Idea, no matter how crazy you think it is, pls post it and maybe me or others can realize something great out of it :)

  8. Still struggling with this mess......


    I saw that MGT had similar problems before with an earlier patch build, so maybe he has found a solution back then...


    Gonna check all the .dlls are in place now... Weird thing is that the server seems to be running completely fine and yet there is this problem :/

  9. Hello everybody,


    just wondering if someone maybe had the same problem updating to the new steam version....


    Seamport and steamqueryport are added correctly and both server and client are running the 125548 patch.

    On joining i will get the welcome messages displayed, immediately followed by a "session lost" message and a kick..... 


    The .rpt shows this:   Server error: Player without identity ### (id #########)



    Not sure what is going on here, i am using default files to test stuff..



    Anyway, help would be much appreciated if you know a solution, or if you have the same problem we can maybe find a solution together.



  10. When you copy a base, it saves the objects to the logs:



    And you can then copy that into the script to add other structures.


    Ye i know thx :) Would just be cool to have it done live with database interaction ;) Good job anyway, i like it..

    Care to explain how to do custom ones please? :)

    To do custom ones just build a base and then apply the script on it to copy it.. Then add it in the BCBaseList array in this form

    BCBaseList = [ ["name1","additional info", [0,0,0] //offsets as Maca said , [....the base info like you copied it from .rpt...] ], [next base], etc];

  11. No I am talking about the actual saved bases :) Saving them in database as a long text and then call compile that text again when you want to insert them again.. Of course that is maybe a lot more work than it is worth, but it would allow to store a pot of different base types in a database from where you could easily access them again.. If i get the time and inspiration to do some menus to name the bases and save/read them i will send it to you so you can add it if you want ;) cheers

  12. Was watching the video when i thought "oh the 14 posts guy has stolen the CCG stuff, he is a noob for sure"... Then i saw the good work and thought, hmm maybe it is a CCG scripter... And then i saw pink bubbles and i knew : Maca is back in tha house!! :P

    Decent work man, maybe it would be interesting to integrate and save the copied bases in the database (there might be problems with the bigger strings then though..)

    I will fiddle around with this a little thx for sharing ;)

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