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Posts posted by HARLAN

  1. BTW - Does Epoch prioritize loading modular buildings first before the vehicles(helicopters)?

    Epochs table structure has all buildables and vehicles in one table. The server monitor streams them in chronologically. If the vehicle was bought after the base was built it should be fine, although maintenance may change the object ID to a later one


    If I want to add for example LightPole_DZ must I then add "LightPole_DZ" or "ASC_EU_LHVOld". And I think its not possible to add "Fortifications" from the vehicle Class, or?

    class ASC_EU_LHVOld;
            class LightPole_DZ: ASC_EU_LHVOld
                    armor = 200;
                    scope = 2;
                    offset[] = {0,2.5,0};
                    displayName = "Light Pole";
                    vehicleClass = "Fortifications";
                    maintainBuilding[] = {{"ItemLightBulb",1}};


    you would add either.  LightPole_DZ would inherit from ASC_EU_LHVOld. but LightPole_DZ is more specific.  In terms of maintaining light poles, it doesnt really matter.


    For example, we use a lot of "isKindOf" [Air] which is a top level class for helicopters, planes, gyros etc.


    If we wanted to only allow Hueys we'd have "isKindOf UH1Y_DZ" or whatever...that is a subclass of "Air"


    Hope that makes sense.

  3. miltary female skins need to be created as custom assets as they arent part of the Arma 2 library.


    I've added a few new items (gunrack, fire barrel) in the next build but if you have anything else you may want please speak up


    as for the bikes, building them via toolbox is something that can be managed with custom mission-side scripts and I personally dont think that capability should be in Epoch.

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