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Posts posted by Dactyl

  1. If you change that line to read -mod=@Epoch;@Australia;@AllInArmaTerrainPack -servermod=@EpochHive

    players will not see a red dot next to @EpochHive (it will be hidden) in the lower right corner of the launcher window. This works for any serverside mod that players can't download.

    i read that the terrain packs need to be before australia in the parameters. now i just get a 'warning prenold: object format blah blah blah e76_shop_multi1.p3d' several sources indicated that corrupt data was the problem and i have since redownloaded all @modfiles and replaced them including .pbo's in my mpmissions. now i read on the workshop that there is a final australia update that isnt available through steam yet, could this be the problem, that epoch updated for newer australia while i am using older australia?

  2. Oke, change the block from your config to the one I pasted and it will be veteran :)


    Default download is veteran, if Nitro changes it to regular, well...



    Ho Ho Ho

    I changed the info in my server files and even found the ones in my documents but still i cant find a difficulty setting besides the one in sc\config.cfg which states:

    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) (epoch.Altis, epoch.Stratis, epoch.Chernarus, epoch.Bornholm)
    class Missions
    	class Epoch {
    		template = epoch.Altis; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER
    		difficulty = "veteran";    // difficulty settings: veteran == NORMAL, mercenary == HARDCORE


    i've changed this as well as the settings on TADST but it still starts a regular mission on my server as opposed to verteran, crosshairs and many dials in the hud for helis as well. how can i have veteran, limited hud for vehicles and no crosshairs?


    EDIT: TADST has a difficulty setting under the Difficulty tab at the top. 

  3. Yes, remember that Australia requires all in arma terrain pack, also remember to add the keys, i missed that part



    Ok, so I changed the config to Australia, copyed all the keys from the EpochMod Server Zip into my Servers Key folder, I deleted the database and re-launched it.


    I have downloaded AiA for my PC, but do I need it installed for the server?


    Also, does the map get downloaded for everyone else that has 0304, or do they need to download it as well?




    So in order to play australia what keys would I need to take from where and put where? TY

    EDIT: nvm answered my own question by reading further

  4. when i type the commands (steamcmd.exe +login username password +force_install_dir "c:Arma3Server" +app_update 233780 validate +quit) it does nothing, and if i dont leave a space at the beginning it gives me the "steamcmd.exe command not found" error. so im kinda stuck on one of the first steps. I know it is probably something stupid and elementary that I am overlooking. I will definitely jump on lingor soon. 

  5. A dedicated server means you have all the resources available on that machine, a VPS shares a dedicated servers resources and a GSP hosts multiple games on 1 dedicated server.

    You would need a host, either dedicated, VPS or GSP, depends on your budget and how many players/scripts you want, more resources needed the more the server should have.

    Supported maps can be found here with more coming, I'm porting Lingor but a lack of testers slows the releases.


    Anything else just reply.

    I was wanting to use lingor specifically, or australia, and on my pc for friends so free would be my budget. 

  6. I have a few noobly questions:

    • What is the difference between a dedicated server and a not dedicated server?
    • What would i need to set up a server that would still run events even without anyone logged on?
    • What maps can I play Arma 3 Epoch on?

    I had an Arma 2 Epoch server on my machine some years ago and I wish to do the same with Arma 3. I have looked at a few guides, including the one in the Epoch Wiki (wasn't able to get steamcmd working), and they all seem to advocate different methods. Any advice and points in the right directions are appreciated. 



    this should do it as well but without the use of eventhandlers

    //Suicide script by Grafzahl edited by axeman to allow coming back from the brink.
    //File name: suicide.sqf 
    private ["_Secondary","_lostHope","_actSuicide"];
    _Secondary = currentWeapon player;
    _lostHope = time;
    r_interrupt = false;
    cutText [format["You think about your family... 10 Seconds"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    sleep 2;
    player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_suicide1B";
    _actSuicide = 1;
    while {alive player}do{
    	player playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon";
    	cutText [format["She wouldn't have wanted it to end this way.."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		if(!((animationState player) in ["AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon"]) && (alive player))exitWith{sleep 1;player switchmove "";sleep 1;PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,[],true,true];publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";};
    	if(time - _lostHope > 2 && _actSuicide < 2)then{
    	cutText [format["Your little daughter, and what happened to her... 6 Seconds"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	_actSuicide = 2;
    	if(time - _lostHope > 6 && _actSuicide < 3)then{
    	cutText [format["You cant take this shit any longer... 2 Seconds"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	_actSuicide = 3;
    	if(time - _lostHope > 7 && _actSuicide <4)then{
    	cutText [format["I come to you Sahra! Goodbye cruel world!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	_actSuicide = 4;
    	if(time - _lostHope > 9.2 && _actSuicide > 3)exitWith
    		player fire _Secondary;
    		[] spawn player_death;
    sleep .1;


    nice. what be the benefit of not using eventhandlers?

  8. I started using this at the request of a few people on my server. I've been having problems with the missions despawning when people get close to them. People are going to do them, and they are disappearing (off the map, and the box). 


    I'm using all 4 of the scripts currently, is there a way to stop them from what I'm guessing is overwriting each other?


    that is strange i dont have this problem. have you edited any of the files?

  9. i just added it in like so

    /Record player for management
    dayz_players set [count dayz_players,_playerObj];
    //record player pos locally for server checking
    _playerObj setVariable["CharacterID",_characterID,true];
    _playerObj setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];
    _playerObj setVariable["humanity_CHK",_humanity];
    //_playerObj setVariable["worldspace",_worldspace,true];
    //_playerObj setVariable["state",_state,true];
    _playerObj setVariable["lastPos",getPosATL _playerObj];
    dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];
    // PVDZE_obj_Debris = DZE_LocalRoadBlocks;
    _clientID = owner _playerObj;
    if (!isNull _playerObj) then {
    	_clientID publicVariableClient "dayzPlayerLogin2";
  10. I cannto find the line 

    dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];

    in my server_playerSetup.sqf. 


    I am trying to add Halo spawn on fresh spawn. when i turn paraspawn on the mission init it gives me an error like 5om off the greound saying that halo isnt gonna work then splat. 


    should i add this line in somewheres? if so, where?


    Thank you

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