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Posts posted by ekroemer

  1. Yes, I could have removed the minor mission directory :-)

    But then, the whole DZMS system still has the internals to handle minor missions and I didn't really want to remove the possibility of running additional minor missions. Who knows - perhaps something that doesn't need map markers, like random roadblocks ;-)

  2. As for the Zs not reacting to the AI (has been alway that way) Buttface had explained that behaviour, afair Zs are spawned locally and can't see the server-side AI.


    I don't know of any group limit withing DZAI, though there seems to be an Arma-wide limit that every group of Zs or any AI counts towards.


    Did you wait long enough? In setup_veh_patrols.sqf there seems to be a sleep of 20s after each patrol group spawn, so your 9 heli patrols will take 3 minutes to spawn before the first car will be handled.


    You could try setting the debug level to something >0, then you'd see any spawn attempts in the server rpt.


    As for heli patrols: neat when the last thing you see through the optics of your BTR60 is a stream of rockets accelerating towards you :-)

  3. Yes, DZAI has removed the FreeForAll mode, afaik because of unwanted interactions with other mission systems, e.g. Helipatrols shooting all AI at DZMS missions :-)


    Shooting Z's: yes, they don't shoot all of them, but I don't know if that would be ideal, either, using them to protect you, so you can snipe them better ;-)


    I don't think there is a 10 group limit, Using the admin tool I can see my 3 heli and 8 vehicle patrols just fine and the groups statically spawning in my vicinity, too. Did you increase the respective heli/car pools? You cannot have more than 1 each if you don't change the default (e.g. ["UH1Y", 1]) of vehicles to choose from.


    Vehicle patrols won't chase you in the car once you've succesfully disengaged, in other words: they won't search for you in more as the usual radius used for infantry. But at least in the new version the patrol will re-embark and continue on their way instead of standing just outside the car indefinitely like it was in former versions (where you could fly low over the car, they'd disembark and you needn't concern yourself with them, anymore; same with close driveby).

  4. With permission of TheVampire I'm releasing a modification of his DZMS.
    All credits go to TheVampire.


    Further thanks to Smitty Jagerman and NigeyS for coordinate contributions.

    DZMSHotSpots basically is a copy of DZMS, configured to run a permanent treasure hunting mission, incidently creating PvP-HotSpots as well as roadblock ambushes.

    Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/90098571/DZMSHotSpots/DZMSHotSpots.rar

    Major Missions:

    • A crate is hidden on the map.
    • Possible locations are marked but players have to search for the correct one.
    • Markers are circles with a question mark in their center. The crate is somewhere in this circle, but not in the center.
    • The map markers will create hotspots for your players to converge and have PvP, typically in a close quarter environment.
    • Each mission starts with a different set of possible locations, thus making lurking at likely positions infeasible.
    • There is always a major mission running. As soon as a mission is finished, a new set of possible locations will be marked on the map and a new crate will be placed.

    Minor Missions:

    • Roadblocks are created, these are not marked on the map.
    • Some AI are manning the ambush.
    • In the missions "RBFort","RBSandBags","RBTankTraps", a small crate is placed within a static scenery. "RBVehicleArmed" features an armed vehicle as prize.


    Installation & Configuration:

    • You can run DZMSHotSpots alongside DZMS and have to install it the very same way. In DZMS's 1.1Final version I simply replaced all occurrences of "DZMS" by "DZMSHotSpots" and renamed the files accordingly.
    • Center part of the configuration is the list of static locations DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsStatLocs.
    • Currently coordinates for Chernarus, Napf and Taviana/Tavi-Origins are provided. Also included are Takistan coordinates by Smitty Jagerman and Miroslavl coordinates by NigeyS.
    • With DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsNumber you define a number of currently used hotspots. Each time a mission starts, <DZMSHotSpotsNumber> locations are chosen from <DZMSHotSpotsStatLocs> and marked on the map.
    • You can define the radius of the map marker circle using DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsRandR. Default is 50m.
    • A major mission simply places a crate and 6 AI at one of these marker positions. Note that some of the AI may already be dead because they spawn within walls or on roofs.
    • The mission will end once a player is withing 2m of the crate; the crate will despawn within 5 minutes (change with DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsSceneryDespawnTimer).
    • DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSRoadBlocksStatLocs is used to define a different set of coordinates for minor mission roadblocks.
    • These positions are not marked on the map, you are meant to be ambushed.
    • A minor mission also places a crate, along with some scenery blocking the road of (in case of "RBVehicleArmed") an armed vehicle randomly chosen from the array DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsArmedVic.
    • You can change the damage handling using DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsAIBlood
      • DZMSHotSpotsAIBlood = 0; will continue using the Arma handler, meaning easy to kill AI
      • using a number > 0, e.g. DZMSHotSpotsAIBlood = 12000; will scale the damage dealt to the unit by 8000/DZMSHotSpotsAIBlood. That means that in the example above the unit only takes 8000/12000 = 3/4 of the damage it normally would.
      • using a number < 0 will enable using the DZAI damage handler. If you run DZAI then you should choose a value within the DZAI interval DZAI_unitBloodLevel. Note that DZAI_useHealthSystem needs to be true!



    • There are 5 predefined major missions DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsMajorArray that are different only in what type of loot is placed (HSSupply, HSMoney, HSVehAmmo, HSRareAmmo, HSLauncher).
    • There are 4 minor mission for DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsMinorArray ("RBFort","RBSandBags","RBTankTraps","RBVehicleArmed").
    • Be sure to adapt the loot to your server's needs. Note that I've already changed the DZMS defaults to my liking, you may want to remove the M240 nest from the supply crate as well as the complete launcher crate mission.
    • The minor mission "RBVehicleArmed" spawns a vehicle with an active gunner who will shoot at you. Naturally for doing this he needs ammo. Any ammo he doesn't spend can be used by the player capturing the vehicle.
    • Map marker creation is done within a modified version of Scripts/DZMSHotSpotsMarkerLoop.sqf.
    • Map marker choice is done by a new function DZMSHotSpotsFunctions.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsGetCooSet
    • As usual, change the interval between missions with DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsMajorMin|Max.
    • The major mission coordinates provided are scattered around the map, mostly chosen in backyards of houses in small villages but avoiding barns because there people often build bases.  
    • Sometimes the locations are within a building. That, however, only works well on the ground floor because crates seem to be placed at z=0. For that reason the missions only use the big USVehicleBox, smaller ones tend to vanish below the floor.
    • To help admins with the definition of new locations, there is a variable DZMSHotSpotsConfig.sqf:DZMSHotSpotsDebug. If set to true, all possible hotspots are marked on the map, not only the <DZMSHotSpotsNumber> locations for the current mission.
    •  Minor mission positions are on roads, mostly at crossroads or in sharp bends.
    • In the mission files you could disable the placing of AI completely, thus making the crate location harder to find. The AI can be spotted from the air more easily than the crate itself.
    • If you want, you could simply tweak DZMSHotSpots to place/replace a static crate at a known position at given intervals (instead of only once per server restart)


    Edit 2014-08-27: Screenshots


    I'm not sure what screenshots can do that my wall of text can not :-) But here you are.

    Action shots are difficult to make - the admin tool does not hide me from the AI, so there are no pictures of an unalerted AI and the crate in one frame. Sadly I missed the one where I had the crate in view when suddenly a bot ran up behind me and shot me in the head ;-)

    • map markers of potential loot sites: MapMarkers.jpg
    • loot positioned in a house: LootInHouse.jpg
    • trying to sneak onto higher ground: Discovered.jpg
    • and failed, again: ShotAgain.jpg
    • ok, I remembered the free roam camera: a birdview HotSpotBirdview.jpg

    Nice thing is: the close quarter combat really works: some days ago I actually lobbed a grenade over a wall :-)


    Edit 2014-09-05: Info about new minor missions (roadblocks) added above. Screenshots:

    • roadblock with a circle of H-barriers: RoadBlock.jpg
    • and with an armed vehicle: RoadBlockVehicle.jpg


    Edit 2014-09-06: changes to map markers and minor mission intervall, see post



    Edit 2014-09-08: Debug mode expanded:


    On DZMSHotSpotsMapDebug = true;

    • green question marks show all possible locations for major missions, that's DZMSHotSpotsStatLocs,
    • green exclamation marks show all possible locations for minor missions, that's DZMSRoadBlocksStatLocs,
    • a red question mark shows the true location of AI&loot for a major mission,
    • a red exclamation mark shows the true location of AI&loot for a minor mission.

    Note that

    • red markers will be shown at [0 0] before the first major/minor mission starts,
    • red markers will stay at the old position of a cleared mission until the next mission of the same type starts,
    • red&green markers show true positions and should lie within but not in the center of their yellow counterpart's circle.
    • Map marker update is on a 25s cycle, so your update may seem out of date if you jump fast between missions spaced only some seconds.


    Edit 2014-09-13: optional DZAI damage handler enabled. With permission from Face now the sophisticated DZAI damage handler can be used for DZMSHotspot AI!

    See post 31

    and the installation instructions above for details.


    Edit 2014-10-10: info about Takistan and Mirislavl coordinate contributions added.

    Edit 2016-12-16: replaced dropbox links

  5. That event would delete your basebuild objects after 42 days or 24 days after the last maintenance, whatever comes last. It seems similar to


    If you have DB backups you could make sure that your buildings disappear after 42 days. If not, then you'll have to search for another cause. I your items are disappearing after 6 days, standard base decay is still active.

  6. You know about DZMSUseRPG = true; and had a look at the posts around


    Only the last unit in a group has an RPG, how big a group is depends on how it's called in the mission files, but typically there'll be 4-6 members.


    The RPGs should despawn on AI death but we've seen occurrences when that's not the case - maybe a case of high server load, players looting before the despawn kicks in?

  7. Me again: I've now installed the new version and I'm running it with

    	DZAI Configuration File
    	Description: Contains all configurable settings of DZAI. Contains settings for debugging, customization of AI units, spawning, and loot.
    	Last updated: 6:25 AM 6/17/2014
    diag_log "[DZAI] Reading DZAI configuration file.";
    /*	DZAI Settings
    //Enable or disable event logging to arma2oaserver.rpt. Debug level setting. 0: No debug output, 1: Basic Debug output, 2: Extended Debug output. (Default: 0)
    //Debug output may help finding additional information about DZAI's background behavior. This output is helpful when asking for help regarding bugs or unexpected behaviors.
    DZAI_debugLevel = 0;
    //Frequency of server monitor update to RPT log in seconds. The monitor periodically reports number of max/current AI units and dynamically spawned triggers into RPT log. (Default: 300, 0 = Disable reporting)										
    DZAI_monitorRate = 300;
    //Enable or disable verification of classname tables used by DZAI. If invalid entries are found, they are removed and logged into the RPT log.
    //If disabled, any invalid classnames will not be removed and clients may crash if AI bodies with invalid items are looted. Disable ONLY if a previous scan shows no invalid classnames (Default: true).										
    DZAI_verifyTables = true;
    //Enable to have server spawn in objects/buildings normally spawned clientside by DayZ's CfgTownGenerator. Prevents AI from walking/shooting through clutter and other objects. (Default: true)	
    //If running DayZ Mod ("vanilla DayZ") or DayZ Overwatch, it is highly recommended to enable this option, as many added buildings are handled by the CfgTownGenerator. Not used with Epoch.							
    DZAI_objPatch = true;
    //Minimum seconds to pass until each dead AI body or destroyed vehicle can be cleaned up by DZAI's task scheduler. DZAI will not clean up a body/vehicle if there is a player close by (Default: 900).	
    //Note: Other cleanup scripts might interfere by cleaning up dead AI bodies/vehicles!									
    DZAI_cleanupDelay = 1200;									
    	DZAI_modName value	|	Enables additional settings for...	|	Automatically detected by DZAI? (If Yes, editing DZAI_modName is not needed)
    	""						Automatically detect mod 						N/A
    	"default"				Force default settings							N/A
    	"2017"					DayZ 2017/Namalsk 2017						No - Must set DZAI_modName = "2017" to enable additional settings.
    	"epoch"					DayZ Epoch 									Yes - Adds bar currency to AI loot tables, AI skins, Epoch foods, replaces toolbelt items with Epoch versions.
    	"overwatch"				DayZ Overwatch 								Yes - Adds Overwatch skins for AI.
    	"huntinggrounds"		DayZ Hunting Grounds 						Yes - Enables additional static AI spawns for expanded Lingor map, AI skins, and backpacks.
    	"unleashed"				DayZ Unleashed								Yes - Enables Unleashed static AI spawns and AI skins.
    //(Optional) In most cases this setting should be left unchanged. This setting should only be changed if DZAI is detecting the wrong DayZ mod automatically. (Default: "")
    DZAI_modName = "";
    /*	AI Unit Settings
    //Enhanced AI health system setting. 
    //If enabled, AI units will use DayZ's 12,000 blood system, can be knocked unconscious and Tasered, and can self-bloodbag/morphine. If disabled, AI units will use default Arma 2 damage handling. (Default: true)
    DZAI_useHealthSystem = true;
    //Minimum and maximum AI blood level to spawn each unit with. Each individual unit will have a randomized blood level within this range. Upper limit: 12000 blood (Default: [10000,12000])
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_unitBloodLevel = [10000,12000];
    //Amount of blood restored from a full self-heal. One-third of the total amount is restored 3 times every 3 seconds. Note: Applies to infantry-type AI units. (Default: 6000)
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_unitHealAmount = 6000;
    //Below this blood level, AI may decide to heal themselves for amount specified by DZAI_unitHealAmount. Healing requires 9 seconds to fully complete and can be interrupted by knocking the unit unconscious. (Default: 5000)
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_lowBloodLevel = 5000;
    //Enable or disable zombie attraction to AI weapon sounds. No effect if DZAI_zombieEnemy is set to false. Enabling this option may impact server performance as a script is run for each AI bullet fired.
    //Note: AI cannot be attacked or damaged by zombies.(Default: false)		
    DZAI_weaponNoise = true;
    //If enabled, AI group will attempt to track down player responsible for killing a group member. Players with radios will be given text warnings if they are being pursued (Default: true)
    DZAI_findKiller = true;	
    //If normal probability check for spawning NVGs fails, then give AI temporary NVGs only if they are spawned with weapongrade 1 or higher (applies only during nighttime hours). Temporary NVGs are unlootable and will be removed at death (Default: false).									
    DZAI_tempNVGs = false;	
    //Amount of humanity to reward player for killing an AI unit (Default: 0)									
    DZAI_humanityGain = 10;										
    //If enabled, players with radios will be given text warnings if they are being pursued by AI groups. (Default: true)
    DZAI_radioMsgs = true;
    //If enabled, last surviving unit of a group will be granted slightly boosted skills. No effect if unit is spawned alone (Default: false)
    DZAI_lastManStanding = false;
    /*DZAI client-side addon settings. 
    **NOTE**: These settings require the DZAI client-side addon to be installed to your mission pbo file in order to work.
    //Enable to use client-side radio addon for radio messages instead of remote execution method. (Default: false)
    DZAI_clientRadio = false;
    //Enable or disable AI hostility to zombies. If enabled, AI units spawned by DZAI will attack nearby zombies. (Default: false)
    DZAI_zombieEnemy = true;	
    //Maximum distance (in meters) for AI group leader to detect zombies. Increasing range beyond default may negatively impact server performance. (Default: 150)							
    DZAI_zDetectRange = 150;									
    /*	Static AI Spawning Settings
    //Enable or disable static AI spawns. If enabled, AI spawn points will be generated in cities, towns, and other predefined areas. Does not affect custom-defined spawns (Default: true).
    DZAI_staticAI = true;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI group after all units have been killed. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: Min 300, Max 600).									
    DZAI_respawnTimeMin = 600;
    DZAI_respawnTimeMax = 1200;
    //Time to allow spawned AI units to exist in seconds before being despawned when no players are present in a trigger area. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: 120)										
    DZAI_despawnWait = 120;										
    //Respawn limits. Set to -1 for unlimited respawns. (Default: -1 for each).
    DZAI_respawnLimit0 = -1; //Respawn limit for low level AI found in low-value areas (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit1 = -1; //Respawn limit for mid level AI found in cities and other mid-value areas (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit2 = -1; //Respawn limit for high level AI found in places with military loot (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit3 = -1; //Respawn limit for very high level AI in places with high-grade military loot (Default: -1)
    /*	Dynamic AI Spawning Settings
    //Enable or disable dynamic AI spawns. If enabled, AI spawn locations will be generated for randomly selected players at randomized intervals (Default: true)									
    DZAI_dynAISpawns = false;
    //Time (seconds) required to reach maximum spawn probability per player, after which the probability is reset to 0%. Lower number = More frequent spawns, Higher Number = Less frequent. (Recommended range: 1200-2700, Default: 1800)
    DZAI_maxSpawnTime = 1800;
    //Time (seconds) to allow each player to retain maximum spawn probability. (Default: 1800).
    DZAI_keepMaxSpawnTime = 1800;
    //Probability for dynamic AI to actively hunt a targeted player. If probability check fails, dynamic AI will patrol the area instead of hunting (Default: 0.50)
    DZAI_huntingChance = 0.50;
    //Probability to send first available AI helicopter to reinforce dynamic AI group. No effect if DZAI_maxHeliPatrols is set to zero. (Default: 0.50)
    DZAI_heliReinforceChance = 0.50;
    //Array of area blacklist markers. Players within marker areas will not be targeted for dynamic AI spawns (Example: ["BlacklistArea1","BlacklistArea2","BlacklistArea3"])
    //Epoch: DZAI will automatically set up 200m-radius blacklist areas around each trader area.
    DZAI_dynAreaBlacklist = [];
    //Time to wait before despawning all AI units in dynamic trigger area when no players are present. (Default: 120)
    DZAI_dynDespawnWait = 120;
    //Enable or disable dynamic spawn-free zones of 600m radius around player spawn areas. (Default: false)
    DZAI_freshSpawnSafeArea = false;
    /*	AI Air vehicle patrol settings. These AI vehicles will randomly travel between different cities and towns.
    //Global maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).							
    DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 3;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI vehicle patrol after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
    DZAI_respawnTMinA = 1200;
    DZAI_respawnTMaxA = 1800;
    //Classnames of air vehicle types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn. Default: [["UH1H_DZ",1]]
    DZAI_heliList = [["UH1H_DZ",2], ["CH_47F_EP1",2], ["MH60S",2], ["UH1Y",2], ["UH60M_EP1",2]];
    //Difficulty level of air vehicle patrol units. Difficulty level also affects unit loadout and loot. Possible values: 0 to 3 (Default: 3)
    DZAI_heliUnitLevel = 3;
    //Maximum number of gunner units per air vehicle. Limited by actual number of available gunner positions. (Default: 2)
    DZAI_heliGunnerUnits = 3;
    //Specify vehicle weapon for air vehicles that are unarmed by default. DZAI will arm these air vehicles with the specified weapons upon spawning each vehicle.
    //Weapon classnames are verified. If the classname is invalid (banned or nonexistent), it will not be added to the vehicle.
    //Format: Each row containing a vehicle classname will be equipped with the weapon from the corresponding row in weapon classnames section. DZAI will automatically select ammo type.
    DZAI_airWeapons = [
    	//Air vehicle classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
    	//Corresponding weapon classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
    /*AI Land vehicle patrol settings. These AI vehicles will randomly travel between different cities and towns.
    //Global maximum number of active AI land vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).	
    DZAI_maxLandPatrols = 8;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI vehicle patrol after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
    DZAI_respawnTMinL = 600;
    DZAI_respawnTMaxL = 900;
    //Classnames of land vehicle types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn. Default: [["UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1",1]]
    DZAI_vehList = [["UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1",1], ["HMMWV_Armored",1], ["Ural_CDF",1], ["HMMWV_Ambulance",1], ["GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac",1], ["BTR40_TK_INS_EP1",1], ["GAZ_Vodnik",1], ["Pickup_PK_GUE",1], ["UAZ_MG_TK_EP1",1], ["hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1",1], ["SUV_Camo",1], ["LAV25_HQ",1], ["BTR90_HQ",1], ["BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_w",1]];
    //Difficulty level of land vehicle patrol units. Difficulty level also affects unit loadout and loot. Possible values: 0 to 3 (Default: 3)
    DZAI_vehUnitLevel = 3;
    //Maximum number of gunner units per land vehicle. Limited by actual number of available gunner positions. (Default: 1)
    DZAI_vehGunnerUnits = 2;
    //Maximum number of cargo units per land vehicle. Limited by actual number of available cargo positions. (Default: 3)
    DZAI_vehCargoUnits = 3;
    /*	AI Vehicle (Air & Land) Settings
    //Array of area blacklist markers. Areas covered by marker will not be used as waypoints for vehicle patrols. (Example: ["BlacklistArea1","BlacklistArea2","BlacklistArea3"])
    //Note: Vehicles may still pass through these areas but will not make stops unless enemies are encountered.
    DZAI_waypointBlacklist = [];
    /*	AI weapon selection settings
    //True: Dynamically generate AI weapon list from CfgBuildingLoot (DayZ loot tables). False: Use preset weapon tables located near the end of this file. (Default: true).
    //Highly recommended to enable DZAI_verifyTables if this option is set to false. 
    DZAI_dynamicWeaponList = true;
    //Determines whether DZAI reads from default DayZ loot tables for dynamic AI weapon generation or from user-installed custom loot tables. (Default: false)
    //No effect if DZAI_dynamicWeaponList is 'false'. If DZAI is unable to find custom loot tables installed, default loot tables will be used instead. If no loot tables are found, DZAI will use prebuilt weapon tables.
    DZAI_customLootTables = false;
    //List of classnames of weapons that AI should never use. By default, AI may carry any lootable weapon. (Only if DZAI_dynamicWeaponList = true)  
    //Example: DZAI_banAIWeapons = ["M107_DZ","BAF_AS50_scoped"] will remove the M107 and AS50 from AI weapon tables if dynamic weapon list is enabled.								
    //Note: It is recommended to add all melee weapon classnames into this list as AI have issues using melee weapons. 
    //Pre-banned weapons by DZAI: "Crossbow_DZ","Crossbow","MeleeHatchet","MeleeCrowbar","MeleeMachete","MeleeBaseball","MeleeBaseBallBat","MeleeBaseBallBatBarbed","MeleeBaseBallBatNails"
    DZAI_banAIWeapons = [];										
    //List of launcher-type weapons for mid/high-level AI to use (by default, weapongrade 1/2/3), example: ["M136"]. If left empty, AI will not use launcher weapons. (Default: [])
    //If AI encounter an armored player vehicle, they will switch to a randomly-selected launcher-type weapon to engage.
    //Weapon classnames added here are verified if DZAI_verifyTables is set to true. Note: Launcher weapons are removed from the AI unit upon death.
    DZAI_launcherTypes = ["MAAWS","RPG18","RPG7V","M136"];	
    //List of AI weapongrades that are permitted to use launcher-type weapons. Individual custom weapongrade levels may be added to allow launcher use (Default: [1,2,3])
    DZAI_launcherLevels = [1,2,3];								
    //Limit of number of launcher-type weapons to add to each AI group. Groups cannot have more launcher weapons than their weapongrade value (Default: 1).
    DZAI_launchersPerGroup = 1;
    /*	AI loot quantity settings
    //Number of selections of medical items (Inventory)
    DZAI_invmedicals = 1;
    //Number of selections of edible items (Inventory) 										
    DZAI_invedibles = 1;	
    //Number of selections of medical items (Backpack)									
    DZAI_bpmedicals = 1; 	
    //Number of selections of edible items (Backpack)									
    DZAI_bpedibles = 1;	
    //Maximum number of items to select from DZAI_MiscItemS table.										
    DZAI_numMiscItemS = 3;						
    //Maximum number of items to select from DZAI_MiscItemL table.				
    DZAI_numMiscItemL = 1;										
    /*	AI loot probability settings
    //Chance to add each medical item.
    DZAI_chanceMedicals = 0.70;	
    //Chance to add each edible item.								
    DZAI_chanceEdibles = 0.70;
    //Chance to add each random item from DZAI_MiscItemS table.									
    DZAI_chanceMiscItemS = 0.60;
    //Chance to add each random item from DZAI_MiscItemL table.								
    DZAI_chanceMiscItemL = 0.15;								
    /*AI weapon/skill probabilities (gradeChances should add up to 1.00) - [Civilian, Military, MilitarySpecial, HeliCrash] - Note: AI with higher grade weaponry will also have higher skill settings.
    //equipType level 0 - most AI will have basic pistols or rifles, and occasionally common military weapons.
    DZAI_gradeChances0 = [0.90,0.10,0.00,0.00];	
    //equipType level 1 - most AI will have common rifles, many will have common military weapons. Very rarely, AI will spawn with high-grade military or helicrash weapons.				
    DZAI_gradeChances1 = [0.65,0.30,0.04,0.01];	
    //equipType level 2 - most AI carry military weapons, and occasionally high-grade military weapons.				
    DZAI_gradeChances2 = [0.15,0.65,0.15,0.05];
    //equipType level 3 - All AI will carry at least a military-grade weapon. Many will be carrying high-grade military weapons. Note: Air and land vehicle patrols use equipType level 3.					
    DZAI_gradeChances3 = [0.00,0.50,0.35,0.15];	
    //equipType level "dynamic" - Weapongrade chances for dynamic-spawned AI. Majority of dynamic AI will be carrying low-grade military weapons, some will carry high-grade military.			
    DZAI_gradeChancesDyn = [0.00,0.88,0.09,0.03];				
    	AI skill settings
    	Skill Level: Description
    	0-1: Low to medium-skilled AI. Most common type of AI encountered. Intended to challenge players.
    	2-3: High-skilled AI. Uncommon/rare type of AI found in places with military loot. Intended to kill players.
    	Hint: The best way to quickly adjust AI difficulty is by modifying aimingAccuracy value. For all skill types, higher number = better skill.
    //AI skill settings level 0 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.50
    DZAI_skill0 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 1 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.60
    DZAI_skill1 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 2 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.70
    DZAI_skill2 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 3 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.80
    DZAI_skill3 = [	
    	Additional AI skill settings can be defined (DZAI_skill4 - DZAI_skill9) for the corresponding custom weapongrade level using the same format above.
    	Note: If a custom weapongrade is used without defining the corresponding custom skill settings, DZAI_skill3 settings will be used instead.
    	Instructions: replace "nil" with the skill array. Refer to the above preset skill arrays for examples.
    	Custom AI skill settings can only be used with custom-defined spawns (spawns created using the DZAI_spawn function).
    //weapongrade 4 skills
    DZAI_skill4 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 5 skills
    DZAI_skill5 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 6 skills
    DZAI_skill6 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 7 skills
    DZAI_skill7 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 8 skills
    DZAI_skill8 = nil;
    //weapongrade 9 skills
    DZAI_skill9 = nil; 
    	AI weapon, loot, and equipment settings
    	DZAI will first load the classname tables defined below, the modify the settings according to the DayZ map/mod being run.
    	Example: DZAI will always first load the classname tables defined below, then if DayZ Epoch is detected, DZAI will add or overwrite settings specified by \world_classname_configs\epoch\dayz_epoch.sqf. 
    //Default weapon classname tables - DZAI will ONLY use these tables if the dynamic weapon list (DZAI_dynamicWeaponList) is disabled, otherwise they are ignored and overwritten if it is enabled.
    //Note: Low-level AI (weapongrade 0) may use pistols listed in DZAI_Pistols0 or DZAI_Pistols1. Mid/high level AI (weapongrade 1+) will carry pistol weapons but not use them - they will use rifle weapons instead.
    DZAI_Pistols0 = ["Makarov","Colt1911","revolver_EP1"]; 				//Weapongrade 0 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols1 = ["M9","M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 	//Weapongrade 1 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols2 = ["M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 		//Weapongrade 2 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols3 = ["M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 		//Weapongrade 3 pistols
    DZAI_Rifles0 = ["LeeEnfield","Winchester1866","MR43","huntingrifle","LeeEnfield","Winchester1866","MR43"]; //Weapongrade 0 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles1 = ["M16A2","M16A2GL","AK_74","M4A1_Aim","AKS_74_kobra","AKS_74_U","AK_47_M","M24","M1014","DMR_DZ","M4A1","M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","MP5A5","MP5SD","M4A3_CCO_EP1"]; //Weapongrade 1 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles2 = ["M16A2","M16A2GL","M249_DZ","AK_74","M4A1_Aim","AKS_74_kobra","AKS_74_U","AK_47_M","M24","SVD_CAMO","M1014","DMR_DZ","M4A1","M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M240_DZ","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","M16A4_ACG","M4A1_HWS_GL_camo","Mk_48_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","Sa58V_RCO_EP1","Sa58V_CCO_EP1","M40A3","Sa58P_EP1","Sa58V_EP1"]; //Weapongrade 2 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles3 = ["FN_FAL","FN_FAL_ANPVS4","Mk_48_DZ","M249_DZ","BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo","G36C","G36C_camo","G36A_camo","G36K_camo","AK_47_M","AKS_74_U","M14_EP1","bizon_silenced","DMR_DZ","RPK_74"]; //Weapongrade 3 rifles
    	Custom rifle tables can be defined below this line (DZAI_Rifles4 - DZAI_Rifles9) for the corresponding custom weapongrade level using the same format above. 
    	Note: If a custom weapongrade is used without defining the corresponding custom rifle array, the DZAI_Rifles3 array will be used instead.
    	Instructions: Replace "nil" with the wanted rifle array. Refer to the above rifle arrays for examples on how to define custom rifle tables.
    	Custom rifle tables can only be used with custom-defined spawns (spawns created using the DZAI_spawn function). 
    DZAI_Rifles4 = nil; //weapongrade 4 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles5 = nil; //weapongrade 5 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles6 = nil; //weapongrade 6 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles7 = nil; //weapongrade 7 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles8 = nil; //weapongrade 8 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles9 = nil; //weapongrade 9 weapons
    //AI skin classnames. DZAI will use any of these classnames for AI spawned. Note: Additional skins may be included on a per-map or per-mod basis - see folders in \world_classname_configs
    DZAI_BanditTypes = ["Survivor2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "Bandit1_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Sniper1_DZ"];
    //AI Backpack types (for weapongrade levels 0-3)
    DZAI_Backpacks0 = ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1","DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch","DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1"];
    DZAI_Backpacks1 = ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1","DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch","DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU","DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1"];
    DZAI_Backpacks2 = ["DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU","DZ_Backpack_EP1"];
    DZAI_Backpacks3 = ["DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1"];
    //AI Food/Medical item types. DZAI_Edibles: Drinkable and edible items. DZAI_Medicals1: List of common medical items to be added to AI inventory. DZAI_Medicals2: List of all medical items available only in hospitals to be added to AI backpack.
    DZAI_Edibles = ["ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "ItemWaterbottle", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodmuttonCooked","FoodchickenCooked","FoodBaconCooked","FoodRabbitCooked","FoodbaconRaw","FoodchickenRaw","FoodmuttonRaw","foodrabbitRaw","FoodCanUnlabeled","FoodPistachio","FoodNutmix","FoodMRE"];
    DZAI_Medicals1 = ["ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller"];
    DZAI_Medicals2 = ["ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "ItemBandage", "ItemBloodbag", "ItemAntibiotic","ItemEpinephrine"];
    //AI Miscellaneous item types. DZAI_MiscItemS: List of random low-value items. DZAI_MiscItemL: List of random semi-valuable/useful items
    DZAI_MiscItemS = ["ItemHeatpack", "HandRoadFlare", "HandChemBlue", "HandChemRed", "HandChemGreen","SmokeShell","TrashTinCan","TrashJackDaniels","ItemSodaEmpty"];
    DZAI_MiscItemL = ["ItemJerrycan", "PartWheel", "PartEngine", "PartFueltank", "PartGlass", "PartVRotor","PartWoodPile"];
    //AI toolbelt item types. Toolbelt items are added to AI inventory upon death. Format: [item classname, item probability]
    //Weapongrade level 0-1 AI will use DZAI_tools0 table, weapongrade level 2-3 AI will use DZAI_tools1 table. Custom-spawned AI will use DZAI_tools1 table.
    //NOTE: Do not delete any elements from this list, set its chance to zero intead. Only add elements to the end of the array, not in the middle.
    DZAI_tools0 = [["ItemFlashlight",0.65],["ItemWatch",0.65],["ItemKnife",0.50],["ItemHatchet",0.40],["ItemCompass",0.40],["ItemMap",0.35],["ItemToolbox",0.15],["ItemMatchbox",0.15],["ItemFlashlightRed",0.05],["ItemGPS",0.005],["ItemRadio",0.005],["ItemCrowbar",0.15]];
    DZAI_tools1 = [["ItemFlashlight",0.75],["ItemWatch",0.75],["ItemKnife",0.75],["ItemHatchet",0.70],["ItemCompass",0.75],["ItemMap",0.70],["ItemToolbox",0.35],["ItemMatchbox",0.40],["ItemFlashlightRed",0.10],["ItemGPS",0.10],["ItemRadio",0.075],["ItemCrowbar",0.35]];
    //AI-useable toolbelt item types. These items are added to AI inventory at unit creation and may be used by AI. Format: [item classname, item probability]
    //Weapongrade level 0-1 AI will use DZAI_gadgets0 table, weapongrade level 2-3 AI will use DZAI_gadgets1 table. Custom-spawned AI will use DZAI_gadgets1 table.
    DZAI_gadgets0 = [["binocular",0.40],["NVGoggles",0.00]];
    DZAI_gadgets1 = [["binocular",0.60],["NVGoggles",0.05]];
    //Load custom DZAI settings file.
    if ((!isNil "DZAI_overrideEnabled") && {DZAI_overrideEnabled}) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\DZAI_settings_override.sqf",DZAI_directory]};
    diag_log "[DZAI] DZAI configuration file loaded.";

    without any errors in the server rpt. Heli as well as car gunners shoot at me.


    Note that I didn't touch the backpacks and I've got my own heli/vehicle lists.


    I'm glad, you made me upgrade: AI shooting Z's is nice and the vehicle patrol behaviour is so much better! Gone the times where all just left the car and shot at you, now they can re-enter and drive on. Driver&Gunner stay inside doing their respective jobs, passengers shoot at me :-)


    Tip: if you want to sell the patrol vehicles then change spawn_functions\spawnVehiclePatrol.sqf and spawn_functions\spawnVehicle_custom.sqf  so it says:

    //_vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
    // give ID so it can be sold
    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    _vehicle setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _vehicle setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];

    Remember to put _uniqueid into the private array.


    And you might want to increase the patrol car despawn timer in scripts\DZAI_server_monitor.sqf, line 47 75 (edit: I hope, 47 is wrong), I set mine from 900 to 7200, otherwise the vehicle might disappear while you're busy driving it to the trader ;-)

    if ((diag_tickTime - _deathTime) > 7200) then {
  8. OK, I've yet to try the new version, will do, soon.


    Looking over your config changes I found nothing terribly obvious, but

    • in DZAI_heliList and DZAI_vehList you've specified _DZE versions of armed vehicles. Normally those would spawn without ammo, I don't know if AI has a kind of auto-supply but if not, your helis won't shoot.
    • you've set DZAI_clientRadio, did you install the optional client files? No clue if DZAI setup breaks if those are required but not present.
    • I didn't check all the classnames you've added, but I'm uncomfortable with you providing 16 vehicles with count 1 each for 16 patrols, even one wrong name might break something.
    • AI skins: again I'm not sure if every one of the skins you've added can actually spawn.
  9. CustomSpawns.sqf :


    //Weapon crate spawn location Copy and paste into WAI/Missions folder in StaticAmmoBoxes.sqf
    _box17 = createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[4208.0879, 8580.5713, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_box17] call spawn_ammo_box;
    _box18= createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[4343.7891, 8354.2256, -6.1035156e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_box18] call spawn_ammo_box;
    _box19 = createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[4454.9053, 8333.1748, 0.00012207031], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_box19] call spawn_ammo_box;
    _box20 = createVehicle ["BAF_VehicleBox",[4375.8027, 8502.332, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_box20] call spawn_ammo_box;

    The coordinate section seems correct.

    But regarding the weapon boxes you should probebly do what the installation instructions say, that is put those lines into StaticAmmoBoxes.sqf instead of CustomSpawns.sqf.

  10. Now on one of our servers we're getting this problem, too.


    The interesting thing is: in the 2 cases I saw this today the players died, and couldn't reconnect from the lobby into the game.

    When I set their character to alive, they joined instantly (during the "requesting authentication" - "retrying to autenthicate" loop.


    Problems with creation of a new character? Why would this be?


    Edit: player load is not the problem, only 2 people on the server at that time, normally running smoothly with 30.


    Edit2: Found it: A DB trigger to update Plotpole-ID had pointed to another DB (copy&Paste error ;-), thus preventing new characters from being created.

  11. Ouch.


    112555 is the last non-Steam patch, even if it is the first 1.63.

    It belongs into the Expansion/beta!


    For a current server you'll need something like 125548. Apart from being out-of-date, 112555 is known to have serious issues with object cleanup.


    BTW: don't mix the 'beta' in "Expansion/beta" with the 'beta' in "opt into Steam beta versions".

  12. DZC does all kind of things behind the scenes.

    One version before, you could explicitely choose whether you wanted to connect to 1.62 or 1.63. That tick box is gone now, I don't know if that means that DZC autodetects or has lost the ability to connect to 1.62. In case of autodetect you should have the patch number 125548 near the beginning of your server description.


    Whatever. On the previous page I cited a bat file, simply copy this into your Arma2OA directory, edit the IP (and STEAMPATH if necessary) and doubleclick.


    If you want, send your IP, I'll try if I can connect.

  13. You misunderstand me. My suggestion was for a bat file used for connecting to a server, that is: starting your client.


    Your bat (both, the original one and the edited one (that is, apart from the definition of unused variables, the same)) start the server.


    Your server bat looks fine to me; evidence points to an incorrect method of connecting to the server, that's an incorrect client configuration.


    I think your server started fine and just waits for a connection. The hive config problem you found, shouldn't come into play here because the server tries a DB connection only when the first player connects.

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