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Posts posted by Colonel_Patches

  1. FOr now I set the server time to be set at 11am each restart, until I can find a fix for it.  The players really like night time on my server though... 

    What mods are you using? Maybe we all have a mod thats doing it, like Armifer is suggesting. Who is hosting your server?

  2. Not sure about DZAI, but I got Sarge AI and the mission system working together, but I never got Sarge AI in my missions, just the AI that is already in the mission system.






    Both were in the mission.pbo and I'm pretty sure i followed those exact directions. I had to make one change though somewhere though. The bandits were not attacking and its because Sarge AI messed with the sides and made the mission system bandits friendly. Easy fix though, I just typed "unfriendly" somewhere in Sarge AI stuff.

  3. I don't have a fix, just wanted to say that I think you are not alone. It seemed like we had this problem the other night. It was bright at like 11pm nearly. I'll check to see if this issue is consistent on my server soon.


    Edit: Checked and definitely having the problem.

  4. epoch does not have an chance to spawn in the database. the spawn vehicles is in the server files.. i want to have a total of 500 legit vehicles and not ones that are bought counted as that max of 500

    Epoch really only has the trader and character stuff. The vehicles are in DayZ's database. If you go down to world_vehicle, there is a "Chance" column there. Then you can go to vehicle and you can change the max number of each vehicle type.


    For your deal, I'm not sure. I see what you are saying now though. It would take some coding and maybe a new table. I really havnt messed with db stuff much though, so I can't help much.


    What about a locked vehicle cleanup? Remove locked vehicles that havnt been touched in 3 weeks or something.

  5. Sorry, that NT should be NP , I was still thinking NameTags for some reason lol ..


    Also, like I said, I think that's how it works.  From what I read up on several months ago while setting my own server host name up, I read that the dayz commander determines what is on and off based on what level you're server is running at i.e Veteran, Expert , etc.. I've also noticed that sometimes it shows my server as having tracers on, when they're off, and other times it'll display correctly.  The best way to avoid confusion for players joining is have it listed in your host name description. Then dayz commander can say whatever it likes :P

    I just did this a couple hours ago and can confirm that NP:OFF does turn off the nameplate icon in dayz commander.

  6. In the database there is a "chance to spawn" column for the vehicles for each vehicle spawn. Maybe thats what you are looking for.


    But maybe im not understanding your question, you want 500 (max), dont you have over 500 already?

  7. Anyone care to take a look at out RPT logs please and see if you can shed some light on the matter? https://www.dropbox.com/s/e2kp8s20a1tjvr0/ARMA2OASERVER.RPT


    Still having the problem obviously and we have even removed Blue Phoenix to test and it's still doing it. Our Host said there are some error's showing in our logs that we have found but can't seem seem to make head nor tales of them...


    Oh and Jaegr, we're are running a debug version


    Thanks again in advance

    14:14:04   Error Missing {
    14:14:04 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 29

    This looks like you may have not reverted correctly. Its looking for code, but isnt finding it now. That line 29 is where that admin tool tells you to start replacing with his stuff. You can download the server files from epoch's site and put it back to original.


    Edit: By original, I mean place the vanilla server_updateObject.sqf in the compile folder and replace your buggy one. Back up your buggy one if you have other mods that effect that file though.

  8. im having the same issue even after removing bluepheonix, got this in my rpt


    21:01:26 Error Missing {

    21:01:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 29

    21:01:26 Error in expression <ition select 2]; _isNotOk = true; }; };



    if (_isNotOk and _isbuildable) e>

    21:01:26 Error position: <};


    if (_isNotOk and _isbuildable) e>

    21:01:26 Error Missing {

    21:01:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 29

    21:01:31 "DEBUG FPS : 15.7325"

    You may have not reverted correctly. Do you have a backup of this file? it says you are missing line 29 and line 29 is where the vehicle stuff starts. The stuff that blue phoenix tells you to change.

  9. Has to do with AI, and killing

    You will note the player who is screwing up the vehicle is marked as a "red" player - not a green name tagged player.

    If one player in the group is the red tagged player, then he simply needs to be the last player into the vehicle.

    There have been several times where its just two of us and it doesnt matter the order, we cant be in the same vehicle. Is that because we are both red?

  10. A simple fix to this instead of having to completely redo the economy in epoch would be to have a crate for each vendor. You put what you want to sell into the crate, which is then calculated into the currency it is worth. That way you can sell everything you want in one fell swoop, only having one animation. Then the currency appears in the crate. For purchasing items, you put the money into the crate, add a QTY option, select the QTY, and have one animation to turn the currency into the bought item(s).

    Only problem I can think of with that is that there is quite a few very populated servers with populated trading areas and I'm not sure if you can make that inventory of the crate client side.

  11. Like they are suggesting, you want a copy of your client fn_selfActions.sqf and compiles.sqf on to your server. The one from your client has all the epoch stuff, since its the epoch mod. The one from krix is just for dayZ, thats why epoch stuff isnt working with his.


    This is where my fn_selfActions.sqf and compiles.sqf is for epoch.

    D:\Steam Library\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons

    Its just in your steam folder. Not quite there yet though. There is a bunch of .pbo files in that addons folder and the one you are looking for is dayz_code.pbo. You need to open this file with PBO manager http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369 you can download it at the bottom of that page. Once you get that installed, open that dayz_code.pbo with that new tool and you will see some folders inside of it. the fn_selfActions.sqf is in the "compile" folder and the compiles.sqf is in the "init" folder. COPY both of these files out of this dayz_code.pbo.


    If you are hosting your own server and on Chernarus then you want both of these files in your MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_17.Chernarus. If you want it on a different map, then just pick another folder, but if you are paying for a hosting service, it could be different. Vilayer has their own thing setup to modify the server stuff.


    But for dedicated server on Chernarus, your paths with now look like...

    G:\Dayz Server Private\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_17.Chernarus\compiles.sqf
    G:\Dayz Server Private\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_17.Chernarus\fn_selfActions.sqf

    I think the guide that fr1nk linked takes over from here pretty well. You would start at step 3 on that guide. The rest is just changing two file paths in your init.sqf and compiles.sqf so you can use these two new sqf files properly. 



    After all that is setup, go back to Krixes Self BloodBag guide that fr1nk again linked (his first link) and scroll down to the green text that says..


    "Installation Instructions For existing custom dayz_mission.pbo and fn_selfActions.sqf:"


    and follow those short instructions. You jsut put that small bit of code in your new fn_selfActions.sqf and download his player_selfbloodbag.sqf and put it in a new folder in your MPMissions folder, call this folder Scripts so its MPMissions\Scripts\player_selfbloodbag.sqf.


    If something is unclear, you get stuck, or have any questions about this, please ask.

  12. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side_relations


    This is quite often a problem with the 'rating' of people.  In DayZ everyone is on the same 'side' according to Arma.  When you 'friendly fire' people, your rating is reduced (I think humanity might be the 'rating').  When you get to a low enough rating, you often cannot get in the same vehicles as other people on the same 'side' because you're now considered an enemy to that 'side'.


    I know this is an issue in other game modes like domination or insurgency when someone has committed friendly fire, others cannot get in the vehicle after him.  Try making everyone get out and getting in one at a time until the next person can't get in.  When you've determined the person with the low rating, you can make sure he gets in last.

    That actually makes a lot of sense. Especially with Chi's problems. He thinks aggro from sarge ai is causing it. Sarge ai is set to east side by default and if what you are saying is true, then you wouldnt be able to get in if you attack a certain group in sarge ai mod. 

  13. Yeah I would not do that, all it will do is drain your FPS more haha.. if you want a FPS counter use an external tool like Fraps or something that's my suggestion. ;)

    Ya, I've thought of that. I was thinking sleep for a second or something. I had it working before, but ran into issues with something else so I'm trying to run it through compiles.sqf. What about the "stay on" part. Would I call the playerstas.sqf at the beginning of the compiles.sqf or something? Or is there a way to just modify the playstats.sqf to make it stay on?


    ya i noticed that to fixed it by adding this ;p

    INSERT INTO `dayzepoch`.`server_traders`
    'Black Market - Stary'

    Where would I put this code?


    Should I be missing most of my Stary traders? I'm only seeing Can and Ammo traders for Stary. The rest of the traders appear to be there.


    Edit: Judging by your screenshot, I am supposed to be missing them. Just making sure it wasn't me. Keep up the awesome work!

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