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Posts posted by Colonel_Patches

  1. I saw exactly what you were talking about in a screenshot once OP, I also remember someone talking about having it on their server. I like the idea of having it there. The metal conversion is just annoying and doing inventory management any time you want to make purchases also gets annoying. My friends and I are often arguing over who should do the bigger trades when we do them together. I think that this clunky trading system takes away from a better Epoch experience.


    Its doesn't have to be called a credit card or be any sort of electronic banking system. You could call it anything... gold coins, bottlecaps, w/e. Anything like that would be more realistic than carrying 5 briefcases of gold to the traders. 500oz @ $1300 per ounce = $6.5million. Anyways you could do most of what you are talking about in the fn_selfActions.sqf I think. When you go to a dead body, you now have gear, hide body, study body, and take **** coins/money. Safes and lockboxes would also have a limit on how much it can hold as well and they would have a new "transfer currency" option. Safes could hold quite a bit considering right now they can hold 2000oz * $1300 = $26mil.


    Edit: It would also be harder to dupe, I'd think.

  2. I think this might have to do with sarge ai. I am currently testing, but we have figured out that if we draw aggro from AI on our server, we become immune to domes. The messages dont even pop up for us. But if we switch clothes, or re-log, then it goes away. We will check this with the car as well, but i think that if a player with aggro gets in the car(maybe the drivers seat?) then no one else can get in unless they have aggro as well.

    That'd be nice if it was just a mod on Epoch. I'm pretty sure we have logged in at base, alone, and had car issues though. Don't let that stop you from checking though because I'm not entirely sure.

  3. How to take off the grass in Epoch!!!!

    1st if you have a server host that allow you to edit most of the files like HBF you will have better fps. If not you can fix a little.

    Remove the Grass mod pbos from the server files.

    then add this to the bottom of the inti,sqf

    setTerrainGrid 50;

    Then sub to me


    This is what I'm looking for, but I'm not seeing the grass mod pbos. Where are they exactly?


    Edit: Found them. In @DayZ_Epoch/addons of course.

  4. Well that's simple, everything you change in dayz_code.pbo or whatever has to be put in your DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo (or whatever it is called).

    That is the only way all players receive the changes you have made. The only exception is the dayz_server.pbo of course because that will only run on the server.

    So it will do nothing if you change the compiles.sqf or any other file in the dayz_code.pbo, you have to change the copy in your mission.pbo! :)


    That said you need to change the following to costomize the debug monitor:

    1. copy the file "@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf" to your mission folder (I put it in the custom folder for this example)

    2. in compiles.sqf change "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf" to "custom\playerstats.sqf", there are 2 places where you have to to that, you use replace or find it with your editor

    3. change the "custom\playerstats.sqf" file to your liking

    That's it, repack your mission.pbo if you want. :)


    Hey Axe Cop, maybe you can help me with this. When I put the playerstats.sqf in the compiles.sqf locations, I have to hit insert to display it and refresh it, like vanilla Epoch.

    How would I make it auto refresh (I have FPS on there) and make it stay on?

  5. It's been an issue in every mod I have played. Then again cars that multiples of us get into tend to be a bit more rare in Vanilla DayZ.  "Guys I found a car and got it fixed up. Now we can all go loot X. Yeah, I am just logging in now... hey... where is my car?"

    I've played origins, breaking point and Dayz vanilla mainly and this is the first time I've had to deal with this. It's an annoying game we have to play every time we want to go somewhere together. I'm surprised this issue doesn't get more attention.

  6. Edit: Ok so i have tested with what you said to try C_P and also from the thread that Jaegr linked. Vehicles are still trolling us...


    I just read that you are still having the problem. If you're sure that you followed all the directions correctly with that guide and didn't notice any difference between my code and yours then I'd start shutting off all your other mods. Just comment out all the execVM = ******.sqf in your init.sqf. Revert any changes you can think of and try to keep track of everything you are doing. Once you get the vehicles back, then you can start enabling the mods, one by one until it breaks.


    If you revert everything and turn off all mods and you are still having the issue, then I'd do a full wipe and start fresh. But first BACKUP ALL THE THINGS! Doing a full wipe isnt so bad if you have a backup of your old stuff. Its not too hard to put them back in place.


    Thats my process anyways, but I bet its still something with the server_cleanup since thats a common problem with that tool. Feel free to message me if you run into something. I've got most of the popular mods working (it hasnt been an easy battle) and I'd be more than willing to help out.

  7. I have same problem but i tried what torndeco tell and not work,

    torndeco, please could you post the. sqf already edited?


    quick post as ingame atm - got same problem here regarding the space key and unable to build


    Comment out this whole section in your debug monitor sqf...

    dayz_spaceInterrupt = {
        private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
        _dikCode = _this select 1;
        _handled = false;
        if (_dikCode == 0x44) then {
            if (debugMonitor) then {
                debugMonitor = false;
                hintSilent "";
            } else {[] spawn fnc_debug;};

    Your sqf should now start with...

    fnc_debug = {
        debugMonitor = true;
        while {debugMonitor} do

    Like Tornedeco is saying, that piece of code that I told you to comment out is overriding epoch hotkeys. There is lots of epoch stuff you wont be able to do if that code is in there. Cant cancel trades, cant even build a fire.


    If you remove the code you won't be able to toggle the debug on/off, but you will still see the debug.

  8. What is the significance of the extra quote if you don't mind me askiong?

    I'm not sure. Maybe that is one of your problems. I just looked through Sarge guides, my original backup, and blue phoenix and they are all having the quadruple quotes. Like I said though, I'm new to this as well. I looked for a few, but I couldn't find an explanation to the functions of the quadruple quotes. Maybe what ever its being called from is already quoted and you have to quote the quote to make the syntax work? No idea.

  9. Indeed we are.


    So is there a way to sort this out or is it just a simple fact of get rid of Blue Phoenix?

    And is there any other admin tool you could recommend that is as good to use as BP?

    Also what exactly is the problem with Blue Pheonix if you don't mind me asking?


    Thanks again :)

    Ya, I'm using blue phoenix just fine right now. Everything works except the teleport, but its Epoch and there is a fix to remove the anti-teleport.

    The problem with blue phoenix is a problem you will run into often with other mods. Some of them are only made for DayZ and lots of Epoch files are different so you have to do things a little different to get it working.


    Jaegr posted a fix that I guess works for most, but it still wasn't working for me. The vehicles were still resetting. I added two guides together and ended up getting it working. I just started getting into scripting with Arma so I don't know why this works, or even if it should, but it did and I've had no problems.

    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n
           "		diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
           "		(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
           "		_x setDamage 1;" \n
           "	 };" \n
           " } forEach allUnits;" \n
           "" \n

    There is my entire section for it. It's been a few weeks since I messed with it, so I'm not sure what I did exactly. It seemed like that diag_log was missing or incomplete. I remember grabbing that piece from another guide. Anyways, use Jaegr's link first and see if that works. If it doesnt then compare yours to mine. Copy Paste might not work since I see "Sarge" in it for sarge ai.

  10. Big issue for me too. It gets exponentially worse with the more people you have. Cant enter vehicle... Tag as friendly (sometimes works), still cant... relog (second thing to do), still cant get in... So its someone else. Then they go through same process. Very annoying. Is there a fix for this?

  11. It is your debug monitor.


    I'm using the same one and had the same issue and I fixed it. 


    Open the custom_monitor.sqf (or whatever you called the debug sqf) and comment out or remove this code at the top.



    dayz_spaceInterrupt =

        private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
        _dikCode = _this select 1;
        _handled = false;
        if (_dikCode == 0x7e) then {
            if (debugMonitor) then {
                debugMonitor = false;
                hintSilent "";
            } else {[] spawn fnc_debug;};


    The code should then start with 



    fnc_debug = {

        debugMonitor = true;
        while {debugMonitor} do


    The code I'm telling you to comment out is for the toggling of the debug monitor. When removing, you wont be able to toggle it anymore, it will always stay on. So Mercules is right. It is overwriting hotkeys or something and disabling all the keys in build mode. You probably cant cancel trades either right?

  12. It happens on my vilayer server as well, just thought it was that old arma bug

    Ya, i thought so too until I read that they fixed it a while back.

    Do you have any of these mods?


    Missions, sarge ai, blue phoenix admin tool, self bb, safezones, auto-refuel, a debug monitor.



    EDIT: I just set up a local server and tested this. The ammo is still refilling with no mods and new database.



  13. What is the Problem? That they are full after a restart or not?

    Client relog, like the title says. User shoots a gun enough to nearly empty a mag. User then disconnects from server then reconnects and the nearly empty mag is now full. Infinite Ammo with this technique.


    Since I cant find many people complaining about this, I'm guessing its a mod I have or vilayer.

    I'll just turn off mods until I find it.

  14. Well if you have already tried wiping the pbo, maybe the next step is to wipe everything and start back over with a fresh everything.


    EDIT: Nvm that, I just read that you already did. Have you tried one at a time? Admin tool first, get it working, then antihax? If you can figure out which one is causing the problem then you can possibly ask the author.

  15. In my case first trader bug comes from DZAI or/and Missions side reations settings, if it is commented, traders are working fine, if not, traders with guns in hands works only after they are iron sighted. I switch their skin to unarmed and it is working fine now.

    I'm using Sarge AI and missions and I'm having the same issue. I think it started with the missions though. I've looked through a few things and cant find it, but can you tell me where I change their skin at? It looks like thats what I need to do.


    EDIT: Nvm, got it working. I copied my fn_selfActions.sqf from my client (dayz_code.pbo/compile/fn_selfActions.sqf, located in @Dayz_Epoch/addons from my client) and put it in my mission.pbo on my server and this appears to have fixed the issue.

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