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Posts posted by mintypie007

  1. So instead of having this happen randomly, I wanted to have this happen on command of an admin. I added this to the admin tool action menu, and it seems to work. All I did was add it to the toolbar and within the spawn chance I changed it to a 1.00. I am having issues finding the box however (I am using the treasure.sqf). I got kicked at first for trying to add the box however I fixed that so I know that the script is at least trying to add the box. If these scripts are not run by the server do they still send messages to the server.rpt? I am not seeing any of the spawning messages from this script in there.

  2. Rather than having every fuel point act as a refuel/repair/rearm point I assume that I change _servicePointClasses = ["Land_A_FuelStation_Feed"];  to something that I want? Would allow to move this function to the traders or maybe a "new" trader which only has this.




    It was obvious and I see that you pretty much answered it already. Thanks. I have been meaning to do this since I saw Epoch came out and thought it weird that there would be no refueling at the traders.

  3. I have been trying to do something similar with the timer but have messed it up. Now the notification blinks nonstop on the screen and spams the server log brining the server frames to 0. I am being sued for causing a seizure with someone on the server. What's a simple example of the timer code you are using? I am trying to work a cleanup code for old missions as well. I have a lot of Bohemia forums to catch up on.

  4. Same here. I have always noticed a drop in the amount of players we have had before Epoch. Every game release pulls players away. We tend to get huge replacement of players when disappointing posts on Rockets twitter feed occur. The longer Rocket's team takes the less Dayz will be popular. Is it even popular anymore?



    I did hear that it is being bundled with Half Life 3. I know cause my dad works at EA.

  5. So I understand the that the ability to remove and add weapons which vehicles spawn with exists. I have not done this yet. What I am curious about is if the ability to remove some of the more OP weapons and replace them with say a M4 with the 100round beta stanag mags. Anyone know if in Arma there is a way to attach say an m4 to a vehicle which has had its weapons removed? This would be an interesting way to make a server a unique experience.

  6. I have noticed an issue since we started hosting Epoch. Players seem to be joining then disconnecting a second later. This is happening constantly. At first I thought it was a battleye update issue so I went ahead and placed the .dlls in the beta and battleye folders. Still happened, I went ahead and updated to the most recent Epoch and it still happened.


    Here is an example


    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Player #1 energy (XXXX) connected
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Refreshing players...
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:42]  Player #1 energy - GUID: XXXXX(unverified)
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:43]  Player #1 energy disconnected
    This happens when people have an unverified GUID and also if it does verify it. Anyone know what this is? Is this people connecting with bad CD keys? People connecting with a bypass? Any clues where to go? I am having 20 or so new people connecting a day with this.
    If anyone can help try joining and see what it happens and tell me if it gives you an error. I have already looked through the hive and server logs and there are no errors.
  7. I have noticed an issue since we started hosting Epoch. Players seem to be joining then disconnecting a second later. This is happening constantly. At first I thought it was a battleye update issue so I went ahead and placed the .dlls in the beta and battleye folders. Still happened, I went ahead and updated to the most recent Epoch and it still happened.


    Here is an example


    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Player #1 energy (XXXX) connected
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:41]  Refreshing players...
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:42]  Player #1 energy - GUID: XXXXX(unverified)
    [2013-10-20 | 09:21:43]  Player #1 energy disconnected
    This happens when people have an unverified GUID and also if it does verify it. Anyone know what this is? Is this people connecting with bad CD keys? People connecting with a bypass? Any clues where to go? I am having 20 or so new people connecting a day with this.
    If anyone can help try joining and see what it happens and tell me if it gives you an error. I have already looked through the hive and server logs and there are no errors.
  8. Description.ext:

    class Header
     gameType = COOP;            //DM, Team, Coop, ...
     minPlayers = 1;             //min # of players the mission supports
     maxPlayers = 100;            //Max # of players the mission supports

    Maybe we can set the maxPlayers to a higher count? I dont know how dayz handles Animals, etc. Are they spawned as "players" (AI) or not?

    I know that originally animals were spawned as zombies but that was changed. I have no been involved much in the script/files side of things since almost 1.5 years ago and much has changed. Give it a try. Who knows. If something doesn't work I generally say "Well thats just how Arma is isn't it" and I move on.

  9. For a full server I recall there being arma issues when too many of a certain "side" are created. That includes animals/whatever. I could see it being an issue with a full server. You have 52 ppl so its not really an issue but for 100 ppl servers it happens. The hive child error can be traced back to back files with an antihack or modifying something that happens on login. Camera pan/10 second god mode/etc. Review your addons and take any antihacks off till you figure the issue out.

    In vanilla dayz in the early stages of the mod the hive child error didn't happen but you would be spawned as a seagull. I know that spawning as a seagull has been removed so perhaps if there is no spawnablilty it just spits an error out.

  10. For a full server I recall there being arma issues when too many of a certain "side" are created. That includes animals/whatever. I could see it being an issue with a full server. You have 52 ppl so its not really an issue but for 100 ppl servers it happens. The hive child error can be traced back to back files with an antihack or modifying something that happens on login. Camera pan/10 second god mode/etc. Review your addons and take any antihacks off till you figure the issue out.

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