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Posts posted by RobbieW

  1. On 5/20/2021 at 4:41 AM, A Man said:

    Thats not the acual problem. He is calling the right path but the game says it is a different one. This happends only with .bak files in the missionfile, unpacked pbos or .bak files in the missionfile so far I know.

    But "dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp" and "dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp" are different? 

  2. On 8/15/2021 at 7:41 AM, Harkness said:

    Awesome thanks I know about zombie speeds and global max zeds. Thats not what we are saying though.. But thanks anyway 

    You are saying they do alot of damage? If that's the case look in @DayZ_Epoch -> addons -> dayz_code.pbo -> Compile -> player_zombieAttack.sqf is where that is calculated you can make your own and just edit the values.

    However in your Init.sqf in your mission folder there is a line: dayz_DamageMultiplier = 2; //1 - 0 = Disabled, anything over 1 will multiply damage. Damage Multiplier for Zombies.

    You could disable the multiplier for their damage by setting to 0. 


  3. For the last few days I've been on github and different forums looking for a specific map addition, which I never found btw,  while looking for it I ran into so many map changes and addons that I decided to compile them all together for you.

    There are 125 seperate .sqf files in the folder, however some may be duplicates (as in theres a few different Balota changes), but there are some really really good ones such as `GOC_TE_bash`, I just thought I'd share my findings with the community.

    Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X6b6zObz-ZrCfJN4rz-Gc9J52U1PfUjn/view?usp=sharing

    Friendly reminder, adding ALL of them to your server will cause significant FPS loss, it's recommended that you view them and pick the ones you want.

    Short tutorial if you don't know how: 

    ->@DayZ_Epoch_Server -> addons -> unpack `dayz_server.pbo' -> open the folder -> make a file called "build.sqf" -> make a folder called "custom_buildings" -> open said folder and drop any of the map addons in it that you want.

    Inside 'build.sqf' just call the addon script like this: "execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom_buildings\oil_rig.sqf"; //[12948.765, 681.96075, 17.649464]" this is for admins to teleport to easily

    Go back to the server folder and find a folder called INIT -> server_functions.sqf -> find "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\loot\init.sqf";" -> Below it  add: "#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\build.sqf";//build custom map addons before player setup"

  4. CfgTrader -> Category -> I chose Wholesale and just add 

    class full_cinder_wall_kit {type = "trade_items";buy[] = {80,"worth"};sell[] = {40,"worth"};};

    after the other things they sell

  5. You're not going to want to hear this depending on how much time you've put into building that server but I would go to steam and Verify Game Files of Arma 2, and Arma 2 OA then after that remake the server with the new files. I've had similar problems before and usually just starting over fixes it. The player thing sounds like it could be a database problem, make sure you're Querying the SQL files provided.

  6. Almost everything you mentioned was mods, or addon scripts, for example DZAI and WAI are ai addons that have the patrolling AI and you can make static missions as well. So you would need to find or make the scripts to add to your server.

    However the one thing you can do right now is change zombies: MPMissions -> unpack your `DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo` or whatever the name of the map is -> Find "dayz_code" folder (if you don't have one follow this:https://github.com/AirwavesMan/custom-epoch-functions) -> init folder ->  Variables.sqf -> 

    if (!isDedicated) then
    DZE_ZombieSpeed = [2,2]; //Default agro speed is 6 per zombie config, set array elements 0 and 1 the same for non-variable speed, set to 0 to disable. array format = [min, max];  Ex: [2, 6]; results in a range of speed between 2 and 6 (2 is the old DZE_slowZombies hard-coded speed)
  7. I would look at "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf"; around like 181 and below I believe is where it's calculating damage, just something like if (player has armor) { damage = damage/2); or something like that, you could even make different types of armor and have percentages of resistance.

  8. As for the zones, read this script: https://github.com/RimBlock/Epoch read the Ring of Protection script, but instead of damage just send the announcements.

    As for the announcements: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/WICKED-AI Look at how WAI calls the server announcements for the missions then make it for your purpose.


    As for the marking them on the map: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarker read this and the following "setMarkerType" ect. They will give examples.

    Just read them to see how they are done, then remake or make it yourself based on them.

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