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Posts posted by KoTaS

  1. Yes, FPS increased a lot due to HC.

    Offloading AI's, Zeds, Loot, DebugMonitor, SafeZones, also handling for every item of players and some other scripts that running in server


    sFPS 15-30 on 30+ online

    sFPS 25-40 on 20+ online

    sFPS 40-50 on 10+ online


    Hardware: i7 3770k @ 4.9Ghz

                     16Gb Ram 3200Mhz

                     Nvidia 680GTX SLI 4Gb

                     256 Gb SSD Raid Mirror



    Hosting of my main PC, Private Hive on 10mb upload speed

  2. Hi there, got some question about some stuff....


    Quick question, is it possible to make this peace of code to delete ammo or weapon for player who is shooting at player

    KoTaS_phit = {
    	_attker = (_this select 1);
    	_nAttkr = name _attker;
    	if (_nAttkr != name player) then {
    		_locATTK = mapGridPosition getPos _attker;
    		//_attker setHit["Body",1];
    		_txt = ""+name player+" was shot by "+str _nAttkr+" in a SafeZone! The attacker is @ "+str _locATTK+".";
    		_sMSG = "<System>: "+str _txt+"";
    		publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";
    		_msg = "<System>: You were shot by "+str _nAttkr+"";
    		systemChat (str _msg);
    		if !(_nAttkr in playableunits)then{deletevehicle _nAttkr;systemChat "<System>: Shooter vanished!";};
  3. Hi there, Have an idea also question....


    Trying to ask if anyone have solution how to trigger server restart if in


    MySQL Database -> player_login -> CharacterID = Value 0


    Because when value is 0 this means server wont give CharacterID to any player who try to login, and only solution is to restart server

  4. This code deletes zombies which have the specific zombie skins.

    AI share the same skins as players, so you can't delete them based on their skins.

    You might be able to check for all "Man" within so many meters, and if its not player delete it, but then it might delete the traders.


    Where can I found this script that deletes man within x meters? I give a try for it how its functions with traders

    dami_ZSHIELD = {
    	if (isNil 'no_zombies_loop') then {
    		while {true} do {
    			if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {no_zombies_loop = nil;};
    			no_zombies_loop = true;
    			_pos = getPos (vehicle player);
    			_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
    			{deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;
    			sleep 1;

    Is there  a way to modify  this code to delete DZAI and WAI  @ SafeZones?

  6. I found this in Damis's SafeZone script

    dami_ZSHIELD = {
    	if (isNil 'no_zombies_loop') then {
    		while {true} do {
    			if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {no_zombies_loop = nil;};
    			no_zombies_loop = true;
    			_pos = getPos (vehicle player);
    			_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
    			{deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;
    			sleep 1;

    Is there  away to modifie this code to delete DZAI and WAI AI's @ SafeZones?

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