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Posts posted by Gooober

  1. Trying to find a script that


    C130 flies the coast dropping police cars(i was going to change to datsuns) at a random server time each restart.  

    Dropped vehicle despawned after restart.


    Anyone know where?  or maybe it was a secret that died with that Dayz server......  Would supply the coast with vehicles and I could lower my overall vehicle spawn rate for the whole map.

  2. I'm sure its on here somewhere but must be missing it....
    When the mission times out, how do i make the Ai disappear too? Players are complaining about bases being attacked 2000meters from mission spot....



    I'm also sure this is on here some where too... RHIB patrols and paradrops with MV22/C130's look awesome too. Planes don't despawn, but oh well...

    Players don't like the stinger pods at missions.....

  3. Well last patch, I was able to spawn them for players (2 briefcases of gold) for base defense.


    They were able to   Unlock, Disassemble, pickup bags, and reassemble were they wished.  I added them to trader but the Buy button wouldn't highlight.


    This patch players are able to Unlock, Disassemble, [bags can not be picked up]....... Make a zipper sound if clicked on....      Trader now sells and spawns them......but can't pickup bags...........

  4. Trying to sell


    M2StaticMG_US_EP1 and BAF_GPMG_Minitripod_W  at vehicle traders.


    I can get the vehicle/guns to spawn after purchase, unlock and disassemble, but the players(including admin) can not pickup the bags.   Just curious if anyone has traveled this road before and figured out the problem ??



    Thanks for your time.........


  5. if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n
     4:06:12 Error in expression <
    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf >
     4:06:12   Error position: <_safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf >
     4:06:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety


  6. used

    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] !=1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_SafeVehicle)) then {" \n


    Spamming RPT Error every second :(


    Error in expression < ["Mission", 0] !-1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && !(typeOf >

    Error position: <_safety) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf >

    Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety

  7. Can anyone help me with the clean up script(server_cleanup.fsm) to 


    Dayz Chernarus Mission from OpenDayz fourm.


    I have tried the one from

    I have tried to modify some other mission packages.   Removing the Sarge to Mission and DZAI to Mission, but still I'm receiving an error in RPT log that is spamming the shit out of my log.  






    Thanks for any help :)

  8. Is there a Ai Mission system that does not include roaming/patrols AI?


    My server is currently using basic Dayz Chern Missions..  would like to upgrade.


    Just curious..  Most seem to require sarge and roaming ai.  I'm not a big scripter.


    Thanks for your time..........

  9. Found Beer "ItemSodaRabbit" as an item.  Not a big scripter.  But was wondering if someone could write up something to make you foggy,blury, or something along that line for a short period of time, if you drank to many :P

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