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Posts posted by TheBillsProject

  1. Found this in the RPT 


    3:35:24 Error in expression <obalMoney"; 

    DZE_MoneyStorageClasses = DZE_LockableStorage; 
     3:35:24   Error position: <DZE_LockableStorage; 
     3:35:24   Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_lockablestorage
     3:35:24 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\Mods\init\variables.sqf, line 170

  2. 3 hours ago, theduke said:

    This is a weapon strictly for namalsk. you would need to add that mod also for players to download just for that gun. Doable, but takes a bit more work

    EDIT:  also just a heads up. First welcome to the forums :)  second (nothing major), this forum here is for mod releases. questions like these need to be, imo either the scripting, server install or general discussion. maybe a mod can clear up which one lol

    Thanks for the welcome didn't expect this much help as arma2/epoch is like 5-6 years old but you guys are still around :D. Thanks everyone here for the help.

  3. 1 minute ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Go to dayz_server\WAI\config.sqf and search for these lines:

    		wai_hero_limit				= 2;								// define how many hero missions can run at once
    		wai_bandit_limit			= 2;								// define how many bandit missions can run at once

    With them, you are able to define how many missions can run at the same time. if you want 6, set both to 3.

    Cheers I have been wanting to know and now my map won't be so empty :D. The mission don't seem to spawn so quick even tho the times are below 10 minutes to spawn them?

  4. One of my server host moderators put together the updated WAI and It successfully works fine. Just want to know If I can change the amount of missions that can run at one time e.g. 5-6 at once or is that not possible?

    Also do you think I should copy all of the vehicle arrays from the config file to the DZE_safevehicle or should I do it manually?

  5. 3 minutes ago, salival said:

    Well I don't know about the gaus rifle, I've never used Namalske.

    Basically all you need to do is copy the codeblock for the AS50 or similar and repaste with the gaus classname in there.

    	class BAF_AS50_scoped {
    		type = "trade_weapons";
    		buy[] = {60000,"worth"};
    		sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    	class BAF_AS50_scoped {
    		type = "trade_weapons";
    		buy[] = {60000,"worth"};
    		sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    	class gaus_rifle_className {
    		type = "trade_weapons";
    		buy[] = {60000,"worth"};
    		sell[] = {10000,"worth"};

    This requires you to have your trader configs in your mission file, which I'm not sure if you do or not

    I do have access to this. If I add this wouldn't the server and user require Namalske?

  6. 2 minutes ago, salival said:

    Also, it looks like your WAI version is wrong, the version @ebayShopperupdated for 1.0.6+ fixes this problem.

    I see it's not been merged into the main WAI codebase on github: https://github.com/f3cuk/WICKED-AI

    @JasonTMalso modified one that's a bit more customized with more missions and has coin support: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/Wicked-Ai-Overpoch

    As I purchased a server from a host I also purchased them to install mods for me as I didn't want to spend days installing them. I will let him know about these links.

  7. When adding the other 2 vehicles to that line I started the server and I have attempted to join it 3 times in a row and get stuck with "Waiting for server to start authentication"  I have had this problem a ton before but not as long as this. After the 3rd try It appears to have loaded in but the server is Unplayable (fps) but before it was fine? Any ideas? 

  8. Hello I am a new server owner and I have been having issues with my server non stop.

    After fixing most issues and problems I decided to add a custom mission to the WAI missions. I wanted specific vehicles to spawn like rocket helicopters and tanks etc. I managed to add them after a day of messing around with the config files and what not. Before and after getting inside of the WAI mission vehicles I would get killed after 1 minute of driving off. I looked into the RPT file and found that it said this. 

    16:30:47 ["z\addons\dayz_server\system\scheduler\sched_safetyVehicle.sqf","KILLING A HACKER","Billy"," IN ","AH64D_EP1"]

    I also think this killing the AI that mount the machine guns at the missions also

    16:30:47 ["z\addons\dayz_server\system\scheduler\sched_safetyVehicle.sqf","KILLING A HACKER","Morgan Hirasaki"," IN ","DSHKM_Ins"]

    On a old forum thread someone said to add the vehicles to the ZE_safevehicles array in variables.sqf. I added all of the vehicles from WAI to the line of text and uploaded it to the server. When loading into the server It would get stuck with "server responded creating character"

    I reverted the server back to before I made the changes and now it gets stuck at requesting authentication and the RPT file gets spammed with this line of text.

    23:25:11 Error position: <DZE_MoneyStorageClasses})then{
    _object s>
    23:25:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_moneystorageclasses
    23:25:11 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 223
    23:25:11 Error in expression <rue];
    if (Z_SingleCurrency && {_type in DZE_MoneyStorageClasses})then{
    _object s>

    As I am new to Arma 2 server I have ZERO clue what this means and how to fix this. If anyone knows how to fix this and also fix the "KILLING A HACKER" error too that would be mostly helpful.

    I will upload my RPT file to google drive as its over 0.50MB 

    inside RPT file.PNG

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