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Posts posted by GucciMane

  1. Can anyone confirm that setting the variable dayz_paraSpawn = true; worked for them on their server? Does it automaticlly deploy a parachute or is it something the player controls? And is parachute set for every login or only for new players first login / respawn after death


    Also, what line in your init.sqf did you add it to? I think I have it in the wrong place and that's why it isn't working for me. Just trying to test a few things at the minute.





  2. In your main DB page. (depending on what SQL client you use) but for example, if you use DayZ.ST, open your DB and click your bliss instance (bliss__***)


    At the top you should see tabs like structure, SQL, and querey. You want SQL. Paste the following code into the text entry box

    CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
        COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
          DELETE FROM dayz_epoch.object_data WHERE Damage = 1

    The info on the epoch website is correct, but it also doesn't take into account that SQL queries are case sensitive and not everyone has a dedicated box running their server. You want to change "dayz_epoch" on the bottom line to whatever the DB name is from above (again, if renting a server it will be something like "bliss__***"). Also make sure that you are entering "object_data" correctly into the SQL query. It should match your DB "object_data" exactly or it will return error messages. It will probably be "Object_DATA" but confirm to be safe. After verifying, hit GO and you should see a green message box if successful.

  3. To remove a specific item from the traders inventory just set the current inventory quantity for that item to 0
    To add custom items to the traders inventory

    Adding new items to traders
    INSERT INTO `traders_data` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES ('["1Rnd_HE_M203",1]',10,'[4,"ItemGoldBar",1]','[2,"ItemGoldBar",1]',0,60,'trade_items')
    item ["classname",type]
    qty Number of items in stock
    buy or sell [qty,"classname",type]
    Use the following as a table for items types in the columns Item, Buy and Sell:
        Weapons = 3
        Vehicles and backpacks = 2
        Magazines = 1 
    order Allows override of display order. Typical range is 0 (low priority. Eg: 'Get out') to 6 (high priority. Eg: 'Auto-hover on').
    tid This number must match the trader category id found in the mission file server_traders.sqf
    afile Use the following types each of these represent a different .sqf file that performs the work:
  4. Thanks MGT, care to ellaborate on exactly how?


    Appreciate the help.


    You can create an event in your SQL so that trader items which are out of stock are replenished daily using

    CREATE EVENT updateStockDaily
        COMMENT 'Updates out of stock vendors'
          UPDATE `traders_data` SET qty=10 WHERE qty=0 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat';

    Also while you're doing that, you can also run this command to remove completly broken cars daily to keep your server running smoothly

    CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
        COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
          DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE Damage = 1;
  5. Somewhat familiar with factions from Arma and I did a little research. It looks like factions are defined under "CfgFactionClasses" in Arma 2 by default but I couldn't find anything relating to factions or BluFor in the DayZ Epoch files. How did you activate factions in the first place? That may help a bit in my search. Also check this out if you want, it talks about how factions are defined, which may allow you to just create custom ones and call on them in proper areas http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?78236-About-Faction-config

  6. Not sure how Arma handles skin packs as far as the normal Survivor/Camo/Ghillie skins go but I have seen that skin before and it truly is terrifying to behold! The actual skin can be found http://imgur.com/a/FAWIn#4 as well as a bunch of other cool / creepy skins. However, I'm pretty sure that the server owner has to allow it so players can use their own custom skins as it is disabled by default, although I may be wrong on that.

  7. This looks fantastic Nightmare, great job.


    That looks quite awesome!


    Wouldn't really know how to deploy that though  :lol:


    There are a few tutorials on installing similar Admin Tools, but the main requirement if I'm not mistaken is webhosting, because that is how you access the PHP Admin Tools. I'll try to find a similar tutorial!

  8. Do you get loot spawning at your custom spawned buildings etc?? see my above post it been bugging me for days, is there anything i must do in the mission editor or anything??? Ive heard you have to create a custome array or something to find you buildings and put loot in????






    If you're having problems with loot spawning, make sure your buildings are named correctly in the mission.sqf file. I've found that although the buildings will appear with a few different variations in the naming, they only spawn loot with the correct "DayZ acceptable" naming. Use http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html and/or http://dayzsuperhive.co.uk/dayz-buildings.html to verify correct naming and see if loot spawns after correcting anything.

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