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Posts posted by GucciMane

  1. I use verthosting as well after some recommendations from Epoch dev's among others. Dayz.st took far to long to update to and I can't even imagine how long it'll take them to update to as well. boxman80 as far as traders after the update, you need to change your servertraders.sqf and some of your mission files to allow the changes. The best way to compare if you run lots of mission file additions would be to get the stock mission and server files and use something like notepad ++ to compare and find out what you're missing.

  2. From my understanding it's not so much an antihack as it is an admin tool similar to bluephoenix  but loaded server side so it's not as vulnerable to exploits and a bunch of custom written BE filters to check for different script injectors. Can't quite remember about the EULA, the updates get leaked periodically if you know where to look though. Sadly the best antihacks are one's that you don't really hear about because anyone able to purchase an antihack on the general market can also purchase it with the intent to look for loopholes in the code.

  3. Can you link the video Gagi


    i saw a video of loewenherz on youtube

    they have basebuilding with a sign board where you as owner can set who is allowed to enter...

    this sign spawns a baseshield which protects the base


    any UID based baseshield script or ai guard script would work i guess... but the clue is to let the people enter the info who can enter the base directly ingame...

    it sucks if we have to edit some files everytime some new joins us and wants to get access to the base etc...

  4. The custom pack may have negated the "killed a hacker" fix

    Adjust your server_cleanup.fsm file for "Killed a hacker" fix
    Depends which DayZ version you are running.
    The line you are looking for is either:
    " if (!(vehicle _x in _safety) && ((typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") ) then {" \n
    Change to / add as shown:
    " if (!(vehicle _x in _safety) && ((typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) ) then {" \n
    Or the line looks like
    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n
    Change that to
    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _saf

    Please keep in mind, since admin tools is executed from the mission files it is easily exploitable by scripters. Meaning anything you can do, they have the ability to do + more. A quick Google search can be used for more info but here is one of many examples



  5. Keep in mind

    UPDATE traders_data SET qty = 10 WHERE qty = 0

    Sets vehicle traders to restock 10 of each currently out of stock vehicle.



    UPDATE `traders_data` SET qty=10 WHERE qty=0 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat';
    to update all items except vehicles. Also remember for anyone using 

    DELETE FROM character_data WHERE Alive = 0


    That if you have issues with a player dying from a (verifiable) glitch or even worse, a (verifiable) hacker, deleting their body means you can't tell what gear they had when they died in order to do a restore.

  6. Anyone looking to purchase should keep in mind that the BE filters that you are given are for vanilla DayZ and therefore have ALOT of exemptions to make. Something as simple as changing skins needs an exemption in playerchange.txt for each and every skin that is found in Epoch. If you think about all of the things found in Epoch not found in vanilla DayZ as well as all the things players are able to do, and combine that with any script additions you want to add and it gets pretty overwhelming. I've been testing for 3 days now and am probably not even 50% of the way through


    Also something I wasn't aware of, purchasing any level of the AH besides the $50 pro gets no updates or hotfixes whatsoever.

  7. IMO and from my experience the problem with towing is quite complicated. The addition of tow-able vehicles presents many problems, and I've yet to find a solution for it. If a server admin wants to add stock towing, where large vehicles can tow smaller and similar sized vehicles, then anyone who finds a Ural or Humvee could theoretically farm vehicles and become rich in a few hours time. Stock towing also creates the issue of being able to tow away a players owned vehicle even though it's locked, which is an even bigger issue.


    Creating a vehicle that can tow but can only be found by purchasing it is something I've also explored, but again it creates a problem with farming where anyone able to afford the vehicle that can tow already has a significant amount of currency and is able to exponentially expand on that as well as tow other players locked vehicles.


    I've been experimenting with taking some variants of vehicles out of the dynamic vehicle list so they don't spawn and then having them only accessible through purchasing one or more at a trader but that still leaves the biggest issue of towing other players owned vehicles unsolved.

  8. Axeman: I haven't but I will and post the results when I get a chance


    Not really related to street lights but I did place generators at each of the dozen or so stock gas stations found on Chernarus in an attempt for a simpler refuel then just using a jerrycan while trying to keep some of the realism that is removed by pulling up to an apologetic gas station and having your gas tank refuel in 3 seconds flat. I placed them in the map editor and then changed the classname to "generator_dz" so players could interact with them. The only issue with doing that is players started to realize that the generators respawn on restart and can then "farm" generators.

    I remember a specific code relating to "remove generator" but I haven't had time to search it yet. I think it was in selfactions but if anyone is interested I can send you the generator sqf and my playeractions once I remove remove generator option. It does also create a slight problem with players not being able to remove their own generators but my server has a static time set for 24/7 daylight ATM so it's not much of an issue, but will need to be addressed as well after Axeman's upcoming Epoch specific light addon

  9. Kind of off topic but I didn't really want to start a new thread for my question


    Does anyone know if there is a difference between the BMW7_black and the BMW7_VIP ? Class names aren't 100% accurate but there is a separate bmw titled VIP and I'm not sure if it has any cargo or speed advantages or if it is just named that way

  10. For anyone having issues with admin tools not saving vehicles - Admin Tools was not created to make lasting changes to a server. Anything you spawn in will be removed after a restart as it's not saved to the DB.

    When I used ST as a host provider the easiest way I found to spawn custom vehicles would be to find a vehicle you don't mind changing that isn't being used by a player and then locate that on your ST control panel map, find that object instance number and copy it. Then open the DB and search for it in objects. You can then change the class name of the vehicle you found to the class name you wish to make the vehicle become.

    There are some obvious restrictions to this, the main one being don't make a car become a heli or vice Versa because the hit points are different. Also this won't work on all vehicles but should work on a decent number. Lastly remember not to touch or interact with that vehicle again until after a restart or the change you made will be overwritten in the DB.


    DAYZ.ST Server Custom Pack 1.2 Instructions by Mathewjknott


    Step 1: Download Custom Pack from the link above

    Step 2: If you don't already have one, download a PBO viewer program and notepad++ (For these instructions i am using PBO Manager)

    Step 3: Extract Custom Pack 1.2 from the .zip file

    Step 4: Right click on Dayz_Server.pbo and using PBO Manager "Extract to dayz_server\". You will now have 3 folders (Battleye Files, dayz_Server & Mission Files), the PBO file can be deleted. (If you don't want to customize any files in the server pbo you can skip)

    Step 5: Using notepadd++ (or any other preferred txt editor) customize any options you want to.

    Step 6: Right click on the "Mission Files" folder and using PBO Manager "Pack into Mission Files.pbo"

    Step 7: Rename "Mission Files.pbo" to dayz_mission.pbo

    Step 8: Stop your server.

    Step 9: On the dayz.st control panel, click advanced and then upload the dayz_server.pbo and dayz_mission.pbo files.

    Step 10: You will need to update the Battleye filters how ever i cant remember for sure how to do it. It will prob be via ftp

    Step 11: Start your server.


    Great writeup, I wish I had this months ago when I first started with .st! One thing I think may need to be added is the dayZ_instance =  in the init.sqf of the mission folder. Dayz.St uses different instances than the usual 11 for chernarus for example. I believe it corresponds to your DB as well, where your instance number is the same as the # found in your DB name (example: if your DB is bliss_583 than your instance would be 583 also)


    This needs to be changed for dayz.st users or it won't let you load in. Otherwise, great job mathewjknott

  12. I used Axeman's lights mod,


    for a short time and was very impressed. The issue I encountered was publicvariable logging starting to lag the server, but from the posts in the opendayz topic it seems like it's already being addressed. I've been trying to combine the lights with a shortened day / night cycle controlled by restarts but am having issues with syncing timing and BEC.


    I'll post my results once I get something more concrete, although I have a feeling it will either not be necessary in a few patches or will pale in comparison to whatver axeman and/or vbawol work up

  13. Ordered last Wednesday, hadn't heard anything from them about it at all going into the long weekend but figured they were just enjoying themselves over the holiday. Still have heard anything and now it seems like the site is down again. clear.png <_<

  14. Hopefully someone could get me straightened out. I want to explore the possibility of having custom buildings stored in the dayz_server files and not from the dayz_mission files to lighten the load of an ever increading mission file people have to download. I remember reading that it could be done awhile ago and now can find nothing about the subject. If I understand correctly, a a custom building addition currently stored in a folder named "buildings" in my mission folder is called using

    [] ExecVM "Buildings\GuccisCustomStuff.sqf";	

    Now if I wanted to change it to call from the server files would I just change that to something like

    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\Buildings\GuccisCustomStuff.sqf";	

    and create a folder called "buildings" in the root of my dayz_server folder?

  15. The two main things of importance to keep in mind are the % and the amount of time in between rolls of a possible heli crash in relation to your server restarts. If you only have a 75% chance of a heli crash spawn on a roll that occurs every 50 minutes but have your server set to restart every 3 hours, you could theoretically wind up with 0 spawn sites out of the 3 possible (3.6 technically but there isn't enough time for the 4th spawn roll).


    You can control the heli crash spawns using how often your server restarts. Setting  the 0.75 "_spawnChance" to 1 and _frequency to "60 * 60" will give you a 100% chance to spawn a heli crash somewhere in a 4000 meter radius from the center of the map (roughly Stary I believe if you're using the Chernarus map). You can edit that to your liking, as that's just a base reference to start from.


    I may be mistaken but I believe "MaxHeliCrashes= _" is just a limiter, for example if you have your sever restart set for every 6 hours and have a .75% chance to spawn a crash every hour, if every spawn roll is successful then it will stop spawning them after your "MaxHeliCrashes=_" is reached.

  16. From what I found, the death message board config is found in server\compile\server_playerdied.sqf


    look for the line that says

    	// build array to store death messages to allow viewing at message board in trader citys.
    	PlayerDeaths set [count PlayerDeaths,_message];

    I have to take a look at compiles to see if there's anything there still

  17. The DayZ.ST admin map is very different then the admin map for other Dayz maps/mods. If you've hosted a different map/mod before you may have noticed that you can't right click and add a vehicle or vehicle spawn like you could with others. You also can't edit starting gear in the loadout config like you could with other mods. I'm pretty sure this has to do with the way Epoch handles placed objects and vehicles all in 1 DB table (object_data) where as most other mods have seperate table entries for vehicles, tents, etc. and how default gear is changed through adding entries to the init in your mission files.


    At any rate, my solution would be to first check your server RPT for any errors through a FTP file. You could just CTRL+F for things like 'error' and 'warning' and they could give you at least some idea of where to start. Check your object_data table in the database and make sure that there are vehicle entries showing there. Maybe try copying the db location of a vehicle in the DB and  moving yourself there to see if there are any actually appearing in game.


    If that fails, try checking your dynamic_vehicle.sqf in your mission folder and make sure that you have a decent number of vehicles set to spawn. Finally, check "MaxVehicleLimit = __" in the init of your mission folder and make sure that is set to a decent number. If it's something ridiculously high could also try taking that number down and going back up incrementally. Post your results.

  18. Sorry to get in to this as I know it's somewhat of a sore subject to some. I'll try to ask my question without breaking any of the forum rules.


    As I'm sure many of you who host a server through a provider and not on a dedicated box know, updates are never as enjoyable for you as they are for everyone else in the community. Waiting sometimes weeks before your hosting company finally rolls out the update to your favorite mod can be hell, especially given that the players who frequent your server begin to look elsewhere once they update in DayZCommander and can't join your server anymore since you are still running an earlier version. Thankfully, with Epoch, there have been several updates have been revisions by the dev's before an update is rolled out, which has probably saved people like me lots of frustration of always being 1 revision behind waiting for my host. But nonetheless, and at no fault to the Epoch devs, we are faced with a waiting game every time that there is an update.


    My question is more of a survey (and again I apologize if this is not allowed). Having been with 4 server providers in the last 6 months has left me unoptimistic about companies like this, but being a poor grad student means that I'm unable to afford hosting dedicated box, at least with the prices that I have seen. Has anyone had better experience with a certain hosting company or uses a dedicated box host with (fairly) reasonable prices? I won't say who I currently host with, but I'm sure you could take a guess as it's one of, if not the most popular private server host out there, and also one of the companies that takes the longest to roll out any updates because of that.


    Again if this is not allowed please feel free to remove this post, or if you don't want to post your hosting company please send me a message instead as I would love to hear from you. It's time to explore other options for me as I've stated above, and I hope you guys could at least point me in the right direction.


    Thanks in advance, Gucci


    TLDR: I'm looking for feedback trying to find a hosting company that features Epoch and is quick to update their files when a revision is released, and possibly a company with reasonable dedibox pricing.


  19. My message boards have been blank since adding Base Building 1.2 as well. I've (slowly) been looking for a solution to this as it's not only very helpful but also gives more of an immersion than just having a message appear saying "_____ was killed by _____ with a ______" whenever there is any PVP on the server. I have to do more research though and will report back

  20. Hoping someone could help me with something, more of a DayZ issue than Epoch but regardless.. Does anyone have experience with vehicle ammo? Specifically, how it rearms on a server restart. There's a growing issue on my server with the few players who own armored SUV's and how they basically have a limitless supply of minigun ammo, being that their 2000 rounds resupplies every 3 hours when the server restarts.


    Some research turned up a way to either remove or replace the vehicle weapon (http://www.opendayz.net/threads/tutorial-remove-weapons-replace-weapons-on-vehicles.11070/http://www.opendayz.net/threads/tutorial-remove-weapons-replace-weapons-on-vehicles.11070/) but I was hoping that there was a way to just stop the reloading of all vehicle ammo on restart. I know it's partially an issue with how vehicles are named in the database but if someone could at least offer a bit more insight that would be wonderful.


    Thanks in advance,



  21. Awesome work Bungle! Just wish I could have been more of a help during development. Just wanted to add one thing however: you still need to make adjustments to your dayz_server files for some of these scripts. I know for sure at least Sarge AI needs adjustments in the server_cleanup.fsm or it will cause problems. Not quite sure about the others but I'm sure it will show in the logs regardless. Regardless, great job!


    Edit: After doing some testing I found a few things that may help. the config.sqf in DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG is throwing an error in the server RPT at line 303. 

    ["TT650_TK_CIV_EP1", 25

    just missing a bracket and should be

    ["TT650_TK_CIV_EP1", 25]

    Also, \custom\BlackLac_Dan_BBC.sqf, line 374 throwing errors. Checked and found

    _unit_1 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = _group_0 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierS", [10197.438, 3270.4492, 0.00030899048], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _unit_1 = _this;
      _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
      if (false) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};

    which is probably just the player needed in the 3D editor that didn't get removed before converting the mission file, so I removed that section as well.

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