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Posts posted by Manijak

  1. 11 hours ago, icomrade said:

    Alright, as usual the disableUserInput command was not working as intended, it should be fixed with this commit: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/869f98efd79bfd3bd981894f994d161c9a4ed4b5

    I was unable to dupe anything after the changes

    sweet when new test build comes out i will join again and try to find some other problems.
    There is one more thing that i want to know, since that new sniper rifle is not on traders is it only possible to find it ? If so can you add it to traders i wanna check it out xD
    And one more thing that would be nice to fix, you know how pooks or bell choppers have buggy bulletproof glass which makes them too over powered since you cant die inside of them. can you fix that maybe remove glass compleatly?

  2. 15 minutes ago, icomrade said:

    If you walk me through the dupe you mentioned I could probably sort it out.

    Okey so its gonna be hard to explain maybe but i will give my best.
    First you need some kind of program that is going to lower your fps Riva tuner statistic server is one i m using but i think it works with bandi cam aswell.
    then you adjust your fps to 3, then you need clothes and you need weapon in your inventory.
    when you press change clothes after few moments gear menu will pop out and you need to press quickly on the gun and then arrow to the left ( droping it on the ground), and when changing clothes is finished you should have one on yourself and one on the ground it worked for me.
    Its pretty much same thing with items its just playing with gear menu while you are in procces of changing clothes, i did not discover how exeaclty i m doing it but it is possible. So just keep pressing those arrows and it will work.

  3. Okey so duping is fixed however i found new (old) way that is still working, or change clothes dupe, i was first trying to dupe a gun without backpack and it worked, and then with bacpack so while i was duping gun i duped clothes aswell so it was probably possible to dupe items aswell. I couldnt find out because i was geting really wierd glitch while i was changing clothes i was spawning in debug are (not so wierd its standard on epoch right now) but problem is there is bunch of jets in debug and i was getting killed 50% times when i change clothes, but when i die i spawn right next to my body. This thing was totaly wierd until it made me unconscious without timer so i couldnt get up

  4. 3 hours ago, icomrade said:

    I hadn't updated the test server, but the first issue should be fixed (if it's not please explain the method), the second one I don't experience. The third issue is most likely a result of the new damage handler from DayZ 1.8.8 and is probably a side effect of blocking damage from things like doorways, rocks, and other things that generally used to break your legs if you looked at them wrong. The last issue is by design, since self bloodbag is not enabled by default and the test server is using default settings, but it does still work.

    As for vehicles we probably won't touch their speed settings since the next core patch is already handling the vehicle speed issues.

    Actually its pretty simple, when i press escape button i get standard abort menu without 10 sec wait to abort, so all i need to do is plug out cable put backpack with stuff in it inside gear, then press escape and press abort, then plug back in and connect again from lobby, and i have one in gear and one on myself.
    I already got like lot of money and started jerking around on your test server.
    I will join back on tomorow and test some more things, maybe even test some glitching metods since i know a lot of bugs in this game
    I m really glad for that speed limit patch it sounds nice

  5. I have to tank you guys for such effort making this possible, I'm playing this game for a long time.
    I joined your test server to see how things work and i have to say it looks nice, however I found some issues which i will type here, and i will spend more time playing on test server and try to discover more soo lets start:
    1. Most important thing you can abort and dupe old way very easily
    2. 0 for autorun doesnt work and it makes me freez in one place
    3. for some reason i could survive falls from pretty big heights
    4. selfbood baging didnt work (or i dont know how to do it here)
    There are some other things which i would like to see in this update, maybe if possible try to change max speed limit for cars and make it bigger, like 150km/h TOP for some vehicles, and on offroad maybe 70/80 km/h for suvs, humves and other trucks
    Thank you!

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