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Posts posted by Kixo

  1. 3 hours ago, Grahame said:

    @axeman, I'm the server owner who banned Kixo for knowingly glitching into a base and then breaking the server rules on severely griefing bases.

    Kixo, way to go to ensure that your ban permanent. Idiot!

    Irrelevent anyway, your post is just the final straw. EpochZ: Black Tide has now been shut down. It had a good run and I used to enjoy it very much.

    First of all Grahame if you had something to say you could pm me or respond to my pm's.

    Now you are just being pathetic invading the poll i made.

    I never exploited glitches and you know it but need someone to blame for your inability to run a server.

    Please dont post here anymore because im sick of your posts.

    Also calling me idiot? Do you think i care about what you say? You already said you dont believe me in my ban appeal! How is anyone supposed to appeal if server owner doesnt believe them?

    Grahame i liked your server and i had great time there and im sad you banned me but i still stand by my words that im innocent in that matter!

    And please dont lie to people that its my fault you shut down server because you are not able to run a server.

    Have fun now.

  2. Story goes like this:
    Guys build their base on glitched area which they know is glitched and they know it may destroy their base jammer yet they leave it inside instead of placing it somewhere safe.

    Now a guy comes after building they had their jammer in collapses and destroys the jammer, places his own jammer and claims that base. Ofc places jammer on safer place that it wont be destroyed again.

    Did that one guy do wrong by claiming base for which was known that was buggy or is it group's fault they've put their jammer in on vulnerable area?

    Is it exploiting by the guy who claimed base or is it just stupidity of group that made base there?

    Keep in mind that he didnt use any glitches/explosives to get into base, they didnt wall it up properly and he just entered where they didnt wall up and placed jammer and walled it up as it should've been walled.


  3. There are some serious issues with random heli crashes... It happened to me few weeks ago aswell in medic chopper, no missiles hit me, just random heli malfunction which results in crash.

    Welsh said its really rare but happened to me 3 times in one month. Jeez...

  4. Im having this issue when i want to connect to server most of times i get "loading" screen for about 5 mins and then i get error. Battle something issue.

    Another issue im having is i connect and im ingame but all i see is dark screen. When i press map i got that map crosshair but nothing else happens. I see in chat aswell, but i have to relog for it to work if loading screen doesnt kick me out.

  5. Im having this error and every time i try to get ingame Arma stops working and i have to close the program.

    Arma has exited in an unusual manner.

    Status application hang and some numbers shown

    I've been able to play it without problems and this is first time im encountering this error.

  6. 17 hours ago, Grahame said:

    Wait, with the original setup they attack each other again... They did in the early days but not for months for me...

    We need to talk :)





    AI soldiers attacked zombies before me actually. I've seen it on one server, it was my first encounter with AI's

  7. 57 minutes ago, KPABATOK said:


    if you played SA, then you will know how bad zombies there are. Epoch mod zombies are way more dangerous in comparison. However these two games are very different in a playstyle. But PvP ascpect is much much better in Epoch (arma 3 in general) than in SA since you can actually hold your breath, take a clean shot, rest weapon on any surface almost, use billions and billions of scopes and guns. :D ok not billions, but a lot.

    Thanks everyone for answers!

    I've played on server today

    named Black Tide, it was posted on forum here so i decided to check it out and i was not disappointed. 2 guys ingame were very helpful and answered my questions and they were very friendly too so i learned a bit more about the mod. 

    Night was pretty scary and it was raining and thundering aswell so it was pretty scary. 

    What do you guys do when its night time? I was just sitting under a road lamp and waited for day, but i didn't see the light of the day because there was server restart and i went offline. I realized it's really dark at night. It's not like in DayZ. In DayZ you can see clearly in the night but this was impossible.

    All together i really liked it and zombies were a challenge because after playing DayZ and coming here this is big deal. 

    Looking forward to play on the server tomorrow aswell!

  8. When adding new content you should update your first post and put those updates there because its kinda confusing.

    Also i tried to join server now and those rappeling and towing mods i downloaded from steam workshop doesn't seem to work on your server.

  9. 1 hour ago, TheStainlessSteelRat said:

    Obviously money always makes a difference in making a purchase but be aware that by buying from re-sellers like g2a can mean you are lining the pockets of scammers who use fraudulent purchases from legitimate sites to make money on sites like g2a. They use stolen credit cards to purchase keys and then get hard cash by selling it on. You could also end up with a key that becomes invalid if the publisher wishes to chase down such fraudulent activity.

    Buy from steam or BI direct and know where your money is going and end up with a trouble free genuine purchase.


    Bought it on steam last night and spent good 4 hours modding it.

    I realized there aren't many servers to play on because most servers use multiple mods.

    The servers i joined were 3 players total and no zombies and i had commands put on my spacebar button which gets annoying because when i want to open the door it shows that command(craft) and open the door.


  10. Cool! Thanks for the info. Ik best way of getting to know game/mod is to try it yourself but i wanted to hype up even more because i absolutely love it. I played DayZ Standalone but lack of updates there just makes it dull.

    Just one more question, there is no difference buying on steam/g2a? I can put epoch on whichever site i buy Arma from?


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