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Posts posted by NAIL

  1. I am trying to get this to work using different levels of humanity and loadout.  If someone can look at my code and tell me what my problem is I would greatly appreciate it.



    This is my loadout.sqf.

    Private ["_humanity","_isHero1","_isHero2","_isHero3","_isHero4","_isHero5","_isbandit1","_isbandit2","_isbandit3","_isbandit4","_isbandit5"];

    waitUntil {!isNil ("PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")};

    _humanity = (player getVariable["humanity",0]);
    _isHero1 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < 9999));
    _isHero2 = ((player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 10000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < 19999));
    _isHero3 = ((player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 20000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < 29999));
    _isHero4 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 30000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < 79999);
    _isHero5 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 80000);
    _isbandit1 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -5000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > -9999));
    _isbandit2 = ((player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -10000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > -19999));
    _isbandit3 = ((player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -20000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > -29999));
    _isbandit4 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -30000) && (player getVariable ["humanity",0] > -79999);
    _isbandit5 = (player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -80000);

    if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2 and !(player isKindOf "PZombie_VB")) then {
    if(_isHero1) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1';

    if(_isHero2) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_CompactPack_EP1';

    if(_isHero3) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_GunBag_EP1';
    if(_isHero4) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1';
    if(_isHero5) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1';
    if(_isbandit1) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1';
    if(_isbandit2) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_CompactPack_EP1';
    if(_isbandit3) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_GunBag_EP1';
    if(_isbandit4) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1';
    if(_isbandit5) then {
    removeAllWeapons player;
    removeAllItems player;
    removeBackpack player;
    player addWeapon "Loot";
    player addWeapon "Flare";
    {player addMagazine _x}forEach [
    {player addWeapon _x}forEach [
    player addBackpack 'DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1';


    And this is my call in init.sqf

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    //Conduct map operations
    0 fadeSound 0;
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
    dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
    //Run the player monitor
    _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
    [] execVM "Custom\loadout.sqf";
    _playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
    //anti Hack
    //AH removed this line v2.1
    //[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
    //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";
    _nul = [] execVM "DZAI_Client\dzai_initclient.sqf";
    //AH removed this line v2.1
    //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
    //Start Dynamic Weather
    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf";
    [] execVM 'Custom\safezone.sqf';
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf"


  2. Was this dropped for dayz epoch? I am asuming it was due to arma 3 epoch. Are the models and or rigging codeing different from arma 2 to arma 3? I had been waiting for these models since I first saw this post. Please of please push this out to us, it would be the last thing I ask for in dayz epoch.

  3. I know it is possible to run this server side and have it show up on individual clients, infistar's antihack runs both of it's debug monitors from the server.

    As far as the loop goes it's looping for 60 seconds while developing so that I don't miss it, but once it's how I want it I will only have it show for 10 seconds.

  4. I am trying to add a debug message for players when a mission pops up.


    I am starting out simple, but will add features as I go.


    First things first, I can't get anything to pop up on screen.


    currently I have 

    _missName = "CH47 Mission";
    _missDesc = "A CH47 has crash landed! Secure it's fire power for yourself!";
    _missReward = "CH_47F_EP1_DZ";
    //DZMSAddDebug adds the mission warning to a debug window
    [_missName,_missDesc,_missReward] ExecVM DZMSAddDebug;

    in the mission, and it is calling the mission properly.


    In DZMSFunctions.sqf i aded:

    DZMSAddDebug = "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\Scripts\DZMSAddDebug.sqf";

    My DZMSAddDebug.sqf lokks like this:

    diag_log format ["[DZMS]: Mission Debug running"];
    _title = _this select 0;
    diag_log format ["[DZMS]: Mission Debug _title = %1", _title];
    _desc = _this select 1;
    diag_log format ["[DZMS]: Mission Debug _desc = %1", _desc];
    _reward = _this select 2;
    diag_log format ["[DZMS]: Mission Debug _reward = %1", _reward];
    _count = 0;
    fnc_mission_debug = {
    	if (!isNil "debugMonitorX") then {_tempDebugMonitorX = debugMonitorX; debugMonitorX = false;};		
    	if (!isNil "admin_debug_run") then {_tempAdmin_debug_run = admin_debug_run; admin_debug_run = false;};
    	if (isNil "mission_debug_run") then {mission_debug_run = true;};
    	while {mission_debug_run} do 
    		diag_log format ["[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"];
    		_pic = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (_reward) >> 'picture'));
    		//_pic = (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _reward) >> 'picture'));
    		hintSilent parseText format ["
    			<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='Center' >Mission Warning!</t><br/>
    			<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' >Name: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%1</t><br/>
    			<img size='4.75' image='%3'/><br/>
    			<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#CC0000'>Mission Description: <br/>
    			<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0066CC'>%2</t><br/>
    		sleep 1;
    		_count = _count + 1;
    		if(_count > 60) then {mission_debug_run = false;};
    [] spawn fnc_mission_debug;
    if (!isNil "_tempDebugMonitorX") then {debugMonitorX = true;};		
    if (!isNil "_tempAdmin_debug_run") then {admin_debug_run = true;};
    //	<img size='4.75' image='%3'/><br/>

    All is well, acording to my .RPT 


    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System."
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations."
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: napf Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!"
    9:44:42 "[DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!"
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM1."
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug running"
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug _title = Bandit Weapons Cache"
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug _desc = Bandits have discovered a weapons cache! Check your map for the location!"
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug _reward = USVehicleBox"
    9:45:07 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:08 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:09 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:10 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:11 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:13 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:14 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:15 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:16 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:17 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:18 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:19 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:19 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: NAIL G_o_d ON"
    9:45:20 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:21 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:22 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:23 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:23 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: NAIL Teleported to [9221.37,16338.7,0](GPS:092041)"
    9:45:24 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:25 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:26 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:27 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:28 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:29 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:30 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:31 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:32 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:33 "infiSTAR.de Player-Log: [sTO] Sebas(145071174) - 0h 1min"
    9:45:33 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:34 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:35 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:36 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:37 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:38 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:39 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:40 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:41 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:41 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLogReq: NAIL adminammo_recoil ON"
    9:45:42 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:43 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:44 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:45 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:46 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:47 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:48 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:49 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:50 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:51 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:52 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:53 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:54 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:55 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:56 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:57 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:58 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:45:59 "[DZMS]: Mission Debug looping"
    9:46:00 "[DZMS]: Major SM1 Weapon Cache Mission has Ended."


    But no debug moniter shows up in game.  


    I have infistar AH on as you can see from my .rpt


    anyone see why this is not working?

  5. Yeah i found the thread yesterday, but thanks for the vine value ...didnt know what :)

    My guess is that its in percentage right ? cause you said 40 is the default and i see 50 there :P



    No, the percentage is hard coded elsewhere, that's just a number of how many spawn on server restart.  Its like the max vehicle number it spawns 50 (default) veins each restart in random locations.  larger maps would need more veins to make them find able.

  6. Gems have a 40% chance of dropping from the mining veins.  you can increase or decrease the veins from your init.sqf with the line:

    MaxMineVeins = 100;  //Default: 50

    the link to the tutorial to adding back trade metals with gems only.  


    It is now confirmed working and you can "sell" your gems from the traders for any amount of gold/silver/gems you choose.  However you made the chopper accept the ruby should still work.

  7. Hey, i can't seem to get this to work.. :( the trade materials menu doesn't show up. maybe i did something wrong? here is the part i edited in my fn_selfActions:


    Only thing I can think of is maybe the string is missing from the vanilia code.  try replacing 

    _metals_trader = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_301", "init\trade_metals.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];


    _metals_trader = player addAction ["Trade Gems", "scripts\trade_metals.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];

    sorry about the untested code, I was waiting for my natural server restart in 30 minutes.

  8. woah! i found a serous bug! i have it so you can buy a BTR90 for 6 rubys, and when someone buys it the rubys doesn't get removed from your inventory. this means that you can buy vehicles over and over again..



    You need to add "_old" to the end of your afile in the traders_data for the items you want sold with custom currency.


    for vehicles the afile would have to be "trade_any_vehicle_old"

  9. Starting this to try to help make this work for everyone. once we get it to the point it all works we can share new missions.

    First thing I found


    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EMS Boxes/Cratesif (_type == "weap") then {// EMS Weaponry_scount = count EMSWeaponry;for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);_item = EMSWeaponry select _sSelect;_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal[_item,(round(random 2))];};};
    should be
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EMS Boxes/Cratesif (_type == "weap") then {// EMS Weaponry_scount = count EMSWeaponry;for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);_item = EMSWeaponry select _sSelect;_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,(round(random 2))];};};

    Not Verified.

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