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Posts posted by tigger

  1. Currently there are 10 water bottle models, empty, full, and with 9oz, 8oz, 7oz, etc water. Crafting removes 1oz of water from a bottle as it should, but:


    1) You can only drink from a full bottle and you empty it out completely. (I assume the intention is to remove 1oz water instead)

    2) You can only fill a completely empty water bottle (I assume the intention is to be able to fill a partially full bottle.)


    Is this intentional or a bug?

  2. No, this has to be changed in the client files, which means that either the Epoch Devs have to add it for everyone or you have to send the custom @dayz_epoch to all your players.


    I would give the said .pbo to all my players, I already do that for a number of vehicles/etc. Suppose I make a pbo and into it's config.cpp

    I add class CfgVehicles {...} and class CfgMagazines {...}. Wouldn't that work?



    Say if I make a something.pbo that contains just one file, a config.cpp with: (modified bench code)

    class CfgPatches {
            class furniture {
                    units[] = {"WoodChair_DZ"};
                    weapons[] = {};
                    requiredVersion = 1;
                    requiredAddons[] = {};
                    version = 1;
    class CfgVehicles {
        class WoodChair;
        class WoodChair_DZ: WoodChair
            scope = 2;
            offset[] = {0,1.5,0.5};
            displayName = "Wood Chair";
            vehicleClass = "Fortifications";
            removeoutput[] = {{"wood_chair_kit",1}};
    class CfgMagazines {
        class park_bench_kit: CA_Magazine
            scope = 2;
            count = 1;
            type = 256;
            displayName = "Wood Chair";
            descriptionShort = "Wood Chair";
            model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch\models\supply_crate.p3d";
            picture = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch\pictures\equip_wooden_crate_ca.paa";
            weight = 10;
            class ItemActions
                class Build
                    text = $STR_ACTIONS_BUILD;
                    script = "spawn player_build;";
                    require[] = {"ItemEtool","ItemToolbox"};
                    create = "WoodChair_DZ";

    Actually, it says no CfgVehicles which is where the model description resides for Park_bench


            class Park_bench1;
            class ParkBench_DZ: Park_bench1
                    scope = 2;
                    offset[] = {0,1.5,0.5};
                    displayName = "Wood Bench";
                    vehicleClass = "Fortifications";
                    removeoutput[] = {{"park_bench_kit",1}};
  4. We welcome pull requests to add new crafting items as long as the item works and the recipe makes sense.



    I have a small private server, I'm not sure to what extent you would want to pollute the main codebase with useless furniture. (Although, it can exist without a way to craft it, like park_bench_kit)



    So I can just add it to Description.ext? I could try that...

  5. How difficult would it be to add more craftable items? (Basically editing CfgMagazines.hpp)

    It would be nice to be able to add more stuff, either craftable or just build-able, like basic furniture and eye candy that has Arma models.


    For instance, the park bench looks like this:

        class park_bench_kit: CA_Magazine
            scope = 2;
            count = 1;
            type = 256;
            displayName = "Wood Bench";
            descriptionShort = "Wood Bench";
            model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch\models\supply_crate.p3d";
            picture = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch\pictures\equip_wooden_crate_ca.paa";
            weight = 25;
            class ItemActions
                class Build
                    text = $STR_ACTIONS_BUILD;
                    script = "spawn player_build;";
                    require[] = {"ItemEtool","ItemToolbox"};
                    create = "ParkBench_DZ";


    Can I just add a custom CfgMagazines.hpp and add some arma .p3ds to mission file to make additional buildables?

  6. We have no issues with lag when they are spawned in, they just don't work. I saw that before and I found it a litle strange since I don't know of any server where the floatplane works. (Although it might be mostly about the h13, which possibly does..)

  7. We cannot interact with most but not all traders, dayz.st host and mostly-vanilla build. (Only additional things are a few vehicles at the moment.)


    Essentially, this problem was around since or, but before zooming in when looking at the trader helped, now it doesn't. A similar situation happens with player corpses if they are stuck near some object. You cannot access them, previously zooming in helped.


    Anyone had anything similar?

  8. I'm working on the fire barrel now.  I added the recipe and item but havent gotten around to testing it yet.


    The shipping containers IMO are a bit too large or an item to be able to craft...you'd never be able to build that in the post apoc world.


    Any update to this? What about making a small stove? Can you tweak how far does the fire effect spread away from it?

  9. I am trying to install some custom vehicles to my dayz.st server. I created a public/private key pair, dayz.st admin installed the public key to the keys directory. 


    Then I uploaded the .pbo and .pbo.key.bisign files to the server /addon directory, installed them on the client, and added the pbos into missions.sqm in dayz_missions.pbo.


    After trying to connect I connect for maybe 5 seconds and then get kicked "You were kicked off the server". In the logs I can see a message that the signature check on the new pbos failed.


    Anyone has a clue how to get around this? Note that if I really have bad signature, or if the public key is not installed, I get a different error- a pop-up window telling me I need to get correct signature or install the key. This one is just "you were kicked off...".

  10. Cheers for the feedback Axle. As Merculese suggested it would ideally be better to add civilian type weapons and I personalyl dont want to see a flurry of OP military grade weapons so with that in mind here are some of my recommendations from ARMA 2;-


    Remmington Shotguns

    3 More civilian and military remington shotguns



    D3Z Shotguns

    two additional shotguns Lanber 2097 and Browning Maxu that would fit nicely into the residential, farm and police/fire loot tables!



    RH pistol pack

    Robert Hammer pack. Adds loads of pistols



    RH Smg pack

    Robert Hammer pack again adds a few decent SMGs



    RH MK18 Pack

    Robert Hammers selection of Mk 16 and 18s



    RH M4/M16

    Robert Hammers' M4 and M16 varients



    RH PDW pack

    Rober Hammer Personal Defence Weapons



    RH HK 416 Pack

    Robert Hammer pack. More of a military loot pack but loads of 416 Variants



    RH M14 Pack

    Robert Hammer again,  more military loot




    Austrian weapon packs

    Bit more heavy artillery pack that most guns would fit better into into high end military loot table, but the p80 is stilla  good residential/low military spawn! Includes; P80 Pistol,  STG 58,  MG74, PAR 66/79 and HS.50



    C7/C8 Gun Pack

    Whole range of decent weapons like a C6GMPG, C7, C8, C9AR and Browning HP



    L119A1 Pack

    Adds 14 different variants of the L119A1, each in 3 different camo varients (42 different weapons).




    Magpul AK47

    Simply the Magpul AK47





    Yougoslav weaponpack




    Krinkov Pack

    Four modernised AKS-74Us including suppressed variants, and Micro Aimpoint variants.




    I looked at the RH weapons quickly, I like the variety, but it seems they are simply incompatible with all the existing ones due to massive recoil. That might be a good thing, but if the current M14/DMR with no recoil stay, the 7.62mm RH weapons are useless.

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