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Posts posted by SteYou2014

  1. I dont wish to be argumentative here, but alot of players don't realise they can be chosen in the profiles. Besides, my character wears normal specs (an avatar thing), so is there anyway that I can manually add them manually to the loot spawn system on the server server?


    Their classname is "G_O_Diving" ... you can add them to the loot tables manually I think. Back when I ran a server, I added them to the industrial section of Suppe's custom loot spawner script I was using from the scripts section (along with diving gear and wetsuits).

  2. @SteYou2014: Enable debug level 2, start your server (prepare for heavy RPT log spam), check your server RPT log after a few minutes.


    Search for all lines that contain "A3EAI Debug: Added location". Using the "Find all in current document" makes this much easier. You'll be able to see all locations detected by A3EAI and what it considers each location as. Note that not all of these locations will be used to create static spawns, there are further checks to see if there are enough building locations and other requirements. Note that "namelocal" is what A3EAI calls "remote".


    As an example, this is the location data for the Australia map: http://pastebin.com/01ArVTjk


    Wow, you even added this feature into the mod. I was thinking I'd have to do something separate like do it through the editor.  Super impressed by your work here, man. Thank you and keep up the wonderful job  :D

  3. As Soon as I finish My Script for arma 2, Im going to be rewriting this, including removing the Vehicles that spawn from the traders.

    It may be a week or so off, but it will be coming :D


    :D  thanks!  This script really has help up well over all the patches. You did a great job, man.  In your re-write, could you add "repack bike" if it's not too much trouble?  Either way, really appreciate what you've done here.  So whats the goat for?

  4. Just trying to learn the coding.  This is from the server-side of the "deploy bike". I'm curious what the purpose of the 2nd half of the code is starting with "_goat" ... is it to get around the vehicle limit numer or something?


    Everything installed and is working great. I'm just trying to learn as I go instead of just copying and pasting code without understanding it.  thanks :D

    if(isServer) then {
        "UDbike" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call Spawn_Ebike};
        Spawn_Ebike = {    private["_playerObj","_spawnPos","_spawnDir","_veh","_goat"];
            _playerObj = _this select 0;
            _spawnPos = _this select 1;
            _spawnDir = _this select 2;
            if("itemCorrugated" in (magazines _playerObj))then[{
                _veh = createVehicle["ebike", _spawnPos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];
                _veh allowDamage false;
                _veh setPos _spawnPos;
                _veh setDir _spawnDir;
                _veh setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (getPos _veh));
                _veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
                _veh call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
                _veh setVelocity [0,0,.1];
                _veh allowDamage true;
                _goat = createAgent ["Goat_random_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"];
                _goat setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
                [_goat,_playerObj] spawn {
                    private ["_goat","_playerObj","_end"];
                    _goat = _this select 0;
                    _playerObj = _this select 1;
                    _end = time + 300;
                    waitUntil{ UIsleep 10;
                        _goat moveTo (getPos _playerObj);
                    (!alive _goat || time >= _end)
                    _goat setDamage 1; sleep 30; hideBody _goat;
  5. Would be nice if they could make the allowed vehicles array so it looked something like this:


    The first number in the array is how many are the minimum that should always be on the server (the server would use the minimum when deciding whether or not to spawn more new vehicles), the second number is the max, the third number is how many are allowed to be stored at each trader before one is deleted from the traders.  Map vehicles should always have priority to spawn into the world.  If there are too many of a given class on the map (including those stored in traders) then the surplus amount can be deleted from the traders so that there are enough slots left for map vehicles to still spawn in.  


    Couldn't agree more.

  6. I recently reinstalled this mod and went through the pages compiling what stock AH edits to make etc and which ones are now obsolete. I figured I'd post them incase anyone doesn't wanna read through all the pages.  All credit goes to the people in the previous pages who came up with them, not me. All I did was follow their instructions.


    Stock Antihack Settings:


    1) I turned off HALO since I hear it's still glitchy.  You may need to add more filter edits if you keep it. Not sure.


    2)  Made the following changes to Scripts.txt:


                To line 2 (starting with "7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext"") add:  !"] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;"
                To line 23 (starting with "7 exec") add:  !="spawndialog.sqf" !"halv_spawn\init.sqf"  !="opendialog.sqf" !="execVM \"addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf\""
                To line 40 (starting with "7 createDialog") add:  !"createdialog \"Halv_spawn_dialog\";"

    3) I don't let people select backpacks as starting gear, but if you do, you'll probably have to do this for every one you allow:


    Seems to be working perfectly so far for both admins and non-admins. Not sure if some of the scripts.txt edits were redundant, such as !"halv_spawn\init.sqf" + !="execVM \"addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf\"" but it works, so not gonna mess with it.


    As of it seems that there were changes made to scripts.txt such as removing the line starting with "7 exe" ... I've reinstalled and completely left out the edits from "To line 23 (starting with "7 exec") add:".  Everything seems to be working good so far.  So it looks like that part is not necessary for now.  I do see "exec" in "publicvariableval.txt" but am not sure if it's the same thing. As long as it works without the previously mentioned edits, I'll just leave it at that and not mess with publicvariableval.txt

  7. Thanks.  Sorry for the delay in response. I had put the video off until this weekend.  I'll look into it and try to follow the example.  A quick question, I think you mentioned something in the video about 1-2 minute server hang, but the auto-translate didn't work too well (the whole video through).  Were you saying that implementing this method could cause 1-2 minute server lags?

  8. Improved map markers are finished. I have a routine to spawn smoke at crates that worked until I added on some addditional flexibility to spawn temporary vehicles at missions. I should have this all sorted in the next few days.


    Nice. Just wanted to say we all really appreciate all this work you're putting into the mod. You're amazingly responsive too. thanks man :D

  9. Hi, Ghostrider.  I had some friends completely new to arma 3 epoch play the missions last night and they had some issues that never occurred to me as a veteran player:


    1) They couldn't find the loot crates and had trouble differentiating them from the normal props around the missions.  Is it possible to add a smoke grenade over them on mission success? or perhaps this:


    150px-Arma3_CfgVehicles_Sign_Arrow_F.jpg Sign_Arrow_F

    2) They didn't realize what the map markers were.  Is it possible to add text to them? Doesn't have to be mission specific ... just something like "Side Mission" on the minor ones and "Side Mission (Hard)" on the major ones?


    Thanks again for all the effort you put into this.

  10. I recently reinstalled this mod and went through the pages compiling what stock AH edits to make etc and which ones are now obsolete. I figured I'd post them incase anyone doesn't wanna read through all the pages.  All credit goes to the people in the previous pages who came up with them, not me. All I did was follow their instructions.


    Stock Antihack Settings:


    1) I turned off HALO since I hear it's still glitchy.  You may need to add more filter edits if you keep it. Not sure.


    2)  Made the following changes to Scripts.txt:

                To line 2 (starting with "7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext"") add:  !"] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;"
                To line 23 (starting with "7 exec") add:  !="spawndialog.sqf" !"halv_spawn\init.sqf"  !="opendialog.sqf" !="execVM \"addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf\""
                To line 40 (starting with "7 createDialog") add:  !"createdialog \"Halv_spawn_dialog\";"

    3) I don't let people select backpacks as starting gear, but if you do, you'll probably have to do this for every one you allow:


    Seems to be working perfectly so far for both admins and non-admins. Not sure if some of the scripts.txt edits were redundant, such as !"halv_spawn\init.sqf" + !="execVM \"addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf\"" but it works, so not gonna mess with it.

  11. You raise a good point about Australia however, and I can see that it might be worthwhile to add additional, optional timers in a forthcoming update.


    Is having a definable mission # variable possible? For instance I remember on Stratis and Esseker thinking only 2 missions at a time would be better than 4 for a map that size. The person above wants 8 misisons for Australia. Would something like a config option for number of missions to spawn at a time (with a possible max of 8 if needed) be possible?


    dnk_paul, on 07 Jul 2015 - 1:25 PM, said:snapback.png


    Sorted it, it was caused by this. It was calling the missions twice, so we were getting 2 lots of missions (8, not 4), but only one set were showing the markers. Sorted the init.sqf out now, and it's working as expected.

    I've added stationary AT launchers to try to discourage people using vehicles. see how that goes...  ;)


    Same. I added  a new map for my server a couple days ago to test the new ones out ... just to mess around.  Installed this mod again and was getting 8 vs 4.  Deleted:

    if (isServer) then {
    [] ExecVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf";

    from init as you suggested and it seems to have fixed the issue.  Thanks and good eye on noticing the double call :D

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