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Posts posted by SteYou2014

  1. It means 'Read the fucking manual' or the install guide as there is no manual.


    hehe oh


    Hi, on my Chernarus Server: the mission nuclear device successfully spawn, but no countdown and no nuke explosion...  under which conditions explodes the device?



    ahm.. RTFM-Problem!  All clear: wai_timeout_bomb  :P


    For those who were also curious, he means in a3_epoch_WAI/config.sqf you can look for:

    wai_timeout_bomb            = 1800;                // How long bomb missions is, when it times out it gos BOOM

    The default is 30 minutes but can be edited as seen above.

  2. I added this to my init.sqf:

    	// Control the epoch ai limit per player
    		// 1. Epoch_Cloak_F = Cultist
    		// 2. GreatWhite_F = Great White Shark
    		// 3. Epoch_Sapper_F = Regular Sapper
    		// 4. Epoch_SapperB_F = Super Sapper (dark)
    		// 5. I_UAV_01_F = UAV (that spawns the AI)
    		// 6. PHANTOM = Invisible phantom 
    		// 7. B_Heli_Transport_01_F = Transport helicopter for the mission system
    		EPOCH_spawnLimits = [0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1];

    To remove sappers, change the 3rd and 4th numbers to 0. The drones are set to "0" ... but if you still want drones on your server, change the 5th number to between 1 and 3. I think the default is 3 but am not sure.  I know the default sapper number is 3. I also removed the 1st and 6th ... which you can add back in if you like.

  3. Yeah and in some servers admins even increased the chance of antagonist spawning, so you get a drone almost everytime you loot something.. Kinda irritating. I do not mind sappers as it is easy to avoid them, but drones are just terrible. Especially in the nigh where it is hard to spot them in the sky.


    I kinda agree. I never once found a drone encounter "fun" or challenging.  For me, it's just a 100% nuisance that does nothing more than break my immersion by making me notice things about the game that annoy me.


    For instance, I'll stand there casually shooting at the drone non-stop until I hit it. This is a reminder of how there is almost 0 PvE threat in this game. At least in a2: epoch if I shot my weapon, I'd have to worry about zombies hearing me and rushing me. Shoot in a city? TONS of zombies running at you. It made you think and decide. Now? You can just stand there casually unloading the thirty 200-round lmg drums you found in a chair without a worry in the world (unless you're on a small map with other players or a high-pop normal map). 


    After almost every drone, I also just have this nagging feeling of "wow, I just can't stand the new weapon-sway in arma 3."  I know some people like it, and some people like wringing their cloths out in Dayz Standalone, but I really think a lot of people also don't like the new weapon sway. What better way to make it all that more noticeable than playing a shooting mini-game with a tiny drone buzzing 200m in the air.  lol don't get me started about this thing they do where they fly into areas you somehow can't aim your gun at such as directly above your head. 


    I mean in the end, for me, drones are 0% challenge and super easy BUT also somehow at the same time 100% annoying and retarded.  It's sort of like a fly buzzing around your computer screen when you're trying to watch a video.  

  4. Hi, on my Chernarus Server: the mission nuclear device successfully spawn, but no countdown and no nuke explosion...  under which conditions explodes the device?



    ahm.. RTFM-Problem!  All clear: wai_timeout_bomb  :P


    Hi :unsure:  I don't understand ... how did you fix it? Whats rtfm mean?

  5. To edit your map's init.sqf simply:


    1) Download epoch.Chernarus.pbo from your server's "mpmissions" folder.

    2) Extract it with PBO Manager

    3) Init.sqf goes into the root of that folder ... if it's not there (it won't be there if you never added it), you can create it by simply right clicking -> new -> text document ... then rename it into "init.sqf"

    4) Once you're done editing what you want, right click the folder -> PBO Manager -> Pack into "epoch.Chernarus.pbo"

    5) Upload the new epoch.Chernarus.pbo to your server's mpmissions folder.

  6. Hi, Richie.  I think you misunderstood my post. I never mentioned adding anything to @Epoch folder.


    "I remember a while ago, while researching "deploy bike" someone mentioned it's possible to just add the bicycle to his epoch.map.pbo and have his players download it that way instead of requiring an extra mod (at the time "emod")."



    ie - when players log onto the server, it automatically downloads epoch.map.pbo (let's assume for this question it's epoch.Chernarus.pbo) from the server. This guy suggested it may be possible to have the vehicle mod stored in epoch.Chernarus.pbo somehow (it was a really small size mod: like 3kb) ... so the players don't have to download an @mod (as my OP suggests the problem is that this @mod is not listed on A3 Launcher).


    My question was asking if this possible since I vaguely remember him mentioning it ... though it was long ago enough that I can't remember who that person was to ask him specifically (and searching didn't help me find the post I read).

  7. I want to add 1 of the c 130's from this @mod to my server ... just to have a c 130 on there like in arma 2:




    Unfortunately, the mod isn't listed on A3 Launcher and I'd rather not run with unlisted mods.  I remember a while ago, while researching "deploy bike" someone mentioned it's possible to just add the bicycle to his epoch.map.pbo and have his players download it that way instead of requiring an extra mod (at the time "emod").


    It is possible to take for instance only the "C-130 J"'s pbo from the mod above and somehow have my players download it automatically from epoch.map.pbo instead of requiring them to downloading the entire @mod which is not listed on A3 Launcher? 


    Thank you for any help you can offer :huh:


    In you mission init.sqf insert the following:


    // Control the epoch ai limit per player
    // 1. Epoch_Cloak_F = Cultist
    // 2. GreatWhite_F = Great White Shark
    // 3. Epoch_Sapper_F = Regular Sapper
    // 4. Epoch_SapperB_F = Super Sapper (dark)
    // 5. I_UAV_01_F = UAV (that spawns the AI)
    // 6. PHANTOM = Invisible phantom 
    // 7. B_Heli_Transport_01_F = Transport helicopter for the mission system
    EPOCH_spawnLimits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];


    Do you know the default values for those spawnLimits?

  9. You can just add their classnames to the list of spawned vehicles. You may have to add some BE restrictions for some of the weapons though.


    Is there a way to do it without having the server spawn those vehicles with every restart?  ie- let's say I want to have an armed vehicle for sale at certain traders, but want the server spawning 0 of them (ie- you can't find them, only buy them). I assume if I put "0" on the spawned vehicle list, it will give an error when someone tries to buy one that the max number has been reached?  I tried searching for the answer but only got this: 

  10. Thanks. That explains why i wasn't finding anything. I was searching for stamina, not fatigue.  When I add a vehicle to that list in question 4, do I just add "0" for the number?  Also how will the traders know how much crypto to sell/buy the vehicle for?

  11. 1) Is it possible to have no time change on the server? Like it's always 2pm and the sun never changes / daylight setting never changes?


    2) How do I turn off the stamina system? To have players run as if at 100% stamina all the time.


    3) Is it possible to reduce the amount of traders that spawn by say 50%?


    4) If I want to add a vehicle not in epoch, but that is already in default arma 3, onto my server ... do i just add it to my epoch config.hpp at:


    "allowedVehiclesList[] = {"


    ie- for traders to be able to sell it, etc etc


    Thank you.

  12. you copy the @Zombi/Addons folder into your main arma server folder, and add @Zombi to your -mods=  or if your using tadst click the mods tab and enable it.


    Would that make it so that people who don't have @Zombie won't be able to join the server?  Since it's not on A3 Launcher mods section that could cause problems if that's the case. I know when I added @emod031 to my startup .bat people had to download it before being able to join

  13. I recently installed @emod031 successfully on a server me and a friend are making to play together.  It shows up on A3 launcher as one of the mods listed: http://i.imgur.com/wJxrxu7.png


    However, my friend said he was able to join without having the mod downloaded. Is there some additional step I need to take to make sure the mod is required before people can join? ie- the server won't let them on without it. Thanks.


    The steps I've done so far are:


    Uploaded the mod's @folder to the server

    Updates the start up .bat to use it

    Added it's keys to the keys folder



  14. Hello. A friend and I are trying to set up a server to play on together.  I installed emod031 today and am now getting this error when trying to sign in:







    The steps I took to install the mod was:


    1) download the latest version to my pc from A3 Launcher

    2) use ftp to upload the @emod031 folder to my server

    3) added @emod031to my @START_SERVER.bat file


    I'm not sure if I needed to do anything extra and am just missing the step? After getting the error, I deleted and redownloaded the mod, uploaded again, etc etc all with no success.  The mod's folder is being uploaded directly from my arma 3 folder, so it makes no sense that the keys are different. The key files should be identical. :huh:



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