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Buck Futter

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Posts posted by Buck Futter

  1. I have to agree that I have noticed these problems since I started playing Epoch, just before the 3.0.1 update (which I guess was 2.5.2). Initially, I thought the problems were on my end, maybe I just wasn't experienced enough and was building wrong or something. Over time as I became more experienced, I continued to notice the problems persist across multiple servers regardless of any mods being used.

    Regarding the misalignment of components after server restarts, this is a concern but I can't seem to figure out what's causing it. I'll spend an hour making sure every little wall, floor, etc is perfectly aligned. Yet after a restart or two I can see gaps forming between sections that I am certain were not there before. Floor shift a few inches, and eventually you end up with gaps in the floor sections that cause your character to "get stuck" in between them, almost like you're about to fall through the crack. Walls that were perfectly aligned with no gaps end up shifting slightly, and you eventually notice gaps between wall sections that are several inches wide and enough to not only shoot through, but one time I was even able to access a shelf from outside the building.

    I definitely agree with the suggestion that when moving components that have already been placed, they should be reverted back to "ghost mode" while moving them, or else they just bounce into other objects and are difficult to place correctly. There is also a high chance of being killed by bouncing/shifting components because they aren't in ghost mode. Generally, I always have to remove a piece and rebuild it instead of moving it, as moving rarely works well.

    And we really do need a way to cancel building. There have been times when I was getting ready to place a wall or set of stairs, and while moving around the ghost version I had a drone overhead or a sapper running at me. Because you can't cancel the build, you have to just quickly place the item wherever and engage those drones or sappers, then remove and rebuild the item again in the proper place. This wastes building materials and creates headaches. There are also times when you simply realize that a component won't work at the time, or that you prefer a different component, where being able to cancel the build would be useful.

    I will add that some components are lacking proper options for snap rotation. The stairs for example can only be rotated to snap to 2 opposing directions, not all 4. So it's very difficult at times to place a set of stairs facing the direction you need them to, and you must stand at a 90-degree facing from before in order to get the proper snap position. For example, when placing the stairs in snap mode, they'll initially snap to a 0-degree heading. Pressing the "snap type" (3) key, the stairs rotate from 0 to 180, then 180 to 0, and repeats the cycle. It should be rotating between 0/90/180/270 instead.

    I am also having issues building components outside of snap mode. If I want to place a wall section next to the edge of a floor but not aligned with the floor, the wall keeps snapping to the floor edge no matter which option I use. For example, because we don't have low cinder walls, I have had to rely on placing a standard cinder wall lowered about half-way in order to be able to deploy your weapon on top of it. But if I get too close to the edge of a floor, it snaps right to the edge at default height, and I end up having to place the lowered wall a few feet from the edge of the floor in order to prevent it from getting snapped into place. Trying to use free mode isn't working, and I can't recall it ever working.

    Yeah what he said!
  2. Well if your an older gamer swing by and take a look, I will let the server speak for itself. Admins are on but we don't pamper players and there are no real issues to request admin assistance so it's pretty quite. Afternoon and night we range from 20-30 players

    Yeah I'm 31 so squeakers pretty much get on my nerves lol. Which server?
  3. Hiya...

    I'll second a few ideas that I think will help players (particularly the ones who spend too much time inside bases organising).

    Lighting in bases : NVG inside is a bit....meh. Someone said proximity lighting. How about harvesting some solar panels, setting them up with electrical components and some salvaged metal and used/unused large energy packs for a device that can provide power in your base for a few lights.

    Limit it to maybe 2-3 lights per device or scale able with the number of energy packs you add at the crafting stage.

    You'll also need wire and globes...more loot and assets.

    I like a nice gun rack...specifically for guns is a nice idea.

    Omg the stairs...

    Tow rope! Genius

    Map on the wall...persistent points.

    GUI elements when in build mode. Perhaps some axis guide lines and highlight the snap edge.


    Great game...great mod...my wife hates you ;)

    Same here my wife is disgusted with you people who made this mod!
  4. Yeah I had a base in a warehouse like that too, but it was on PVE server, so I had no worries at all. But generally it is bad idea to build bases in Altis buildings. However they have one advantage, they can be really concealed and hard to notice (unless you make a heli pad nearby or on top). So again, if you do decide to build, cover not only exits but everything else. Practically you have to build a house inside a house if you know what I mean. It has to have floors, walls and roof. But as I said, the problem is that the space is limited so your base will have only one layer of security. One wall down, and enemy will get inside.

    Then again, for newbies it shouldn't matter that much as most fun is in building anyway.

    Yeah i've played since the mod first came out but I've always been solo. No one I know even owns Arma 3 so it gets lonely at times lol I don't like squeakers and immature people much since I'm an older guy my patience is thin Ha! It's hard to get teammates in game because it's usually KOS or a trap lol but yes the best part is building and finding loot. I'm either on the Pure servers or the BTK server so if there's anyone who plays on those hit me up. In game name is Buck Futter
  5. I would recommend making your own base.. In-game buildings can come down really easy. I suspect one satchel will bring the whole thing down and your vehicles inside will be history.

    Just use it as a temp base till you get materials together to go build somewhere else.

    Good idea! That's what I'll do then. I thought for sure that would be safe
  6. if you intend to build a base in such house, just don't. Or at least cover all the ground and walls and roof but even if you do that, you base will have one layer at best, and it will be very very easy to get inside with 4 satchels even.

    Really? Lol. That was exactly what I was planning on doing. Well shit I've since found an empty one and placed my jammer and a few concrete walls. Damn waste of materials. I thought since the latest update buildings are stronger?
  7. I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a altis map pic of all of the white industrial buildings that have the double doors that open and you can fit cars inside. I know I can go in editor and see but was just wondering if there was a pic somewhere in the online world

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