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Posts posted by Sneakydude

  1. I see Epoch as much more then what some can. Hosting and scripting different types of epoch servers allows me to look into it further.


    If anything I think Epoch as more a database structure that needs


    1. Lots more configurations for admins to adjust in a control panel environment.

    2. We can make the server how we see fit. (different epoch environments)

    3. Work with others on content, and not being forced to remove epoch features. (everyone is different)

    4. Epoch offers new and exciting things to add if you want. Themes= true :)


    since I quoted this wasn't a zombie thing anymore in 2013, I would assume it is much more a complete sandbox mod allowing you to build the environment.

    I hope that's the direction epoch is going, because I don't see epoch a zombie simulator game at all, I think of it as an environment.

  2. Ok first thing you must do, is check all the mods loading in order. Then make sure you check the mission.pbo for any errors in RPT. If its taking too long to load it could be in the mission pbo that needs to be gone through and checked. Even #includes organize inside the init if you have to.


    Because everything is pretty much alpha, and scattered, you may just have it looping to read things at the start. Trial and error is your best bet. (backup everything constant) The whole darn server folder first.

  3. i dont know why ppl keep making these spawn systems based on a trigger (not to mention this is also based on markers) in the mission.sqm, it just complicates things so much more than necessary, especially for the end users that often dont even know how to derapify ...

    This is why, it should have clear instructions for advanced users. If you don't know how to use Eliteness do not attempt at using this script.


    Simple fix. But most authors believe that everyone knows how do handle these things by now. Maybe not so for new users of less then a few months.


    Otherwise I think this is a great script for Advanced users.

  4. then add this line to the bottom of your init.sqf:
    [] execVM "custom\HALV_takegive_crypto_init.sqf";
    now it will actually remove the crypto from the player ...

    I know people have made a new folder custom, but really this should have been with the other sqf correct in addons folder?


    Slight catch.


    Ignore I see what you wanted to split up


    to use it updatet the script service point script files with the updated code and put both of these files in a folder called custom in your mission.pbo.

  5. It is really getting ridiculous, really everybody  host now a own server. who the most part have no idea, really no idea....

    Cost a few of us some coins to try 3 different providers until I asked prue, and he just told me to make my own box.


    and I am having a blast learning from suppe scripts hehe



    2015-05-06 03:13:46 [Abuse] SETEX key Vehicle:9845:47 does not match the allowed syntax!


    What is all this? RHS? seen on mine too.

  6. many are of the same variant type. You will have many spawning, but you can sift through them, then run the database cleanup to remove all of the vehicles.


    I've spent the better half of the early morning going through the classnames, found 5+ of the same type (just awesome looking vehicles) its a great mod by itself.

    For us to use them, you have to sift through what you want and what you don't want. The sounds even are pretty decent.

    Not sure if all the objects will work as I haven't gotten that far in building the custom bases.

  7. After reviewing the PBO's to see if there was any function calls and trying to understand the uses. Am I under the assumption its only being used if the vehicle, or heli is not on a flat surface/destroyed/placed then you would use the preferred locations for vehicles? its only static in these cases.


    Hopefully I am not correct and its a new location for static that can be adjusted by the server op, and it is not implemented yet.

  8. // Prefered locations for vehicles
    class whitelistedVehiclePos {


    How is this being handled. I understand its for specifics, but will this replace what is being called from epoch and make everything static?


    My testing failed.



    P.s I want static so its perfect for me. Other server types will want random, with heli's not falling from the cliff.

    I don't have that issue as its flat ground map, I have installed everything custom.

  9. Full review of the RHSUSAF, I am not sure this will work very well with epoch and other type mods like CBA, and Blastcore. Reviewing the webpage from RHS shows they are not willing to change.


    That's ok, but we really need to have a USA type mod come out if that's the case. Many of us enjoy the different items available by these mod makers.  One that is compatible with Epoch, like Massi was.


    Ill keep trying to windle down the working bug free vehicles of RHS but so far, its pretty much full of errors. Others say the same it appears. :( too bad I like this mod.

  10. This is my first ever share through a topic.

    I know my menu looks a bit dull but its an early work in progress from someone that 8 months ago never started an Arma server, nor one that does not know any programming languages besides the one book my father gave me at 7years old, How to Program in BASIC. yep just BASIC....

    So I should start off with credits to ComputerMancer and Salutesh for their inspiration and scripts over the past 8 months.


    So based off of an Action Menu which has a few scroll options and maybe submenus for the player to utilize, I created the first version of Donkey Menu!

    This is a Hotkey Setup, which shit Thank you to MGM for the original info, Computermancer for working with MGM on the hotkey for your cmEarplugs script!

    I chose to use a basic looking GUI to start my venture.


    I then incorporated Computermancer's original possum script with a few extra touches.


    And of course everyone knows the suicide script.

    However here is my take on a crafting menu!!!!!!!


    Being of a hobbyist nature to this shit, I have fun doing it and don't mind sharing my work.

    This is fully working on Donkey Punch right now, but is in testing phase as well as being improved upon daily.

    I will be getting my GitHub account to start syncing my work and I will make it available as soon as possible.

    PS. another little treat I will be releasing soon too! Temp Groups


    Yep you read that right, Temp groups, read about it soon in my second Preview Post.

    are you trying to say I should be using this? I guess I should be. You sneakylittlebastard :)


    hhee nice job

  11. Up late, digging this menu. Actually loving this menu. You did a great job IT07. Keep up the great work, i am going to add in a feature and will PM you what i did later, because i am digging, no loving your work hehe


    What do i have to do in order to allow the background image load from "c:\Servers\Server1\image.jpg"

    will it only load in the pbo file or can we redirect to our local server directories. Right now it keeps saying image.jpg not found no matter how i go about it.

    600x600 and i can even go smaller if need be.


    Quick search this morning, very early so i am tired now. revealed this



    I didn't go to too many sites to find a way yet.


    Suggestions how to get it not to load in the pbo file under mpmissions, instead have it load outside of that pbo, so the mission files are small?


    Thank you so much for giving me ideas, now i am going to be scripting all weekend :( lol jking

  12. classnames don't seem to be working. I am pretty sure I loaded them fine in the mission and the epochconfig.hpp


    Not vehicles visable, suggestions?


    Simple fix had : instead of ; after RHSUSAF

  13. Hey Face,


    I added vehicles to the script and it completely broke all vehicle spawns just like the last time I tried it.

    Here's what the vehicle spawn class looks like straight out of my sqf:

    here is why





    do this



    ["I_Truck_02_fuel_F",1] <-------- no comma at the end




    sec reviewing his script again, I forgot if it was like that.



    here is mine, not being used atm


    A3EAI_vehList = [












    so I was correct, don't put the comma at the end.

  14. There will be options but most likely editing of mission parameters initially. Custom trader mission entries have been talked about.


    Have since moved on to in game events and, after getting sick of missions, going back to fix the cultists and upgrade the general AI :)

    OH while you mentioned it axeman, great work btw. Have you got a roadmap of additions you plan to carry out down the road?

    such as customizable features for server admins, and anything else i can look at.

    Not trying to hijack the mission thread, as it is important too.



  15. Was working before, but now just cant add it. They going to be deleted after player come close


    add vehicle:

    if (isServer) then {
    private ["_objs"];
    _objs = [
    private ["_obj"];
    _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    if (_x select 4) then {
      _obj setDir (_x select 2);
      _obj setPos (_x select 1);
        _obj setVariable["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH",1000000000000];
        _obj setVariable["LAST_CHECK",1000000000000];
        _obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;    
        clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _obj;
        clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearItemCargoGlobal       _obj; 
    } else {
      _obj setPosATL (_x select 1);
      _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
        _obj setVariable["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH",1000000000000];
        _obj setVariable["LAST_CHECK",1000000000000];
        _obj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;    
        clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _obj;
        clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _obj;
        clearItemCargoGlobal       _obj;  
    } foreach _objs; 

    FIXED: just add sleep 60; before run script

    Are you trying to run this static vehicle spawn? every time I tried this the vehicle would disappear as I got to them.


    This might help in custom missions having the vehicle load in the area you want it to be at. Like a placeholder.

    I don't want epoch to randomize some vehicles I have spawning. I want them to load by a base I am designing.


    Is this basically what you have tried to do?


    P.S and I love your ZevMissions :) just not sure what exactly it did other then the convoy routing from West to East.




  16. I would go with this to force it static.


    Can confirm too that WeatherStaticForecast[] = {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{1,1}}; is working with Epoch (Altis)


    Ill also use this on the new server setup. It should help clear up the rain issues. Since my new map is in the desert.

  17. Then I am not the only one doing it clearly wrong for the weather.

    ,{1,1}} was error to 0,0


    Ill find the link to the other topic explaining what I understood correct.



    Also this may relate to Lootspawner. All I know is when I tried to do it the forum method mentioned by others in 3.02 it would stop the loot from spawning, and the circle. It could be possible I was doing something else to cause this issue, but others said in many topics it could break the loot by changing the weather.


    Turned it to default and loot started to spawn again for me. Now I am on 3.0.3 and it is a new setup, so I haven't tested the weather since the last update.


    Sorry I couldn't find the correct one, someone else posted that inside the weather it was posted default incorrect.


    Is the one topic I believe it was mentioned, it can break this by changing the weather.


    I dunno

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