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Posts posted by xstreme

  1. hey guys...

    so im trying to make a script which i will release on here once its going... will be quite a great feature but i cant give much away just yet.


    i have everything running but am stuck on one MP issue...


    i am going to use a example below thats not from the script to achieve what i need to achieve.


    so i spawn a vehicle server side from a script in @epochhive\addons to a marker on map which disappears after restart (perfect for my script)


    spanwed like this: works great...



    if(isServer) then {
    "TRUCK" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call Spawn_ATruck};
    Spawn_ATruck = {
    _veht = createVehicle["B_Truck_01_mover_F",  getMarkerPos "vehspawn", [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];
    _veht allowDamage false;
    _veht call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
    _veht call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
    clearItemCargoGlobal _veht;
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veht;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veht;  
    _vehm allowDamage true;

    My Question:
    How do i addAction to this spawned vehicle... and once a local player activates this action it removes the action for everyone..removeAction (global).
    I understand that i can create a function something along the lines of....
    xs_fnc_truck_addAction = {
    _veht = (_this select 0);
    _veht addaction ["bla bla", "blah.sqf"]
    and then use bis_fnc_mp
    but what would be the correct way of making the function where to place and where and how do i go about adding it to the truck etc?
  2. Can confirm that the changes from Xstreme works. AI's are now in the correct fraction.



    - They will not spawn if Heli = true

    - Heli & Heli AI ist still on the own fraction


    Hey man, they still spawn for me if Heli = true.


    But.... even though the heli spawn is set to create group resistance

    _INDgrp = createGroup resistance;


    _grp = _INDgrp;


    _vCrew = [_vehicle, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnCrew;


    It will spawn blufor crew if its a blufor chopper... like the ghost hawk, opfor crew if its a opfor chopper....So the Foot Soldiers will shoot it down.


    You can make it a Independent chopper like the armed hellcat but only has 2 seats.


    Change in Sector_addon\scripts\LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_fullAirVehicle.sqf 

    _INDveh = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F"];


    _INDveh = ["I_Heli_light_03_F"];


    However you will need to modify some of the script in:

    as i think it would still spawn more than 2 crew and therefore the chopper will probably stay on the ground.
    Sorry havnt had time to thoroughly test and re-write it to work correctly.
  3. Hi Suppe,


    the idea for the script is awesome ;) Unfortunately I have the issue that if I kill an sector AI it count's negative in the stats. Any idea? Other mission AI's count normal.


    Could it be that the AI's spawn on the same fraction and how is this to be controlled? I am using 30 +10 AIs and 20 +10 militarize AIs with Heli in a radius of 500m on a stock Epoch server. On request I can provide access / config/ logs





    No its because under scripts\LV\fillhouse.sqf and \scripts\LV\militarize.sqf


    The following is set to a civilian character which simply has gear added to it...

    there for it thinks your killing a civ...



    _greenMenArray = ["C_man_polo_1_F"];


    Example change to:

    _greenMenArray = ["I_Soldier_02_F"];


    Now kills are positive not negative.

  4. Hello guys i need help from you i have tryed now lot of things but adding CBA to Epoch will f**** my Server because of BE Restriction #47


    #47 "deleteVehicle CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC;


    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;





    i have tryed it with adding this in Line 48 should working for me but still same Problem getting Kicked.


    !="deleteVehicle CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC; }]; CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 0; }; }; ;"


    i also tryed with:


    !="deleteVehicle CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC; }]; CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1; }; }; ;"


    pls can someone help?


    hey man just add it like this:

    !="deleteVehicle CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC;" !="CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;"

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