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Posts posted by OfficeGlenn

  1. Was wondering if someone could help me with this BE filter (scripts.txt) after updating to 0.3.2.  Can seem to get it to work. 


    #18 "SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance)then[{

    if(!isPlayer _x)then{_x allowDamage false};


    if(!isPlayer _x)then{_x allowDamage true};



    I have tried to add !="if(!isPlayer _x) then {_x allowDamage true};" to line 19 and I still am getting kicked. Tried several variations and no luck....


    Fixed: Added to line 20 for the allow damage. Makes no sense why line 20 not 19.

    I am getting the same issue. Had to stop my server until I can figure it out.


  2. and



    service_point.sqf line 7:

    _folder = "addons\service_point\"; // folder where the service point scripts are saved, relative to the mission file
    put it anywhere you like and edit the path to match ...


    Where does the service_point.sqf go?

  3. I like this but I am stumped as to how to install it. I have created a service_point directory for the service_point.sqf as well as addons\service_point directory for the other to files. I have added those to my epoch.bornholm.pbo file and have added the proper lines to both script.txt and init.sqf. Any help on the proper install instructions would be greatly appreciated. As well does this need to be modified to work on Bornholm?

  4. Not sure why but ever since Epoch 0302 has come out I keep getting kicked when trying to load a vehicle using the igiload script. I've been staring at this code for hours and can't seem to fix it.


    I'm getting BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #0 and the server is showing errors for attachto as well


    here is my attachto.log


    09.04.2015 20:43:52: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 2:731 K03 2:767 C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH -1 [0,-4,0]
    09.04.2015 20:43:52: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 2:731 K03 2:767 C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH -1 [0,-3,0]
    09.04.2015 20:43:53: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 2:731 K03 2:767 C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH -1 [0,-2,0]
    09.04.2015 20:43:53: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 2:731 K03 2:767 C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH -1 [0,-1,0]


    and here is my attachto.txt file


    3 "" !WeaponHolderSimulated !Shot !"(LockBox|FirePlace|PlotPole|Jack)_EPOCH" !"Jack_SIM_EPOCH" !"LockBox_Ghost_EPOCH" !"CinderWallHalf_Ghost_EPOCH" !"(Tipi|StorageShelf|WoodFloor|WoodLargeWall|WoodStairs|WoodRamp)_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Foundation_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Epoch_Male_F" !"C_Offroad_01_EPOCH" !"C_Quadbike_01_EPOCH" !"C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH"

    !"C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH" !"C_SUV_01_EPOCH" !"C_Van_01_box_EPOCH" !"C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH" !"B_SDV_01_EPOCH" !"B_MRAP_01_EPOCH"

    !"B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH" !"B_Truck_01_covered_EPOCH" !"B_Truck_01_mover_EPOCH" !"B_Truck_01_box_EPOCH" !"O_Truck_02_covered_EPOCH"

    !"O_Truck_02_transport_EPOCH" !"O_Truck_03_covered_EPOCH" !"O_Truck_02_box_EPOCH" !"ebike_epoch" !"K01" !"K02" !"K03" !"K04" !"C_Rubberboat_EPOCH"

    !"C_Rubberboat_02_EPOCH" !"C_Rubberboat_03_EPOCH" !"C_Rubberboat_04_EPOCH" !"C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH" !"C_Boat_Civil_01_police_EPOCH"

    !"C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_EPOCH" !"jetski_epoch" !"B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH" !"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_EPOCH" !"I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH"

    !"I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_EPOCH" !"O_Heli_Transport_04_EPOCH" !"O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_EPOCH" !"O_Heli_Transport_04_box_EPOCH"

    !"O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_EPOCH" !"B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH" !"Land_Cages_F" !"Epoch_Sapper_F"


    My publicvariable.log is

    09.04.2015 19:56:27: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 "IL_SetScore" = [<NULL-object>,20]
    09.04.2015 20:07:07: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 "IL_SetMass" = [<NULL-object>,1765]
    09.04.2015 20:24:33: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 "IL_SetMass" = [<NULL-object>,20642.9]
    09.04.2015 20:43:53: [NR] OfficeGlenn ( 2f02b6cd358248842846debe0a75f41c - #0 "IL_SetMass" = [<NULL-object>,2550.04]


    and my publicvariable.txt is


    3 "" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|storeCrypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack)_PVS"  !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push)Player_PVS" !="EPOCH_(build|equipped)Item_PVS" !="EPOCH_GROUP_(Upgrade|Player|create|Delete|Invite)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(lock|pack)Storage_PVS" !="EPOCH_(unlock|lock|fill|repair)Vehicle_PVS"

    !="EPOCH_knockDownTree|destroyTrash|MAKETRADEREQ|MAKETRADE|S_S_VEHICLES|MAKENPCTRADE|oneWayTP)" !="EPOCH_Loot(Animal|Container|Building)" !="EPAH_[a-z]{5,10}" !="IL_SetMass" !="IL_SetScore" !="HasEarplugMenu"


    any help would be appreciated.

  5. I love the SEM script.

    I want to apologize in advance to the creator of SEM for changing your code to suit me. It is still your code I have just tweaked it to give the convoy missions a reward besides the vehicles that just despawn on server restart.

    I figured out how to get loot in the vehicles for the convoys using the random loot code already in the SEM system.


    Add the following


    _mainVehicle call SEM_fnc_emptyGear;
    [_mainVehicle] call SEM_fnc_crateLoot;


    after this line


    _mainVehicle = ["I_MRAP_03_F",_startPos,1,0,_dir] call SEM_fnc_spawnVehicle;


    in the Convoy[Name].sqf file.

  6. Not to start a fight but I didn't need to change anything in the init.sqf file to get this one running. The instructions were the easiest and simplest to install. I do agree this script, the player status bar, SEM Missions and the A3EAI roaming AI should be added to the standard epoch as must haves. In my opinion. Good work Computermancer.

  7. How would I go about adding a menu to this so the actual Admin Hunt option is one step down? I am just trying to make it so my admins don't accidently trigger it.



    waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
    //Add action menu for admin (replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your ID)
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]) then {
    	systemChat "Adding action menu...";
    	removeAllActions player;
    	waitUntil {!isNull player};
    	while {true} do {
    	   waitUntil {sleep 1.5; alive player};
    		player addaction ["Admin Hunt", "scripts\adminhunt.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
    	   waitUntil {sleep 1.5; !alive player};


  8. i got the menu to load with the below script change


    if(!isDedicated) then {
     "GlobalAdminHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
      hint parseText format ["%1", ((_this select 1) select 0)];  // brackets were missing around the (_this select 1) select 0


    but now I get a Battleye restriction kick #42 with the following log


    #42 "AdminHint";

    systemChat "Let's hunt admin...";

    _Marker = createMarker [_pname, position player];
    _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorG"


    add ";" after last "}" , it should be better ;)

    	"GlobalAdminHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler { 
    		hint parseText format["%1", (_this select 1) select 0]
    	[] spawn {	
    		waitUntil{vehicle player == player && time > 5};
    		[] execVM "scripts\add_action_menu.sqf";


    I have added the above to the end of my init.sqf file but I keep getting the following error in my rpt file.


    File mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\init.sqf, line 37

         Error in expression <, _this select 1]; }; if(!isDedicated){"GlobalAdminHint" addPublicVariableEve>

         Error position: <{"GlobalAdminHint" addPublicVariableEve>

         Error Missing ;


    any idea how to fix this?


  10. I like the missions and they seem to be working, however I try to add the lines to the init.sqf file in the mission pbo the server won't start properly. So I have the ZEVMission.pbo in the addons folder but nothing calling it and it still seems to work. Any ideas why this would be the case? Cuz it seems like magic(aka i'm stumped) 


    Also is there a way to get the on screen notification that the mission starts and finishes other than checking the map?

  11. Tested on a private server.


    Works for me:



    Of course a custom Vehicle.

    its exactly the same principle.


    Addon wasnt created by me.

    Would you share the code and steps you used to get your custom vehicles on the server?

    I would like to add the Mv22 osprey and police cars to my server but can't figure out how to get them on our server.

  12. I've read through all the post and I can't figure out how to get custom vehicles like the MV22 osprey( http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23848&highlight=MV22) onto my bloody server. I've tried adding the file to the /@EpochHive/addons folder on my hosted server and added mv22 to the epochconfig.hpp but it just doesn't load. what does it mean to load it client side versus server side? Is that like a dedicated server thing? I use survivalservers.com to host the server and can't figure out how to get the planes to appear on the server let alone any other custom vehicles. Any suggestions or walk through videos you can point me at would be greatly appreciated.

  13. Just to help out here and not steel Havoc302's thunder. Here is the full post from another thread that is tested and working on my server as well. Way to go Havoc302.



    So I'd really like to put the minigun armed versions of these choppers on my server to make it a little more interesting but they really need their rockets removed.


    This is what I came up with to do it but it's erroring and I can't think of any other way to do it and i can't work out why. Repurposing the code from something similar we used to do in ARMA 2 Epoch.

    private ["_object"];

    if (isServer) then {

    if (_object isKindOf "O_Heli_Light_02_F") then { // PO-30 Orca
    _object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
    _object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
    _object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

    if (_object isKindOf "I_Heli_light_03_F") then { // WY-55 Hellcat
    _object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
    _object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
    _object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

    if (_object isKindOf "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F") then { // AH-9 Pawnee
    _object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
    _object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
    _object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

    Wanted it to just run once, when the first person logs in to remove the weapons and ammo from those choppers rockets, unless someone can tell me a better method of doing it?




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