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Posts posted by outseeker

  1. On 15/02/2016 at 4:27 PM, Grumplestache said:

    This seems to help with the proximity of players around the safe. But it doesnt stop it all together. Is the best fix just to watch players and ban when people are caught duping? Also where can I monitor the single currency transactions. Is there anyway to monitor players current cash levels?

    Hey mate. The 5m check you added should have sorted that I would have thought..

    How about changing fn_SelfActions code to catch it earlier, and not even give people the option if there's someone else using it:

    if(_typeOfCursorTarget in ZSC_MoneyStorage && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3) && !DZE_ActionInProgress) then {
            if (s_bank_dialog < 0) then {
                    s_bank_dialog = player addAction ["Money Storage", "custom\actions\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];    

    to this, like you did it in the Bank_Dialogue, and while we're at it, let's try replacing the scroll option with an explanation so people don't say "I get no prompt for moneys, its bugged":

    if(_typeOfCursorTarget in ZSC_MoneyStorage && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3) && !DZE_ActionInProgress) then {
    	if (s_bank_dialog < 0) then {
    		_nearPlayers = cursorTarget nearEntities ["CAManBase", 5];
    		_playerNear = ({isPlayer _x} count _nearPlayers) > 1;
    		if(_playerNear) then
    			s_bank_dialog = player addAction ["Money Storage Access Disabled (Friendly Nearby)", "",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
    			s_bank_dialog = player addAction ["Money Storage", "custom\actions\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
    } else {
    	player removeAction s_bank_dialog;
    	s_bank_dialog = -1;

    This way we only give them the option to access money if there is nobody else within 5m, else we remove the scroll option and replace it with a prompt. We call the prompt the same thing as the bank menu option, so it will be removed or changed out for the normal bank option when the lack of players nearby requirement is satisfied.

    Instead of "(Friendly Nearby)", you could print the actual player count minus one and say "x Players are too close to your stash!" or something similar if you like a more informative message or want to imply that paranoia is the reason they can't use it hehe. Also I haven't coded anything ARMA in a long time, so please verify my syntax and such before using this. The only reason I didn't print the player count etc. in the scroll option is because I can't remember how without referring to a working example XD

    *edit* Just thought I might mention as well, if you implement my suggestion, you might want to monitor server performance closely and see if it's very detrimental to performance. What I am asking it to do will result in lots of calls when people are looking at a money storage device, counting nearby players. Potentially a full server of people looking at money storage devices could produce lag; we can reduce the radius a touch if that's the case which should help a bit. The 5m check could be reduced to 3m, to match the radius used in fn_SelfActions to determine if the player is within range of the storage device in the first place. Good luck! :)

  2. All our traders are custom and set to Friendly with the exception of Hero and Superhero. We have no neutral or bandit traders.


    And no, a Bandit can NOT trader with anyone other then Bandit or Neutral. A Hero can trader with anyone EXCEPT a Bandit.


    uhh so you have customised your traders to require humanity but can't find where that is in code? I don't follow

  3. Our server has the single currency with storage and advanced trading working fine.


    However, the traders humanity seems to be broken. All traders are trading as if neutral, only the hero vendor is correct.


    I set my humanity to bandit and could trader with everyone with the exception of the hero.


    Traders worked fine before the scripts. Any clues what may be wrong? I've checked both the fn_selfaction and server_traders, can't find any issues there. Can't find anything pertaining to humanity or coins in either RPT. Not sure where else to look. Thanks.


    What traders are you referring to? Both heroes and bandits can trade from all traders apart from their respective opposites

  4. I'm confused about one thing :blink:


    In the ZSC/ACTIONS folder is the "trade_items_wo_db.sqf"

    In the "fn_SelfActions.sqf" the path is still pointing to \z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_items_wo_db.sqf

    Isn't the path incorrect then, because Zupas file contains the variable "_money" which is surely needed.


    Ooh! Maybe you've found the reason for my error :o


    I assume trade_items_wo_db means Without_DataBase, so if you're using config-based traders with ZSC, we should be overwriting that trade_items_wo_db the default in fn_selfactions


    *edit* hmm even the UPGTest.Chernarus.PBO contains the default trade_items_wo_db lines, pointing to dayz_code.. I can't tell if it's an oversight, or the file is left over from when it was required.


    *edit2* aww actually, reading that reference:

    _buy = player addAction [format["Trade %1 %2 for %3 %4",(_x select 3),(_x select 5),(_x select 2),(_x select 6)], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_items_wo_db.sqf",[(_x select 0),(_x select 1),(_x select 2),(_x select 3),(_x select 4),(_x select 5),(_x select 6)], (_x select 7), true, true, "",""];

    This is adding a scroll option that says "Trade xx blah for xx blah", which is only used for say trading Empty Whisskey Bottle for 1oz Tin I think. Darn.

  5. Looks like it could be an isue with player_build_getConfig or, more likely as it works most of the time, the actual object cfg file record.  The cfg files get all rolled up in to the config.bin.


    You will need to work out what you are building when it happens and then look for the config entry on the Epoch Git to see what details are provided.  You can then see what items are being searched for in that .sqf file and see if the config has all the entries.


    Unfortunately, modular_build is not written by myself and i have no control over the cfg file entries.


    Cfg files can be found on the Epoch Git here.  Most of the Epoch items are in here.


    Does the error actually break anything ?.


    Sorry, I made things a little unclear by editing that post. That error I quoted was there at the time I was trying to work out what turned out to be my using the default dayz_code's player_upgrade.sqf, but I don't believe the error was actually related to that. Nothing seems to be broken by the error at any rate, I Think.

    I will check it out again real quick and see if I can determine exactly what I'm doing that causes the error- it's not during building though.


    Ugh.. Can't actually check it at the moment as the server kicks me with a generic You have been kicked off the game.. sigh..


    Well I'm sure I didn't do any building in my last game where the error was still present, the only thing I did building-wise was do a Maintenance Preview I believe.


    *edit2* OK, managed to get my game working again and that error is nowhere to be found when I use the scroll options on the plot pole. No idea where it came from >.<

  6. Still getting a lot of the same error, when people are selling items I think:

    Error in expression <LAIN DOWN"];
    _item = TraderItemList select _index;
    _data = [_item select 6, >
      Error position: <select _index;
    _data = [_item select 6, >
      Error Zero divisor
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\ZSC\gold\player_traderMenu.sqf, line 214

    Which is this piece of code here:

    TraderDialogSell = {
    	private ["_index", "_item", "_data"];
    	_index = _this select 0;
    	if (_index < 0) exitWith {
    		cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_6"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	_item = TraderItemList select _index;
    	_data = [_item select 6, _item select 0, _item select 5, 1, "sell", _item select 1, _item select 7, _item select 8];
    	[0, player, '', _data] execVM (_item select 9);
    	TraderItemList = [];

    Not sure where that error originates, as I don't see any division occurring here. Very nice otherwise :)

  7. Np,


    Yep add the PVDZE_fullobj_Publish in to the PV variables BE filters.  You can copy the entry that is used for PVDZE_obj_Publish.  The PVDZE_fullobj_Publish function just lets you update the info that would take two DB calls with the standard Epoch function in a single DB call.  Apart from that it is exactly the same :) .


    Thanks mate! Did that and it all seemed cool, but then I noticed when I tried to upgrade a Half Cinder Wall, it said Unable to upgrade, plot pole nearby (because clearly I haven't hassled you enough XD)


    I took a stab and went looking for where player_upgrade.sqf is referenced to no avail, but then I noticed this error in the log I believe to be my culprit:

    Error in expression < player_build_getConfig;
    _classname = _itemConfig select 0; 
    _classnametmp = _>
      Error position: <_itemConfig select 0; 
    _classnametmp = _>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _itemconfig
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\Action\modular_build.sqf, line 43

    I looked at the player_build_getConfig function to see if I can find any problem but all I noticed was that we had the require plot pole set to 0 in our init which again, may be totally unrelated idk.

    Any tips, you lovely person? ^_^


    *edit* In the tradition of offering solutions to ones own stupid problems, I'd just like to mention that I found I was using the default player_upgrade.sqf in my fn_selfActions.sqf so obviously P4L wouldn't work. I am a moron and u are a champion! Thanks again for all your scripts and efforts <3

  8. MySQL DB backup v1.1.


    Note: This script is included in the DayZEpoch 1.0.6 distribution (when released).


    Possible future improvements.



    Hey Rimblock! Great work producing this- I have been thinking about some kind of automated backup system for some time! :)


    It's a bit of a departure from what you've done here, but I was wondering if you liked the idea of using database events to make the backup to the database itself instead of, or as well as to a file? ie. event just copies the tables to backup_tablename_date within the same database or similar?

  9. Plot For Life v2.5 with Snap Pro v1.4.1 & Precise Base Building 1.0.4 (Built for Epoch

    Current Version

    Sorry to bother you once again RimBlock. I searched the thread for the info but I can only find a few people asking about it; Take Ownership is causing a BattlEye kick for publicvariable #3 when there are actually any objects to modify.


    I've since made the change suggested a couple of pages back where I changed the _findNearestObjects = (position _plotpole) nearEntities line, though I don't know if the kick will be fixed by my having done that, or if it's even at all related.


    Anyway, "PVDZE_fullobj_Publish" is being blocked by the BE publicvariables filter it seems- is adding that as an exception the correct thing to do, or should I be doing something else?



  10. It all seems to function correctly with P4L and ZSC using the sources provided, but I can see this error in the log occasionally:

    Error in expression < _findNearestPole select 0;
    _ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["ownerPUID","0">
      Error position: <_nearestPole getVariable["ownerPUID","0">
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _nearestpole
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\custom\Buildables\custom_builds.sqf, line 167

    Looking at that area:

    _distance = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
    // check for near plot
    _findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
    _findNearestPole = [];
    if (alive _x) then {
    _findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];
    } foreach _findNearestPoles;
    _IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);
    // check nearby plot's ownership and then for friend status
    //if plot does not belong to player
    _nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;
    _ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; // Line 167 where the error was reported

    I can kinda trace it back and I wonder where the DZE_PlotPole array is supposed to be defined, so as to give it a _distance > 0? Not sure if that's the issue or what, but any advice would be appreciated :)

  11. Hi,


    A Plot for life does not save the ownership in the objects inventory field, it uses the Worldspace field in the DB.  I have not used any single currency mods so I am not aware of where the money is stored for that.


    For loading the object records and getting the ownership info you need to check the server_monitor.sqf file.  A Plot for Life is a fairly simple mod but touches lots of files.  v2.5 should be simpler to integrate as it assumes if you install it then you do not want to turn it off (ie. no 'turned on or off' checks needed) but it does not use the player_build.sqf file at all but uses the modular build system instead.  If another mod changes the saving of objects back to using the player_build.sqf file then you will need to redirect the calls to player_build.sqf over the modular_build.sqf and the sub files it calls.  The subfiles when combined together more or less make up the player_build.sqf but they have just been chopped up for faster code execution (smaller files = faster execution if the code is the same) and for ease of changing one small part and not having to redistribute the entire player_build file.


    They are the two things I would checkout first.




    Thanks ever so much mate! I've revised the server_monitor thoroughly and currency is all happy :)


    The Plot 4 Life code is also working I Think, but I've never actually seen it in action so I'm not 100% sure, like Show and Hide Radius options both stay available to the user scrolling on the plot and don't toggle based on what you last chose- can you confirm that's normal functionality?


    Everything looks perfect except one little odd error has crept in where unlocking vehicles says (Null) used to unlock vehicle instead of the key name, and the log says:

    Error in expression <xt [format["%1 used to unlock vehicle.",_key], "PLAIN"];
      Error position: <_key], "PLAIN"];
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _key
    File z\addons\dayz_code\actions\unlock_veh.sqf, line 19

    the one thread I can find regarding this issue and a fella said he found it was a fail on his part when installing P4L, which I have evidently made myself. I hope he will reply to me, but I would also like to ask you if you could perhaps identify how this could be, given your familiarity with your own code?


    I really appreciate everything you do for the Epoch community mate- thank you such much :D


    *edit* OK it's in that thread for the record hehe apparently I needed to change the line that adds the Unlock Vehicle scroll option from ownerID to characterID <3

  12. Have you ever found a fix for this?

    Nevermind, made a mistake while installing Plot4Life

    What was the mistake please? I have made it too! XD


    *edit* woot found it hehe


    When integrating Plot 4 Life, there are changes to the fn_selfactions.sqf; the line that adds the scroll option for Unlock Vehicle is using _temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _ownerID) where P4L is using _temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _characterID)


    I changed it from ownerID to characterID and it looks to be normal again :D

  13. Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).


    AKA: ZSC 



    RELEASE 1: INDEPENDENT RELEASE ( No converting script yet to convert old SC money to this version).



    Hi Zupa! Might you be able to please point me in the right direction where everything is working fine except coins disappear from storage devices upon restart?


    Much thanks and luv :D


    Plot For Life v2.5 with Snap Pro v1.4.1 & Precise Base Building 1.0.4 (Built for Epoch
    Current Version


    Hey RimBlock,

    I've tried to install this for a friend by integrating it to what he already has, but the money stashed in things only stays until restarts and I have both original and added scroll options on plot poles with the Take Ownership thing perhaps coming up when it shouldn't; can you tell me if it's possible for me to fix it so I can use Zupa's Single Currency and your Plot4Life 2.5 together? or is there no way to do that due to conflicting methods and have I failed badly? XD


    It's totally possible I fricked up merging things, but I am just wondering if P4L 2.5 and Dwarfer's ZSC 3.0 with Config Traders are supposed to be happy to merge or if it needs additional code tweaking.


    Love your work man!


    *edit* I don't get any client or server side errors at all btw >.<

  15. I know visual degredation is in the plans for future patches.


    Personally, it would be nice if there was a central way to maintain your buildings. Maybe something like a  "Maintenance crate" that you could place mortar, lumber, plywood etc. It would give you a mousewheel option to 'maintain all' and apply the needed parts to the needed structures.


    This way it isn't automated, but isn't as much of a hassle if you have the parts. 


    That's awesome they're planning it, but if Maintenance is implemented we absolutely need a maintenance management system at the same time. I love your idea of maintenance crate! Even if it were to have a limited range, and if you scroll and select an option on it to hilight what walls/floors etc. it will keep repaired provided you keep repair materials in the crate. One crate per room or something seems totally reasonable to me!


    Best idea ever

  16. When I found out I had to maintain my built objects every so often, I wasn't opposed to the idea. Without any way to tell what needs maintenance when though, it's really really bad if you enjoy building a large base with and for a group of friends.


    Please give us a visible timer on a scroll option, or perhaps degrade the appearance of the object when 2 days remain for example by perhaps spawning a broken version inside of the object that isn't actually solid, it's just to appear damaged? Much love in advance!

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