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Posts posted by Havik

  1. Hey guys, I apologize if I posted in the wrong section. Since the update and applying the hotfix, I have this script restriction when opening the map.


    #24 ">> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf _x >> 'displayName')];};}forEach allUnits-playableUnits;};if (skjmi) then {};if (xochlgzp)


    Mods I'm running



    blackeagles AI

    Igiload tow script



    Anybody have any ideas?

  2. Hey guys, I apologize if I posted in the wrong section. I figured since it's a script issue, it wouldn't be the best idea to post in bug report. Since the update and applying the hotfix, I have this script restriction when opening the map.


    #24 ">> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf _x >> 'displayName')];};}forEach allUnits-playableUnits;};if (skjmi) then {};if (xochlgzp)


    Mods I'm running



    blackeagles AI

    Igiload tow script



    Anybody have any ideas?

  3. [2015-01-09 | 23:18:46] SetDamage Log: #5 TrenDK () - #0 0.050000 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:46] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.101181 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:46] SetDamage Log: #1 b1ch0 () - #0 0.101181 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:46] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.101181 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:48] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.152362 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:54] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.203543 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:55] SetDamage Log: #5 TrenDK () - #0 0.301969 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:57] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.400394 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:58] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.451575 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:18:59] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.502756 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:03] SetDamage Log: #1 b1ch0 () - #0 0.605118 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:03] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.656299 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:04] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.656299 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:04] SetDamage Log: #5 TrenDK () - #0 0.707480 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:04] SetDamage Log: #1 b1ch0 () - #0 0.809843 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:05] SetDamage Log: #3 ZimabuEter () - #0 0.861024 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:07] SetDamage Log: #1 b1ch0 () - #0 0.101181 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:07] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.101181 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:08] SetDamage Log: #0 Lessiem () - #0 0.152362 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:08] SetDamage Log: #1 b1ch0 () - #0 0.152362 5:10 Epoch_Male_F
    [2015-01-09 | 23:19:12] SetDamage Log: #5 TrenDK () - #0 0.203543 5:10 Epoch_Male_F

  4. They are already in there. Here is my setdamage.txt


    5 "" !="" !="0.25" !="Sapper_Charge_Ammo" !="Epoch_Sapper_F" !="Epoch_Male_F"
    1 ""


    add to setdamage.txt  !="Sapper_Charge_Ammo" !="Epoch_Sapper_F"



    EDIT: By the way. This is the result of when a zombie hits me when another player is on. they all get kicked but me.

  5. Here's the fun part. Take both logs and take each item that is kicking your players. from your example,



    #0 "srifle_LRR_LRPS_F" 0:0


    #0 is actually line 1.

    So what you will want to do, is in your Addweaponcargo.txt, go to line 1 (take the error #, in this case, #0, add 1, so the error happens on line 1), at the end and put





    That will help you out in the future for weapons issues.

  6. Getting kicked #110  this happens as soon as you get into lobby.... not game.



    06.01.2015 17:01:18: Jason Stirling (86xx04) 7f0xx03a4c53 - #110 "

                    _display = _this select 0;

                    (_display displayctrl 1015) ctrlsettext str (lbsize (_display displayctrl 114));    


    06.01.2015 17:11:21: Jason Stirling (86xx04) 7f04xx03a4c53 - #109 "

    with uinamespace do {


    _display = _this select 0;



    any ideas?


    Are you running with just vanilla? If so, have you tried installing @MAS scripts?

  7. Alright, I read through this entire thread to see about BE Filters for the standard admin tools that came with Epoch. I couldn't find anything on it. I decided to spend the day trying to fix everything. So, for everyone who wants to use these, understand this is for VANILLA Epoch with the exception of the @MAS loot script! Have fun and I hope this helps you guys!

    7 "BIS_fnc_" !"animalBehaviour" !"guiEffectTiles_coef" !"GUImessage" !"guiEffectTiles" !"param" !"setIDCStreamFriendly" !"overviewauthor" !"diagAARrecord" !"diagKey" !"feedbackMain" !"missionHandlers" !"getServerVariable" !"missionFlow" !"initParams" !"initRespawn" !"missionTasksLocal" !"missionConversationsLocal" !"missionCon" !"preload" !"logFormat" !"recompile" !"moduleInit" !"feedback_allowPP" !"feedback_allowDeathScreen" !"feedbackInit" !"initMultiplayer" !"MP" !"displayMission" !"feedback_fatiguePP" !"respawnBase" !"dirTo" !"secondsToString" !"guiMessage_status" !"selectRespawnTemplate" !"guiMessage_defaultPositions" !"startLoadingScreen_ids" !"damageChanged" !"incapacitatedEffect" !"invRemove" !"relpos" !"inString" !"findSafePos" !"isPosBlacklisted" !"timeToString" !"distance2D" !"effectKilled" !"dynamictext" !"inAngleSector" !="_this call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_effectFired');" !"lbSelChanged_"

    7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext" !", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !", 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !"snil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName}" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;};"
    7 forceRespawn
    7 moveInDriver
    7 moveInCargo
    7 moveInCommander
    7 moveInGunner
    7 moveInTurret
    7 setDammage !"player setDammage 0"
    7 attachTo !"EP_light attachTo [player];" !"_bomb attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0],\"Pelvis\"];" !"_dogHolder attachTo [_dog, [-0.2,1.2,0.7]];" !"EPOCH_staticTarget attachTo[player];" !"EPOCH_target attachTo[player];"
    7 enableCollisionWith
    7 hideObjectGlobal
    7 setFriend
    7 setAmmo
    7 RscDebugConsole_watch
    7 enableFatigue
    7 setUnitRecoilCoefficient
    7 allMissionObjects
    7 callExtension
    7 createVehicleCrew
    7 exec !="7 "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" !"\"A3\" !"\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\""
    7 playableunits !"{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits" !="lbSetData[21500, _index, netId _x];\n} forEach(playableUnits - [player]);"
    7 allUnits !="{_x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;"
    7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;"
    7 showCommandingMenu
    7 exec !="execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\\A3\\Structures_F\\scripts\\" !"execVM \"\\x\\addons\\a3_epoch_config\\scripts\\" !"e preprocessfilelinenumbers \"A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf\";" !"execVM \"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\system\dummy.sqf\"},{[\"onUnload\",_t\"" !"execVM \"\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize.sqf\"" !"if (isServer) then {[(_this select 0)] execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\Ind\PowerLines\Scripts\column_ruins.sqf\"};" !"([this, 1] execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\")"
    7 addWeaponCargo
    7 onMapSingleClick !="onMapSingleClick '';"
    7 addMagazineCargo !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"RabbitCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Pelt_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Venom_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"SnakeCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"ChickenCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]"
    7 addItemCargo
    7 addBackPackCargo
    7 removeAllWeapons
    7 removeAllItems
    7 removeBackpack
    7 setTerrainGrid
    7 setViewDistance !"setViewDistance 1600"
    7 deleteMarker !="Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];_MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";_MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_M
    1 setMarker !="Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords]; !="Marker = _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite"; !="Marker = _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_M
    7 createMarker !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkers.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkers2.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkers75.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkers752.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkersR1.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\remmarkers.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\remmarkers2.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\remmarkers75.sqf" !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\remmarkers752.sqf"
    7 createUnit !="_unit = _copterSupportGrp createUnit[(_arrUnits select _i), _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !=_unit = _group createUnit [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 100, \"CAN_COLLIDE\];" !"nHeight 600;_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;_driver = _grp createUnit["I_UAV_AI", position _unit, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    7 createAgent !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !=_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !=_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\];"
    7 createTeam
    7 deleteMarker
    3 setMarkerBrush !="hite"_MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_MainMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid";_MainMarker setMarkerSize [175,175];"
    7 setMarkerDir
    7 setMarkerPos
    7 setMarkerShape !"s];_MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";_MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_MainMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid";_MainMarke"
    7 setMarkerSize !"ELLIPSE";_MainMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid";_MainMarker setMarkerSize [175,175];"
    7 setMarkerText
    7 setMarkerType
    7 setMarkerAlpha
    7 createMarkerLocal
    7 setMarkerBrushLocal
    7 setMarkerColorLocal
    7 setMarkerDirLocal
    7 setMarkerPosLocal
    7 setMarkerShapeLocal
    7 setMarkerSizeLocal
    7 setMarkerTextLocal
    7 setMarkerTypeLocal
    7 setMarkerAlphaLocal
    7 deleteMarkerLocal
    7 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers
    7 displaySetEventHandler
    7 ctrlSetEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
    7 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'Draw';"
    7 ctrlRemoveEventHandler
    7 addMPEventHandler
    7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !" [\"local\"" !" [\"Respawn\"" !" [\"Put\"" !" [\"Take\"" [\"Fired\"" [\"Killed\"" !" [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];" !"_logic addeventhandler [\n\"local\""
    7 displayAddEventHandler !"[_display] call _fnc_animate;" !"tVersion select 4) == \"Development\") then" !"_display displayaddeventhandler\n[\n\"mousemoving\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call EPOCH_KeyDown\"];" !"_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMess"
    7 ctrlAddEventHandler !"rCfg >> \"refreshDelay\");" !" [\n\"draw\"," !" [\"buttonclick\"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;" !"aponInfo_weaponClasses = _weaponClasses;" !"_listWeapons ctrladdeventhandler [\"lbselchanged\",\"with uinamespace do {['lbSelChanged_w\""
    7 removeAllEventHandlers !="ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !="_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"GetOut\";"
    7 removeAllMissionEventHandlers
    7 removeEventHandler !="player removeEventHandler ['Fired', 0];" !="displayRemoveEventHandler" !"_currentTarget removeEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart\", _onContactEH]" !" [_adminVar,objnull];\npublicvariable _adminVar;\nplayer removeeventhandler [\"respawn\",_respawn];"
    7 displayRemoveEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
    7 switchCamera
    7 remoteControl !"fn_moduleRemoteControl.sqf"
    7 drawIcon3D !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_stability],_color,(getPosATL EPOCH_stabilityTarget),5,5,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_num],_color,_pos,4,4,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3dStability" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3d" !"if (_condition) then {\ndrawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _position, _sizeX, _sizeY, _angle, _text,"
    7 drawLine3D !"{\nfor [{_i = 1}, {_i < count _x}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {\ndrawLine3D [_x select (_i - 1), _x select _i, ((BIS_tracedShooter getVari"
    7 ctrlCreate
    7 ctrlDelete
    7 ctrlClassName
    7 ctrlModel
    7 ctrlModelDirection
    7 ctrlModelSide
    7 ctrlModelUp
    7 ctrlSetDirection
    7 ctrlSetModel
    7 deleteVehicleCrew !="[\"A3\functions_f\MP\fn_deleteVehicleCrew.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"MP\",\"deleteVehicleCrew\"]"
    7 loadFile !"_FRnd = compile loadFile \"\\A3\\animals_f"
    7 setGroupIconsVisible
    7 setGroupIconsSelectable
    7 setGroupIconParams
    7 addGroupIcon
    7 EPOCH_whitelist
    7 EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar
    7 EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl_SVar
    7 EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS !="EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS = [player,Epoch_personalToken];"
    7 Dayz_GUI_R
    7 dayz_originalPlayer
    7 zZombie_Base
    7 GodMode
    7 shazbot
    7 _typeofHookMonky
    7 _allocMemory !"_allocMemory103"
    7 _d3d9multipliervariable
    7 _runASM
    7 _addGFX_hookD3D9eventhandler
    7 _BEhookBYPASSBOB
    3 addMagazine !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine _craftItem;" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycanE_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"emptyjar_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycan_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]" !="player addMagazine _x;" !="_unit addMagazine configName _item"

  8. Thanks for the above, I got it working with;

    3 "exec" !"execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf""

    Then I had another kick and fixed it with;

     7 !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf"

    Now I'm getting a Script restriction #111 kick that looks like this;

    31.12.2014 18:53:29: Highlander (IP:2304) GUID - #111 "
    with uinamespace do {
    _display = _this select 0;
    _alpha = if (_display == finddisplay 58) then {0.15} e"

    Still trying to figure this one out.



    I have both of these errors. I have installed this repeatedly on clean installs with no other mods and have followed the instructions to a T. I cannot get around this.. It basically revolves around the latter quote and also script restriction #25 about the randomized colors.

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