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Posts posted by red_ned

  1. CiC is just about to shut down its A2 Epoch server: [CiC] Epoch ( PVE which is Napf as we have moved into A3 Exile, so I thought I would give away the old server files as a whole working server.

    This includes custom areas, custom AI, all installed AI missions/patrols, single currency, group management etc and is the current live server till 25th Feb

    I hope you have a good time with it but I wont be offering support as all files are included but I have removed any passwords from the current server

    You can download the files from here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9ukafXMvfhAdHdRYnQ3RlR2OEU






  2. Just for information, I received this email:

    Dear Neil (CiC Gaming),

    We regret to inform you that FastPointGaming Ltd no longer operates.

    An Issue with Paypal holding 90% of our fund + another 30% of all payments recieved for security reasons due to a huge influx in sales after the release of Ark has caused the company to collapse. I (Ricky) no longer operate FastPointGaming Ltd.

    If you have already opened your dispute via paypal your money will be refunded by paypal, we would do this however they are holding our funds.


  3. According to the vert website they only do : Epoch Mod, Arma3, DayZ mod and minecraft servers there is no mention of them doing A2 DayZ Epoch.


    We would prefer a UK server so it encourages more English speaking people on as people do check location of servers and they tend to get more of that language based on location but we aren't locked into a location due to our language or anything like that as we just want an active community which uses the resources we put out there as empty servers are just a waste of time and money.


    Is there a single host provider which people can hand-on-heart say are good, reliable and have a decent support which ALSO does A2 and A3 servers preferably UK based servers but at least English speaking support in Europe as so far we haven't found one.

  4. We have had to cancel our GTX A3 Epoch server due to it being down for over a month and them blaming us for their database settings.

    We then bought a FastPointGaming server which never came online and their forums has error message saying their account has been suspended and their support stopped responding days ago.


    We really wanted to host our A2 and A3 Epoch servers somewhere but so far too many bad reviews and our bad experience leave very little choices for UK renting and some of the providers don't do UK or as really expensive and don't give full file access.


    If anyone has a provider who is actually good and solid and doesn't cost an arm and a leg we would much appreciate it. Currently looking at Vilayer - they are a bit more expensive than GTX and FPG but don't have some of the file access for A3, and Vert Hosting where the price seems ok but no UK servers and again no access to some files.


    I swear it never used to be this hard to rent a server, we've been going over 15 years and I never seen so many cowboys and fly by nights.


    Suggestions please!

    ps we may also buy an ARK server if they turn out to be good

  5. Apparently due to the construction of A3 and the use of a flat database file which reads sequentially so the car can spawn in first on restart if bought before the floor was constructed, then the floor spawns in after and any height difference means the car can be in or under the floor which causes it to take damage. Its the same for landing helicopters on roofs in A3 - flat file databases pretty much suck when it comes to reading through one line at a time to build a world.

  6. I think we need a share hackers thread somewhere as we were attacked again, this time he decided to tp and kill everyone:


    Previously seen named Mystic


    He then decided to post on our forums to gloat and threaten- http://cic-gaming.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=20037


    It would be nice if we could share more of these across servers to try and get rid of as many as possible, ofc there would have to be legitimate evidence of an offence but BE/BEC/VAC and all the other anti cheat/hack people don't seem to deal with this quickly enough.

    BTW the player who reported thought there was 2 people due to one player being teleported and opened fire in confusion but there was only one.



  7. but Config traders requires loads off work to swap into and you would have thought pulling data from the database wouldn't totally screw up all your trader menus, plus you end up having to have 2 versions so you can have trade from backpack and trade from vehicle, plus you cant use the % tax if you're using gold.

    As the instructions don't say you HAVE to be using config trader then from everyone using a database's perspective, its bugged as hell.

    Today even had to turn off backpack due to it causing enough issues on its own so to think off expanding it to buying when it doesn't work as expected or advertised would just be script suicide.


    I am always grateful to the script coders for the work they do and to all the contributors helping out and i know very few of us do it for money but broken is broken 

  8. Hi, i think i have finally come up against the limits of my knowledge and patience with a few remaining bugs which have showed their heads in the last month.

    I would be willing to pay someone who could properly fix them if i cant get someone to help for free.
    You can have access to our Dev server or have the files yourself and run wherever you want.

    CiC is a gaming community ( http://cic-gaming.co.uk ) which just celebrated our 15th year which is non profit making and funded by either myself or donations from people who play with us.

    Dev platform is on GTX Gaming and live server is with Gameing Deluxe (GTX is cheaper but has no BEC messages which we like for restarts and rules) and we don't use infistar.

    Please get in contact if you think you can help.


    Details below of setup and mods.

    Installed modsEpoch server help required
    Plotpole 4 life v2
    Snap Pro with vector
    Logistic tow lift
    evd deployables
    Advanced gem crafting - with F key function
    Recover skin
    Base safe area
    self BB
    Service Point
    Bus route
    Custom loadout

    Craft from Packs
    Donator trader with TP dome
    Admin Tools version 1.9.1 by NoxSicarius
    custom markers and triggers
    Custom AI city, island, castle missions with heli patrol
    DZAI with roaming heli and land patrols - used in static missions
    WAI - using machine gun positions in static missions
    Tweaked - stop purchased vehicles disapearing
    Full base maintenance and degrade

    current bugs
    1. plotpole for life not working - upgrade to latest?
    Doesn't remember you after death and upgrading seems bugged as you have to remove

    the pole for upgrading items. Would like the retina system installed if possible

    2. advanced crafting - items not being maintained and have no characterID attached
    3. donator trader zone TP not working
    It warns but nothing happens on live server random working on dev server
    4. Event scripts are afffecting advanced crafted items due to 0 characterID but i have a workaround if they cant be made to craft with charID

  9. no problem, plus i am fairly sure i just found the little scrote:


    Was called Sid

    GUID - 1d99379f41354e44dfac0f74669dc65c

    P/ID- 76561198168502439

    he had some characters in his name that were non-standard so took a while but only person not to be kicked, joined a couple of minutes before, left after last kick and not been on server before.

    He also spawned 100 zombies just after joining - probably testing his hacks.


    Please feel extra smug while pre-banning this little d!ck from your servers.


  10. I have gone through the logs and apart from one possible person I have no recording of the name as i have ERROR in the tables for about 10 different IDs.

    It was fast and logs seem to have so much spam there is little I can find.

    The only reason we know who it was is you can see on steam who was just playing with you.


    Sorry guys but i don't think I can do much more even though i have full server logs and dart logs.


    I would love to know how to undo that writing if it ever happens again though if anyone has a clue?

    Isn't it lovely that you spend money and huge amounts of time building a server where people spend months creating things only for some tw@ script kiddie to come along with his downloaded stupidity.

  11. Had a hacker on tonight who kicked everyone on the server repeatedly

    He seemed to get them kicked via "CreateVehicle Restriction #61" where he got players to spawn "RUBasicWeaponsBox".

    Then to add insult he left map markers on the server which cant be deleted(which should come off on reboot).

    We have his steam ID and profile so currently reporting him.


    Other than switching on that darn infistar which i really dont want to, is there another way of stopping the map writing and spawning?









  12. oh i could probably have just added before the If server line:

    DZE_safeVehicle = ["ATV_CZ_EP1"];


    but i didn't think about till after i found it worked anyway and it adds into the same string so no probs for my server

  13. Cheers i worked it out, 


    for anyone looking to do same (I have a loadout for donators and non donators with bike, motorbike, or mozzie):

    MPMissions>DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus>custom> variables.sqf



    EVDVehicleArray = ["MMT_Civ","TT650_Civ","CSJ_GyroC"]; 


    Change to

    EVDVehicleArray = ["MMT_Civ","TT650_Civ","CSJ_GyroC","ATV_CZ_EP1"];



    I didnt have the other line just:


    if(isServer) then {
    DZE_safeVehicle = DZE_safeVehicle + EVDVehicleArray;




    Cheers for fix DangerRuss.

  14. Hi, I added some atv's to a racetrack I installed at the bandit base (Ghost of Chernarus - Bandit Trader: Cutthroat's Corner).

    I added some vehicles to the end of the map so I could spawn in something for people to race on but now the ATV's spawned explode randomly. Anyone got any ideas how to fix or do diffferently?



    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["ATV_CZ_EP1", [1647.37, 7735.2, 0.002], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir 210;
      _bldObj setVehicleArmor 1;
      _bldObj setFuel 1;
      _bldObj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _bldObj setPos [1647.37, 7735.2, 0.002];
      _bldObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["ATV_CZ_EP1", [1644.17, 7737.58, 2.441e-04], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir 210;
      _bldObj setVehicleArmor 1;
      _bldObj setFuel 1;
      _bldObj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _bldObj setPos [1644.17, 7737.58, 2.441e-04];
      _bldObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["ATV_CZ_EP1", [1641.24, 7739.32, 0.059], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir 210;
      _bldObj setVehicleArmor 1;
      _bldObj setFuel 1;
      _bldObj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _bldObj setPos [1641.24, 7739.32, 0.059];
      _bldObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["ATV_CZ_EP1", [1638.12, 7741.64, 9.155e-05], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir 210;
      _bldObj setVehicleArmor 1;
      _bldObj setFuel 1;
      _bldObj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _bldObj setPos [1638.12, 7741.64, 9.155e-05];
      _bldObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["ATV_CZ_EP1", [1640.77, 7746.97, -9.155e-05], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir 210;
      _bldObj setVehicleArmor 1;
      _bldObj setFuel 1;
      _bldObj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
      _bldObj setPos [1640.77, 7746.97, -9.155e-05];
      _bldObj setVectorUp [0,0,1];
  15. I was wondering if anyone using this mod has had any issues with some buildables becoming un upgradeable as I now have some people being unable to upgrade normal walls etc.


    It seems a little odd in the database as my player ids should be up around 6-7k but I am getting some new items with really low number (in 400s and 700s) and I think these are the un-upgradeable ones.


    Suggestions anyone?


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