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Posts posted by (AOW)Recon

  1. Animated Vehicles


    You Can Put This In Any Arma Sever


    You Need "compiles.sqf" and "variables.sqf"


    Here's My Tut on how to make them.


    Put this in your "custom\compiles.sqf"

    in the "if (!isDedicated) then {"

    mv22_pack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\air2\mv22\scripts\pack.sqf";
    UH1Y_pack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\air2\UH1Y\scripts\fold.sqf";
    • Then in your "variables.sqf" find this:
    s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;
    • After that put:
    mv22_fold = -1;
    mv22_unfold = -1;
    mv22_open = -1;
    mv22_close = -1;
    suv_close = -1;
    suv_open = -1;
    UH1Y_fold = -1;
    UH1Y_unfold = -1;
    • In "fn_selfActions.sqf" find this:
    } else {
       player removeAction s_player_grabflare;
       player removeAction s_player_removeflare;
       s_player_grabflare = -1;
       s_player_removeflare = -1;
    • After that then put: 
    if (_inVehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "MV22","MV22_DZ"}) then {
       if (isEngineOn _vehicle) then {[_vehicle,0] call mv22_pack;};
       if (mv22_fold < 0) then {
    	 themv22 = _vehicle;
    	 if !(isEngineOn themv22) then {
    	   mv22_fold = themv22 addAction ["Fold","scripts\animate\mv22_fold.sqf","",5,false,true];
    	   mv22_unfold = themv22 addAction ["UnFold","scripts\animate\mv22_unfold.sqf","",5,false,true];
    	   mv22_open = themv22 addAction ["Open Ramp","scripts\animate\mv22_open.sqf","",5,false,true];
    	   mv22_close = themv22 addAction ["Close Ramp","scripts\animate\mv22_close.sqf","",5,false,true];
       if (isEngineOn themv22) then {
    	 themv22 removeAction mv22_fold;
    	 mv22_fold = -1;
    	 themv22 removeAction mv22_unfold;
    	 mv22_unfold = -1;
    	 themv22 removeAction mv22_open;
    	 mv22_open = -1;
    	 themv22 removeAction mv22_close;
    	 mv22_close = -1;
    } else {
    	if (!isNil "themv22") then {
    	   themv22 removeAction mv22_fold;
    	   mv22_fold = -1;
    	   themv22 removeAction mv22_unfold;
    	   mv22_unfold = -1;
    	   themv22 removeAction mv22_open;
    	   mv22_open = -1;
    	   themv22 removeAction mv22_close;
    	   mv22_close = -1;
    if (_inVehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "ArmoredSUV_Base_PMC"}) then {
       if ((_vehicle animationPhase "HideGun_01") == 1) then {
    	 _unit = _vehicle turretUnit [0];
    	 if (!(isNull _unit)) then {
    	   _unit action ["moveToCargo",_vehicle,2];
    	   titleText ["\n\nYou must open the hatch first.","PLAIN DOWN"];titleFadeOut 4;
       if (suv_close < 0) then {
    	 thesuv = _vehicle;
    	 suv_close = thesuv addAction ["Close Hatch","scripts\animate\suv_close.sqf","",5,false,true];
    	 suv_open = thesuv addAction ["Open Hatch","scripts\animate\suv_open.sqf","",5,false,true];
    } else {
    	if (!isNil "thesuv") then {
    		thesuv removeAction suv_close;
    		suv_close = -1;
    		thesuv removeAction suv_open;
    		suv_open = -1;
    if (_inVehicle && {_vehicle isKindOf "UH1Y","UH1Y_DZ","UH1Y_DZE"}) then {
       if (isEngineOn _vehicle) then {[_vehicle,0] call UH1Y_pack;};
       if (UH1Y_fold < 0) then {
    	 theuh1y = _vehicle;
    	 if !(isEngineOn theuh1y) then {
    	   UH1Y_fold = theuh1y addAction ["Fold","Script\animate\UH1Y_fold.sqf","",5,false,true];
    	   UH1Y_unfold = theuh1y addAction ["UnFold","Script\animate\UH1Y_unfold.sqf","",5,false,true];
       if (isEngineOn theuh1y) then {
    	 theuh1y removeAction UH1Y_fold;
    	 UH1Y_fold = -1;
    	 theuh1y removeAction UH1Y_unfold;
    	 UH1Y_unfold = -1;
    } else {
    	if (!isNil "theuh1y") then {
    	   theuh1y removeAction UH1Y_fold;
    	   UH1Y_fold = -1;
    	   theuh1y removeAction UH1Y_unfold;
    	   UH1Y_unfold = -1;
    • Put the Foldable's in you scripts folder


    If you have antihack Like (InfaStar)


    • Find:
    _dayzActions =
    • After that put:

    well do the AH1z Later :) maybe


    Here Are The Were You Can Get The File's:








    Layout of code and also the MV22 and SUV



    Known Issue's


    Take's Away Upgrade Menu For building

  2. Hey striker i think you code is a lil messed up :( it's all jumbled and such.. i think it's been like this for a while

    dayz_objectUID2 = {	private["_position","_dir","_key"];	if((count _this) == 2) then{		_dir = _this select 0;		_key = "";		_position = _this select 1;		{			_x = _x * 10;			if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };			_key = _key + str(round(_x));		} count _position;		_key = _key + str(round(_dir));	}else{		if((count _this) == 3) then{					if(typename (_this select 2) == "ARRAY")then{							_vector = _this select 2;							if(count _vector == 2)then{								if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{										_key = "";										_position = _this select 1;										{											_x = _x * 10;											if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };											_key = _key + str(round(_x));										} count _position;																				_vecCnt = 0;										{											_set = _x;											{												_vecCnt = _vecCnt + (round (_x * 100))																							} foreach _set;																					} foreach _vector;										if(_vecCnt &amp;lt; 0)then{											_vecCnt = ((_vecCnt * -1) * 3);										};										_key = _key + str(_vecCnt);									}else{									_dir = _this select 0;									_key = "";									_position = _this select 1;									{										_x = _x * 10;										if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };										_key = _key + str(round(_x));									} count _position;									_key = _key + str(round(_dir));								};							}else{								_dir = _this select 0;								_key = "";								_position = _this select 1;								{									_x = _x * 10;									if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };									_key = _key + str(round(_x));								} count _position;								_key = _key + str(round(_dir));							};											}else{						_dir = _this select 0;						_key = "";						_position = _this select 1;						{							_x = _x * 10;							if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };							_key = _key + str(round(_x));						} count _position;						_key = _key + str(round(_dir));					};		}else{			if((count _this) == 4) then{					if(typename (_this select 3) == "ARRAY")then{						_vector = _this select 3;						if(count _vector == 2)then{							if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{										_key = "";										_position = _this select 1;										{											_x = _x * 10;											if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };											_key = _key + str(round(_x));										} count _position;																				_vecCnt = 0;										{											_set = _x;											{												_vecCnt = _vecCnt + (round (_x * 100))																							} foreach _set;																					} foreach _vector;										if(_vecCnt &amp;lt; 0)then{											_vecCnt = ((_vecCnt * -1) * 3);										};										_key = _key + str(_vecCnt);								}else{								_dir = _this select 0;								_key = "";								_position = _this select 1;								{									_x = _x * 10;									if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };									_key = _key + str(round(_x));								} count _position;								_key = _key + str(round(_dir));							};						}else{							_dir = _this select 0;							_key = "";							_position = _this select 1;							{								_x = _x * 10;								if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };								_key = _key + str(round(_x));							} count _position;							_key = _key + str(round(_dir));						};					}else{						if(typename (_this select 2) == "ARRAY")then{							_vector = _this select 2;							if(count _vector == 2)then{								if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{											_key = "";											_position = _this select 1;											{												_x = _x * 10;												if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };												_key = _key + str(round(_x));											} count _position;																						_vecCnt = 0;											{												_set = _x;												{													_vecCnt = _vecCnt + (round (_x * 100))																									} foreach _set;																							} foreach _vector;											if(_vecCnt &amp;lt; 0)then{												_vecCnt = ((_vecCnt * -1) * 3);											};											_key = _key + str(_vecCnt);									}else{									_dir = _this select 0;									_key = "";									_position = _this select 1;									{										_x = _x * 10;										if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };										_key = _key + str(round(_x));									} count _position;									_key = _key + str(round(_dir));								};							}else{								_dir = _this select 0;								_key = "";								_position = _this select 1;								{									_x = _x * 10;									if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };									_key = _key + str(round(_x));								} count _position;								_key = _key + str(round(_dir));							};						}else{							_dir = _this select 0;							_key = "";							_position = _this select 1;							{								_x = _x * 10;								if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };								_key = _key + str(round(_x));							} count _position;							_key = _key + str(round(_dir));						};					};			}else{				_dir = _this select 0;				_key = "";				_position = _this select 1;				{					_x = _x * 10;					if ( _x &amp;lt; 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };					_key = _key + str(round(_x));				} count _position;				_key = _key + str(round(_dir));			};		};			};	_key}; 

    all so

    // # NOW SPAWN OBJECTS #	_totalvehicles = 0;	{		_idKey = 		_x select 1;		_type =			_x select 2;		_ownerID = 		_x select 3;		_worldspace = 	_x select 4;		_intentory =	_x select 5;		_hitPoints =	_x select 6;		_fuel =			_x select 7;		_damage = 		_x select 8;				_dir = 0;				_pos = [0,0,0];		_wsDone = false;		if (count _worldspace &amp;gt;= 2) then		{			if ((typeName (_worldspace select 0)) == "STRING") then {				_worldspace set [0, call compile (_worldspace select 0)];				_worldspace set [1, call compile (_worldspace select 1)];			};			_dir = _worldspace select 0;			if (count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then {				_pos = _worldspace select 1;				_wsDone = true;			}		};					if (!_wsDone) then {			if (count _worldspace &amp;gt;= 1) then { _dir = _worldspace select 0; };			_pos = [getMarkerPos "center",0,4000,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;			if (count _pos &amp;lt; 3) then { _pos = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,0]; };			diag_log ("MOVED OBJ: " + str(_idKey) + " of class " + _type + " to pos: " + str(_pos));		};				_vector = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]];		_vecExists = false;		_ownerPUID = "0";		if (count _worldspace &amp;gt;= 3) then{			if(count _worldspace == 3) then{					if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "STRING")then{						_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 2;					}else{						 if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "ARRAY")then{							_vector = _worldspace select 2;							if(count _vector == 2)then{								if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{									_vecExists = true;								};							};						};										};								}else{				//Was not 3 elements, so check if 4 or more				if(count _worldspace == 4) then{					if(typename (_worldspace select 3) == "STRING")then{						_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 3;					}else{						if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "STRING")then{							_ownerPUID = _worldspace select 2;						};					};											if(typename (_worldspace select 2) == "ARRAY")then{						_vector = _worldspace select 2;						if(count _vector == 2)then{							if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{								_vecExists = true;							};						};					}else{						if(typename (_worldspace select 3) == "ARRAY")then{							_vector = _worldspace select 3;							if(count _vector == 2)then{								if(((count (_vector select 0)) == 3) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ((count (_vector select 1)) == 3))then{									_vecExists = true;								};							};						};					};									}else{					//More than 3 or 4 elements found					//Might add a search for the vector, ownerPUID will equal 0				};			};		};		   	   		// diag_log format["Server_monitor: [ObjectID = %1]  [ClassID = %2] [_ownerPUID = %3]", _idKey, _type, _ownerPUID];				if (_damage &amp;lt; 1) then {			//diag_log format["OBJ: %1 - %2", _idKey,_type];						//Create it			_object = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];			_object setVariable ["lastUpdate",time];			_object setVariable ["ObjectID", _idKey, true];			_object setVariable ["OwnerPUID", _ownerPUID, true];						_lockable = 0;			if(isNumber (configFile &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "CfgVehicles" &amp;gt;&amp;gt; _type &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "lockable")) then {				_lockable = getNumber(configFile &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "CfgVehicles" &amp;gt;&amp;gt; _type &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "lockable");			};			// fix for leading zero issues on safe codes after restart			if (_lockable == 4) then {				_codeCount = (count (toArray _ownerID));				if(_codeCount == 3) then {					_ownerID = format["0%1", _ownerID];				};				if(_codeCount == 2) then {					_ownerID = format["00%1", _ownerID];				};				if(_codeCount == 1) then {					_ownerID = format["000%1", _ownerID];				};			};			if (_lockable == 3) then {				_codeCount = (count (toArray _ownerID));				if(_codeCount == 2) then {					_ownerID = format["0%1", _ownerID];				};				if(_codeCount == 1) then {					_ownerID = format["00%1", _ownerID];				};			};			_object setVariable ["CharacterID", _ownerID, true];						clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _object;			clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _object;			// _object setVehicleAmmo DZE_vehicleAmmo;						_object setdir _dir;						if(_vecExists)then{				_object setVectorDirAndUp _vector;			};						_object setposATL _pos;			_object setDamage _damage;						if ((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects) then {				if (DZE_GodModeBase) then {					_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];				} else {					_object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call object_handleServerKilled;}];				};				// Test disabling simulation server side on buildables only.				_object enableSimulation false;				// used for inplace upgrades &amp;amp;&amp;amp; lock/unlock of safe				_object setVariable ["OEMPos", _pos, true];							};			if (count _intentory &amp;gt; 0) then {				if (_type in DZE_LockedStorage) then {					// Fill variables with loot					_object setVariable ["WeaponCargo", (_intentory select 0),true];					_object setVariable ["MagazineCargo", (_intentory select 1),true];					_object setVariable ["BackpackCargo", (_intentory select 2),true];				} else {					//Add weapons					_objWpnTypes = (_intentory select 0) select 0;					_objWpnQty = (_intentory select 0) select 1;					_countr = 0;										{						if(_x in (DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select 0)) then {							_x = (DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select 1) select ((DZE_REPLACE_WEAPONS select 0) find _x);						};						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "CfgWeapons" &amp;gt;&amp;gt; _x);						if (_isOK) then {							_object addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];						};						_countr = _countr + 1;					} count _objWpnTypes; 									//Add Magazines					_objWpnTypes = (_intentory select 1) select 0;					_objWpnQty = (_intentory select 1) select 1;					_countr = 0;					{						if (_x == "BoltSteel") then { _x = "WoodenArrow" }; // Convert BoltSteel to WoodenArrow						if (_x == "ItemTent") then { _x = "ItemTentOld" };						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "CfgMagazines" &amp;gt;&amp;gt; _x);						if (_isOK) then {							_object addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];						};						_countr = _countr + 1;					} count _objWpnTypes;					//Add Backpacks					_objWpnTypes = (_intentory select 2) select 0;					_objWpnQty = (_intentory select 2) select 1;					_countr = 0;					{						_isOK = 	isClass(configFile &amp;gt;&amp;gt; "CfgVehicles" &amp;gt;&amp;gt; _x);						if (_isOK) then {							_object addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];						};						_countr = _countr + 1;					} count _objWpnTypes;				};			};							if (_object isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {				{					_selection = _x select 0;					_dam = _x select 1;					if (_selection in dayZ_explosiveParts &amp;amp;&amp;amp; _dam &amp;gt; 0.8) then {_dam = 0.8};					[_object,_selection,_dam] call object_setFixServer;				} count _hitpoints;				_object setFuel _fuel;				if (!((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects)) then {										//_object setvelocity [0,0,1];					_object call fnc_veh_ResetEH;												if(_ownerID != "0" &amp;amp;&amp;amp; !(_object isKindOf "Bicycle")) then {						_object setvehiclelock "locked";					};										_totalvehicles = _totalvehicles + 1;					// total each vehicle					serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_type];				};			};			//Monitor the object			PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_object];		};	} count (_BuildingQueue + _objectQueue);	// # END SPAWN OBJECTS #

    If You Can fix this it would be GREAT :) 

  3. Hey ive noticed when i added some ammo to the hero trader, it doesnt let me use it. 


    My client log says

    Warning Message: Script custom\ZSC\actions\“trade_weapons”.sqf not found

    I dont know where this file is...


    The item ive tried to add was the as50 and the ammo. some other ammo that wasnt there normally also doesnt work. but the rest do in the same trader.

    it's becuz your path or .sqf it not in the right place




    ah Cmon ^^, put all your brains together, look at some excisting scripts and try to make it boys ^^.


    it's pretty doable if not saing easy ^^.


    Some tips i can give u just by head. 

    • Busscript on the coastline
    • Vehicle patrol script (DZAI i think).
    • DZAI updating of mission marker to keep track of the truck :)
    • Add EAST characters in the truck. 
    • Add timer to delete the convoy after x minuts 



    you might just be able to put the Gear script line into the DZAI Vehicle patrol script 

  5. Accepted some merge requests on the github,


    I'm sorry for the lack of support lately, i got so many things going on that i can't keep up with anything decently.


    Some private projects irl and my arma 3 servers get priority in my spare time.


    i under stand name help yourself before other's i just dont understand y or how im getting this error


    or a fix for it, my trader's have the defuilt money system with the gold... i had it working before 

  6. i cant seem to get the default trader's to goto coin? :/


    does it have somthing to do with the convert?


    This Is the error i get

    SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'convertsc: BEGINDECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0' at line 1

    there are no rpt error's as well


    Here Is The Convert code:


    : BEGIN

    DECLARE @player_id VARCHAR DEFAULT "-1";
    DECLARE @instance INT DEFAULT 11;
    /* Cherno = 11 or 17 , Tavi = 13 and so on. just check your Database to see instance number. */
    DECLARE player_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT PlayerUID FROM player_data;
    OPEN player_cursor;

    read_loop: LOOP
    FETCH player_cursor INTO @player_id;
    DECLARE @charid INT DEFAULT -1;
    DECLARE @player_money BIGINT DEFAULT 0;
    DECLARE @player_bank BIGINT DEFAULT 0;
    DECLARE @player_gear LONGTEXT DEFAULT '[]';

    IF done <> 0 THEN
    LEAVE read_loop;
    END IF;

    select @charid = CharacterID, @player_money = CashMoney, @player_gear = SUBSTRING(Inventory , 1, CHAR_LENGTH(Inventory ) - 1) from character_data where PlayerUID = @player_id and Alive = 1;
    select @player_bank = BankSaldo from banking_data where PlayerUID = @player_id;

    /* 999 hive , comment the previous 2 lines out and use the 2 following.
    select @charid = CharacterID, @player_money = HeadshotsZ, @player_gear = SUBSTRING(Inventory , 1, CHAR_LENGTH(Inventory ) - 1) from character_data where PlayerUID = @player_id and Alive = 1;
    select @player_bank = PlayerMorality from player_data where PlayerUID = @player_id;

    IF @charid <> -1 THEN 
    @thesum = @player_money + @player_bank;
    set @player_gear = CONCAT(@player_gear, @thesum, ']');
    UPDATE character_data SET Inventory = @player_gear WHERE CharacterID = @charid;
    set @player_gear = CONCAT('[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemWatch"],["FoodSteakCooked","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBloodbag","ItemPainkiller","ItemAntibiotic","ItemMorphine","ItemEpinephrine","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"],', @player_bank, ]');
    INSERT INTO `character_data` (`CharacterID`, `PlayerUID`, `InstanceID`, `Datestamp`, `LastLogin`, `Inventory`, `Backpack`, `Worldspace`, `Medical`, `Alive`, `Generation`, `LastAte`, `LastDrank`, `KillsZ`, `HeadshotsZ`, `DistanceFoot`, `Duration`, `CurrentState`, `KillsH`, `Model`, `KillsB`, `Humanity`, `Infected`) VALUES (NULL, @player_id, @instance, '2014-11-22 15:02:02', '2014-11-24 22:05:43', @player_gear, '["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]]', '[158,[6320.97,7795.51,0.278]]', '[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[64.82,61.753]]', 1, 99, '2014-11-22 15:02:02', '2014-11-22 15:02:02', 0, 0, 0, 46, '["","aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady03",42,[]]', 0, 'Survivor2_DZ', 0, 2500, 0);
    /* If the guys didn't had an alive character this creates a char for him with his bankmoney as cash on him in stary sobor. */
    END IF;

    CLOSE player_cursor;
    DEALLOCATE player_cursor;

    ALTER TABLE character_data DROP COLUMN CashMoney;

    END convertsc; 

  7. You need to copy your addons folder from Arma 2 to Arma 2 OA

     ik but for other people so they dont have to do this aswell....

    and how do you add the spoiler to forums thing for my profile?


    well any how here's anouther code for a launcher ik this one work's but i like the other one

    ::Author: Snow [AGS]
    @echo off
    echo ===============================
    echo Handy Batch File
    echo --------------------------------
    echo Author: Recon (AOW)Gaming DayZOverpoch
    echo ===============================
    echo JOINING SERVER IN .....
    timeout 3
    ::Configuration| Edit these to the proper file paths ==============================================================================================================================================
    ::---> ===============================================================================================================================================
    :: YOUR Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Directory
    set arma2oapath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
    :: YOUR Arma 2 Directory
    set arma2path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2
    :: Server IP    
    set IP=
    :: Server Port 
    set PORT=2502
    :: Required Mods [ Ex. @DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Namalsk ]
    set MODS=@DayZ_Epoch1051;@DayzOverwatch
    ::---> ===============================================================================================================================================
    :: DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELLOW THIS LINE OR YOU WILL BREAK THIS FILE ==============================================================================================================================================
    start ""  "%arma2oapath%\ARMA2OA_BE.exe" 0 0 -skipintro -mod=%MODS% -noSplash -noFilePatching -world=empty -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% "-mod=%arma2path%;expansion;"
  8. Then why doees it tell me to keep that line in there do i have to put the other ZSCdefine line in there?

    You need delete one line (#include "ZSC\config\ZSCdefines.hpp") in your description.ext

    class RscTitles
    #include "ZSC\config\ZSChud.hpp"
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp"
    #include "ZSC\config\ZSCdialogs.hpp"
    #include "custom\snap_pro\snappoints.hpp"
    #include "RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp"
    #include "spawn\class.hpp"
    #include "spawn\halo.hpp"
    #include "spawn\spawn.hpp"

    In your fn_selfaction code is correct. Folder "zupa" must be near description.ext..


    im now getting this error 


    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp, line 0: .AT_Zupa_BlueButton: Undefined base class 'ZSC_RscButtonMenu'


    Were you getting 


    #include "ZSC\config\__ZSCdialogs__.hpp"

    mixed up with


    #include "ZSC\config\__ZSCdefines___.hpp"


    if you can help my ts is tsdal1.vilayer.com:4000


    Email:[email protected]


  9. 1. Make sure you have latest versions of Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

    2. (Optional) Verify gamefiles/cache of both games to double check from steam game options.

    3. Go to: "Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2" and copy the "AddOns" folder to: "Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" folder.

    4. Do not verify any gamefiles/cache of Arrowhead game after this process or the gamefiles there will fuck up and you have to copy the addons folder over again.

    5. The game will now work without giving this error again when launched.


    Now all we have to do if find a way to put this in the .bat file...

    Im not really good at this soooo...

    but if you can figure it can you email me? 

    [email protected]

  10. The AdvancedTrading is not on my scroll wheel....  i just can figure it out... i have zupa's single coin 3.0 


    Can anyone figure this out?


    heres my Fn_selfactions


    		_humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);
    			if(_humanity_logic) then {
    				_cancel = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HUMANITY",_low_high], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_cancel.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];
    				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_cancel];
    			} else {
    				// Static Menu
    					//diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER: %1", _x];
    					_buy = player addAction [format["Trade %1 %2 for %3 %4",(_x select 3),(_x select 5),(_x select 2),(_x select 6)], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_items_wo_db.sqf",[(_x select 0),(_x select 1),(_x select 2),(_x select 3),(_x select 4),(_x select 5),(_x select 6)], (_x select 7), true, true, "",""];
    					s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];
    				} count (_traderMenu select 1);
                                    _buyV = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Advanced Trading</t>", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
                                    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
    				// Database menu
    				_buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];
    			s_player_parts_crtl = 1;
    	} else {
    		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
    		s_player_parts_crtl = -1;

    here's my description.ext

    		class CA_Progress2 : RscProgressNotFreeze // progress bar that will go reverse
    			idc = 103;
    		class Name2: RscText // the text on the top-left
    			idc = 101;
    			x = 0.05;
    			y = 0.029412;
    			w = 0.9;
    			h = 0.04902;
    			text = "";
    			sizeEx = 0.05;
    			colorText[] = {0.4,0.99,0.1,1};
    class RscTitles
    #include "ZSC\config\ZSChud.hpp"
    #include "ZSC\config\ZSCdefines.hpp"
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp"
    #include "ZSC\config\ZSCdialogs.hpp"
    #include "custom\snap_pro\snappoints.hpp"
    #include "RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp"
    #include "spawn\class.hpp"
    #include "spawn\halo.hpp"
    #include "spawn\spawn.hpp"

    thank you for your time

  11. i am having a little trouble with this.


    23:13:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found
    23:13:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf not found
    23:13:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf not found
    23:13:00 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found


    Does Anyone have a fix?


    i am also use vilayer

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