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Posts posted by Cyrus

  1. Damn, now i feel really stupid...lol..

    To recap, this is what i have it as now:


    _this = createMarker ["NWAF_MILLITARY_COMPLEX", [4430.0229, 10610.783, 0]];
    _this setMarkerText "NWAF MILLITARY COMPLEX";
    _this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _this setMarkerType "Empty";
    _this setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [80, 80];
    _this setMarkerAlpha 0;
    _NWAFMC = _this;

    and spawns

    "_NWAFMC",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
    6, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
    2,						//Weapon grade setting. 1 = weapon chosen from Military loot table)
    true					//(OPTIONAL)* Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn (Default). False: AI will not respawn. Spawn area will be deleted when all units have been killed.
    ] call DZAI_spawn_units;

    is this correct?

  2. here are my custom spawns:

    "_dzaiNWAF_MC",	//This is the marker name to be used as the patrol and spawning area.
    6, 						//This trigger will spawn a group of 2 AI units.
    2,						//Weapon grade setting. 1 = weapon chosen from Military loot table)
    true					//(OPTIONAL)* Respawn setting. True: AI spawned will respawn (Default). False: AI will not respawn. Spawn area will be deleted when all units have been killed.
    ] call DZAI_spawn_units;

    and here is my custom marker:

    _this = createMarker ["NWAF_MILLITARY_COMPLEX", [4438.0039, 10632.189, 0]];
    _this setMarkerText "NWAF MILLITARY COMPLEX";
    _this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _this setMarkerType "Empty";
    _this setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [80, 80];
    _this setMarkerAlpha 0;
    _dzaiNWAF_MC = _this;


  3. i have followed all the steps above, but in my RPT file i get the following error. Can someone please help?

    12:40:41 "WAI: Initialising static missions"
    12:40:41 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\chernarus not found

    although the file is there.


    EDIT: dont worry, I found a typo in my static/init.sqf file.

  4. Thanks for the info. I will definately try this. 2 Questions. Where can i find DZAI for epoch and marker settings are supplied during the base creation in Arma 2 OA Map editor?


    EDIT: Scratch my last 2 questions. Based on the info you have given, i have managed to figure out where to put these code snippets. I will be testing in a couple of minutes and return with feedback.


    EDIT 2: When i startup the server i get this from my RPT file:

    if ("readoverr>
    11:54:06   Error count: Type Object, expected Array,Config entry
    11:54:06   File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf, line 17

    This is from the file :

    _directoryAsArray = toArray __FILE__;
    _directoryAsArray resize ((count _directoryAsArray) - 25);
    DZAI_directory = toString _directoryAsArray;
    if (isNil "_this") then {_this = []};
    if ((count _this) > 0) then {
        //diag_log "DEBUG :: Startup parameters found!";
        if ("readoverridefile" in _this) then {DZAI_overrideEnabled = true} else {DZAI_overrideEnabled = nil};
        if ("enabledebugmarkers" in _this) then {DZAI_debugMarkersEnabled = true} else {DZAI_debugMarkersEnabled = nil};
    } else {
        //diag_log "DEBUG :: Startup parameters not found!";
        DZAI_overrideEnabled = nil;
        DZAI_debugMarkersEnabled = nil;

    Any reason why this would happen?

  5. On 1/18/2015 at 8:17 AM, Narines said:



    This script is extremely simple.


    1 - In '@epochhive/addons' add the following pbo (traderATMs.pbo) :




    2 - In your 'MPMissions' folder, unpack 'epoch.Altis.pbo'


    3 - In your unpacked 'epoch.Altis' folder, open init.sqf and add the following at the very top :

    if (isServer) then {
        execVM "\q\addons\traderATMs\init.sqf";

    Note : if there is no init.sqf in the root of your unpacked 'epoch.Altis' folder, just create one.


    4 - Repack 'epoch.Altis' into 'epoch.Altis.pbo'


    That's it !


    **EDIT** Optimized following Kroenen's suggestions

    The dropbox link is broken. Is this PBO available elsewhere?

  6. Hi,

    I have successfully set up an Arma 3 Epoch altis server (private for now) with a bunch of server side mods running. One of them is the Black Market Trader found elsewhere in the forums. My question is how do i add weapons and gear from the DLC expansions (MARK, HELI) etc. more specifically gear and weapons. I have seen on the BMS server they have gear specific to APEX and helis specific to HELI DLC. My black market trader does not have any of the DLC gear and weapons but only some of the heli's like the Huron and Taru. I own all of the DLC's and they are all present on the server folder structure. I cannot spawn them either using the builtin Anti Hack admin menu as they aren't present.


    I there any way that i can make them visible th AH menu and black market trader?


    Thanks in advance

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