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    EpicLynz91 got a reaction from FJack in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    I heard they are going to make a bear!
  2. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Groups, Remote exe   
    Groups still broken, unable to leave, no one in my party is. I have disconnected, uninstalled RC, reinstalled it, uninstalled epoch, reinstalled it, cleared cache. No solutions. Am I the only one with this issue, well me and the 5 other ppl I play with.

    4 times now when I hit "T" on a squish loot item I have gotten Kicked for remote exec #4.
    EDIT: Also handguns and primaries are disappearing from inventory at random. Upon relog my weapons disappear. When someone in my crew places a weapon in their vehicle or teepee 10mins later it is gone.
    EDIT: Other players cannot see items I set down and vice versa
  3. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Groups, Remote exe   
    Yes TX1, without fail, loot is gone after relog, not just on my person, but in teepees, vehicles, anything associated with my character
    group system is broken
  4. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Groups, Remote exe   
    Player Id changes when you completely erase BI games. When I was over Origins last year I Uninstalled all BI files on my drive. Then when I reinstalled it to check out the overpoch hype my old Id had changed,I noticed cause my xml tag was broken. And my crews xmls still work fine from Arma 2 to Arma 3, they never erased the game.
  5. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to nedfox in Groups, Remote exe   
    TX server has serious issues with saving player data on logout , and even worse with trying to equip weapons. I have never had issues , but both my 2 friends are not able to pick up any waepon, nor see the ones I pick up and drop in a boat for example.
    They also report rain (rain variable is about 0.1 for them) where I have still sunshine, and only see rain 25 minutes later.
    Trading char to char is totally broken, the only way we get things working (except weapons) is putting stuff in a cabinet and let others take it out.
  6. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in How does one acquire a hatchet   
    Unlucky, keep looking you'll find one. Check the traders too, found 4 yesterday at one.
  7. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Unable to trade   
    Unable to trade with other players, menu does not respond GTXTX1
    Unable to leave groups, cleared cache, relogged multiple times, group leader tried to kick me, still unable to leave group.  GTXTX1 & 2
    I cannot see items dropped by other players and vice versa GTXTX1
  8. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in NVGs, Cultists, Duping   
    80% of the time on my character, NVGs do not require power if I log off with them on, in fact I am not able to turn them off at all. 

    Cultist smoldering noise followed me and my crew 7 kilometers before finally stopping at which point about 6 dogs just spawned in front of us and the cultist appeared behind us. The cultist never shot a single fireball and we chased it through two towns before killing it.
    Ghilli suit glitch/dupe/whatever some dudes were at the Factory by the airfield on COATL02, there was around 20 dead fresh spawns in a 10ft area, after killing the dudes in ghillies I put one on and found that whatever I picked up my teammate also got. 
  9. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Infinite NVGs, Unable to leave groups   
    If I take off my nvgs and put them in my backpack, then log off, upon re-log I will have another pair equipped on my character, the process can be repeated indefinitely.
    I was invited to a group last night, this morning I am unable to leave, clicked leave group, relogged, restarted arma3, cleared cache, nothing works. Are group leaders only able to remove you?
  10. Like
    EpicLynz91 got a reaction from CoreyRo in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    ♫Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes! Lose all mind control rationale declines!♫
    Slayer!!!  Imagine if this actually ended up in the game! Haunting imagery with the shining twins. Nice ideas
  11. Like
    EpicLynz91 got a reaction from CoreyRo in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    Sad panda :(
  12. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to kalashlemon in Landsharks   
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORdXXtnEh4 I nearly shit myself
  13. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Groups, Remote exe   
    Disband does not respond. This all started after I joined orangesherberts group a couple nights ago. Joined without incident, switched servers (TX1 & 2) without incident. Logged off. Got back on after work so about 18hrs later and found that I was still in OJ's group, I tried to leave, wouldn't let me, that was the first round of reconnecting, purging, and whatnot. Finally somehow OJ's group was gone from my "Group Manager", but i could not access my actual RtB group. I could see the hexs, read and type in group chat, but they (my group) could see me, and when they clicked "Group Management" they saw the actual group. CoreyRo as leader and everyone accounted for.
           After I relogged  I could no longer see the hexs, or access group chat, however my group could see me just fine. I told all them to leave the group. They did one by one and I could see the "Group Manager" flicker each time someone left, however it would not accept the resignation. I relogged and once again had hexs, chat, but no group manager, and they had everything just fine. So we all counted to 3 and clicked leave group. That worked, the group was disbanded when we simultaneously clicked leave. This worked until restart, upon which the jacked up group situation described above reoccurred. 
           This was 2 days ago. Since then I have not been able to keep any items I pick up after I log out, no matter where they are stored. I have to give them to someone else before I log out. If I touch something, then log out, it disappears. The group is still broken, however I can see hexs and use group chat, none of us can leave it, I cant disband it, I have 7/4 slots occupied at this moment. 

    Thats the rundown
    Awol and devs, is there a local file I can delete out of the mod folder that will basically erase my hive data, then I could reinstall the mod to fix the missing file. Cause I'm not sure what else I can do on my end, I have purged everything that I am able to short of completely erasing the mod and Arma 3. I believe that would revoke the whitelist though. If you want me to try to completely erase everything and start over let me know. Just hook it up with a way back in.

    Please advise.

    EDIT: I have also tried using different ("Other") profiles under my current profile with no success
  14. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to Berreta in Keeshe Camo   
    They too small :D
  15. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Noise Levels   
    Maybe its just me, but why the hell is the rain so loud? I totally get the thunder storms and the hurricanes, but a regular rainstorm isn't deafening to the point that you cant hear the person next to you. 
    Also the cars, my 5.3l v8 gmc is a beast, but I don't hear a small prop plane when I'm inside the cab, like in Arma 3. Yeah probably a little noisy outside, but inside it should be significantly quieter.
    I know this is not an Epoch thing, its an Arma thing, but there's gotta be a way to adjust them to reasonable levels.
  16. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    hahaha, forget zombies, those characters would be way creepier in a dark server, solo separated from the rest of your group. Turn around and theres just the two girls from The Shining creepin on you, suddenly your overwhelmed by intense crazy music/sounds, your screen turns red and your controls go inverted. You're trying to sort it out and get a headshot when suddenly you hear a chainsaw rev up in the distance, an evil mechanical laugh and then Deadskin Mask starts in! Would be gnarly. If you don't know this awesome jam you don't know what you're missin. Dead Skin Mask
  17. Like
    EpicLynz91 reacted to CoreyRo in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    Just tossing these out there...

    Build Items
    Home Brew Station - collect stuff to make brews with better stamina trade-off with lower hydration, some high stamina low hydration beer causes a stuper effect (hazy vision, swaying aiming, disables chat/von lol) for a few mins or the duration of the stamina boost. Well - different items used together to craft a derrick and drill, certain chances to break drill needing to craft another. After a long timer (and use of player energy to operate) and a lot of noise drawing attention to you, you can then use more material to craft a well, hand crank 1st stage, motorized 2nd (uses player energy to operate)  Shower - Emergency pull type, used to clear all soiled level, drops player temp, adds a significant wet level. Needs a stage 2 well within frequency jammer. Fireplace - add materials to existing firepit to create fireplace, near instant prefect player temp, requires constant feed of wood logs every 2min or quicker. Incentive to upgrade is that firepits would cause significant soil level Electric fence - requires energy/lots and lots of material per section, destroyable only by explosives or vehicle impact (rendering vehicle inoperable, emp style, unfixable) , kills players on contact.  
    Aggressive High Damage
    Bears - Self explanatory, bears are terrifying  The two kids from The Shining - They appear all creepy like, at night super close to you, make creepy sounds (kids crying, high pitch screams and wicked sketchy music), proximity to sounds causes player to start bleeding severely, screen turns red hue, overwhelm with creepy sounds/music, randomly inverts and reverts controls until the antagonist is destroyed. (cross between the witch from Left for Dead and, the little girls from The Shining) Hell Hound - dogs are already OP and one hit you. Once that is fixed, there could be a 2 headed black cugo-like hell hound that spawns in a blast of smoke and flames, wicked crazy snarling and barking, super high HP, one hits you and you're dead Leatherface - Hulking deformed antagonist in bloody butchers apron, and skin or hockey mask charges you with a chainsaw, Full sprint, SUPER high HP. Would be awesome if it played Slayer - Deadskin Mask in the background lol And what else... hmm.....Fuck it, Velociraptors - they wreck you, corpse is unlootable  
    Passive Low or No Damage
    Pickpocket Player - Action button on player "T" allows a pickpocket attempt with predetermined chance to succeed. Failure causes player to pass out Sepsis - Gunshot wounds left untreated lead to sepsis, raising blood pressure and increasing toxicity. Dysentery - untreated water has a chance to cause dysentery, raising blood pressure, soiled level, and draining hydration level rapidly. EMP Grenade - instantly disables ground vehicles (repairable), instantly drains player energy, GPS,NVGs, and Range Finders disappear from inventory knocks out all advanced optics (NVG Scope, ACOG, ARCO, RCO, etc...) Weapon Jams - item gun oil used to maintain weapons NPC
    Bandit Ambush - several unarmed bandits spawn and charge you at full sprint, within a certain proximity player becomes tied up and your crypto/primary/high value items/tools (random draw) is taken Gamble Traders - don't know how impossible it would be to develop a blackjack, roulette, or hold-em type trader. It would be pretty sick tho. Doctors - for relatively high crypto perform procedures to fix dysentery, sepsis, broken limbs, or other ailments  
    Turned out to be a bigger and most likely impossible list. But I was bored. There you go
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