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Posts posted by aposnow

  1. yeah i also hate how all the oddroads have broken bumpers missing a mirror dented doors and shit xD but thats beside the point come on a fence like that would do nothing to cars and makes driving offroad a highspeeds at anything other than a hunter just risky.. and how you hit the high walls and rocks in a hunter it just goes right over like nothing is there at top speed

  2. my one problem is the little wire looking fences with the sticks they seem to pop up from nowhere and have no real logical placement sometimes and pretty much any vehicle apart from the hunter (and upwards in the armor strength) take no damage from them atall but any other car is cripples by them when they are tiny little fences... and hunters can just tap anything really like walls and knock them over without any issue

  3. yeah, nice map for wasteland/epoch 100 players... "no one see anybody for years..." and "i am already searching for my friend 3 weeks"



    i think if you find it that hard to find players your doing something wrong xD has about if not less slightly the amount of landmass altis has

  4. any light armour which is unarmed is fine for me just make it tracked so its a bit slower turning so you cant just rampage roadkill people with it


    think strider and ifrit should be in!

  5. i loved cherno so much but i think its in someways had its time.. dotn get me wrong i still enjoy playing it but i honestly think that when Harz is released that will replace it forsure!


    you will have propper highways not like the "highways" on altis xD rivers flowing though the map nice big citys and well ill just show you the video :P



    any feedback on if anyone else likes the look of it :)

  6. yeah we NEED tmr!! im glad someone agrees! it is a must need mod on every gamemode in my opinion! just nice that you dont have to just be prone anymore! nice to use cars windows any anything else as a weapon rester!

  7. its not to bas just a bit to high but what your asking for a slider to adjust just the rain... im sorry but that is the most stupid think i have ever heard... noone would EVER use it apart form its lowest... all they need to do is just make the rain noise able to vary depending on the weather by adding the dynamic weather which you can find on armaholic! and which makes the weather cycle alot nicer bacause its only ever rain or sunny really no light showers proper thunder storms or anything! 



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