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Mr. G

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Posts posted by Mr. G

  1. I'm just wondering - Are there any consequences if you kill a trader?

    Like this trader stops trading to you forever?


    Also loot: If you kill a trader - do you get acces to all items in his shop-inventory?


    A new trader will spawn somewhere else after the next restart and will have nothing until people sell him something.

    And no... you cant access all items in his shop inventory.

    Only his normal inventory that will probably have only clothes, compass, map and watch.

    Not really worth it.

  2. It´s a PVP mod why should you be punished?


    Yeah it's PvP it's not "go kill whatever moves".

    There can be good PvP, done as it would be done in real life, like to gain or defend a resource, food, vehicles, equipment...

    The bad PvP is the KOS thing where you kill just to kill. No real reason for it.


    If I get killed in action I never whine.

    What is annoying is when I'm just walking around and I get killed by another survivor for no reason.

    Not even stealing my stuff.


    This game should simulate a survival situation and if it was realistic you wouldn't go around killing anyone you meet.

    First of all being alone makes you weaker, whilst being in a group gives a lot of advantages.

    Second, in real life, everyone would have different skills that make them valuable.

    Do you think that in a survival situation you would kill someone if there was the chance he/she could be a medic?

    Or a mechaninc who could fix your broken down car or chopper?


    So to give incentive to players to behave in a more realistic way a Karma system could be interesting.

    It has to be a well thought and meaningful system though.

    Not like Dayz Epoch hero/bandit system that had so many flaws and in the end being a hero had no reason if not to role play (and being masochistic).

    I know because I wanted to be a hero badly but ended up being a bandit just because I needed to defend myself from KOS fools.

  3. Had the same problem.
    First time I just relogged and it worked.


    Then happened again but there was no way to make it work again.

    Relogged, shot it, repaired it... nothing.

    I didn't try bumping it with another car tho.


    Luckly I've never had that issue again but I don't think it's solved.
    I've just been lucky.

  4. Cinder blocks are a bit too rare, but you can start with wood and then change the walls later.


    Luckly metal scraps are much more common that in previous stages so now with wood it's possible to build a small base even on your own.


    Lockboxes are extremely rare so don't even think to find one with 5 hours play.
    I've been playing for weeks now and I haven't seen one.


    As for the OP... well some building materials are ok now (like metal scraps and salvage metals).

    Others are a bit too rare (buckets of mortar are slightly too rare, also cinder blocks maybe little too rare).


    Drinks are ok. Since now you can fill empty jars it's ok. Just carry 4-6 jars full of water and you've more than enough.

    Also cans are quite easy to find.


    Food... well food now is too rare. I am always looking for food.

    Which makes sense in a survival game but it's a bit too much 'cause I don't have the time to focus on other things I'd like to do.

    The problem are not just cans of food, but also animals.
    There should be more animals you can get meat from and more meat from each beast.
    You get only a leg from an entire carcass? Wtf... worse butcher ever! :D
    Also, any beast should give meat. It makes no sense that by killing a goat you get just a scrap pelt... where did all the meat go??

    Other stuff should be extra and random but meat should be always looted from animals.

  5. I usually search the rubbish piles, bins, boxes and baskets first and then the houses to give the loot a chance to spawn on my location...


    I do the opposite. I start looking into buildings first. Then when I start finding loot I start to search trash piles, bins, boxes, etc...

    That's because once you've "opened" those they don't "refill" unless the server is restarted.

    So if they are empty because the loot hasn't spawned yet they are lost.

  6. In Dayz Epoch you had to maintain your base.
    If you didn't in a given time (a month, 2 weeks, depending on the server settings) the base started "dacaying"...
    Meaning that the building parts it was made of started getting deleted.


    It was a cleaning script to both delete unused bases and to make players pay to keep their bases.


    Maybe they are doing the same in Epoch but needs some fixing.

    You've probably maintained your base but the feedback message is bugged.
    The cost depends on the number of building parts that are getting maintained.

  7. It would be cool indeed but...

    The problem is this only works if AXLE has a base and people know where to find it.

    Otherwise he would be killed just by chance and the bounty on him would only be a random prize for someone who kills him without knowing of the bounty.

    There would be no real incentive to go and search for him since it would be quite impossible to find.


    There should be a system who tells the bounty hunter where to find his target (approximately of course, not the exact coords).

    Maybe a tool that tells him the direction of his objective without any distance indicator?


    The other problem is you can't see people names so you can't tell who is AXLE and who is not.

    A lot of people would get killed just to "try if it's him".

    There should be a way to recognize him at close distance and maybe even when spotted with binoculars, rangefinder or scope.


    If these two problems could be solved then it could be really fun and bounty hunter could become a "profession".


    Also it could generate cool situations...

    For example if more people place a bounty on someone, hence making it attractive for more than one bounty hunter or groups of them.

    It could cause nice bounty hunters wars and defenses ;)


    And it would add a lot more importance to bases because there would be a lot of sieges of bases to collect the bounty.


    It should also be discussed if the person the bounty has been placed on should know of it.

    So that he knows someone may be coming and decide where to defend himself (at base? at some other building which can be easily defended?).

  8. Mr. feel smart ... how can you test a mod based on the build if the build does not work?


    Mr. whiner it's an alpha, we are here to test not to whine about features that doesn't work.

    They surely tested it, they are not stupid, but obviously something didn't work as expected.

    And they already replied to this thread saying it will be fixed soon so... what else do you want/expect?

  9. Hope they intend to remove those radars. Makes it a bit to easy to cash in and find better vehicles.


    Yeah I totally agree with that.

    Or radar could be a tool that you can add to the chopper in some way but very difficult to obtain/craft.

  10. I am a bit undecided on this matter.


    True, the current system of barter is great and realistic for a survival game, but having played Overpoch with bank system I know it's really fun and useful to have a bank system too.

    If it's gonna be implemented by scripters on private servers people are gonna play on those servers, so it's implementation should be either blocked in some way (dunno if it's possible) or maybe it should just be implemented straight away from the beginning.


    What made things a bit too easy on Overpoch was the fact that bank and traders where all in the same safe zone, so you had no risk in getting your money from the bank and spend it.

    Maybe it would be enough to give the possibility to deposit and withdraw money from ATM's but make traders spawn at a certain distance from them, so that withdrawing kryptos and then having to travel to a trader would be risky and leave the possibility to others to kill you and steal your money.


    Maybe there could be an ATM at spawn traders too, but the traders there could be limited to sell only basic stuff like clothes, vests, backpacks, first aid kits, tools (multigun and attachments) compass, food, drink and only pistols and ammo.
    So that when you spawn you can equip a little but not get all the weapons you need.
    It would be nice to be able to start not from scratch every time, but still not being able to fully equip.
    That would still leave the possibility to get killed by more equipped players that could get your precious backpack or the tools you bought (multigun and attchments) but also give you the possibility to start with some gear and not being totally unarmed and a too easy prey.

    I think this could be a good compromise.

  11. I think/hope they mean building objects that are left around, not placed in a construction.

    Not the base itself.


    Or it's just a temporary solution during alpha, so that building objects slots get cleared every week and we can keep testing building.


    Later it will probably be possible to maintain through the jammer.


    Painting is nice, but you can't paint stuff like stairs or floor/roof, so not everything can be extended.

  12. why no wooden walls to upgrade while searching for metal? find it a tad strange you cant at least shore up your base before upgrading to a stronger material.


    I think they didn't want thousands of bases to appear suddenly on servers.

    And I think that that will be available in the final release.


    Or they really want bases to be hard to make... 

    Or they will higher the spawn of salvage metal ;)

  13. I don't dislike the current antagonists...  they need some adjustments but I like the concept.


    What we surely need is some lore to justify their presence.

    I hope it will be explained at release (or earlier).

    Same thing for the drones and spawning AI.
    Who are they?


    It was really cool when some days ago there was a big firefight in Rodopoli and sappers kept spawning.
    There were explosions all the time and it added something to the fight :)


    Going with only human AI could be a way to make something easier to justify and more realistic.
    But zombies too were surely not realistic... so I guess we can get used and like this kind of antagonists too.


    P.S.: lol @ Ganja for the pic hahah :D

  14. Yellow box is an attachment for the multigun used to revive players.
    And yeah, as Chief said it works only once.

    If you die again you have to respawn, and then it can be used again on you, once... and so on.


    As for the thread topic... I think the healing system doesn't need a surgical kit.

    There are already first aid kits and multigun with heal player attachment.


    What we really need is a way to slowly heal when rested and fed.

  15. I don't see the need for markers.
    There will be bases and those will mark the territory.
    You know you better stay away or be prepared to shoot or be shot :)


    And there is already grouping so those in the same team know they are together.


    So... I don't mean to be offensive or other, but I don't really see the need for that.

  16. I am not sure but that happened to me too, when I managed to run back to my body after I died.
    I could take all the gear but the primary weapon was gone.

    Maybe I took the clothes first and that made the body disappear and I wasn't able to take the primary weapon anymore.

    Both are bugs anyway...

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