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Mr. G

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Posts posted by Mr. G

  1. I agree the rain is really too loud.

    It's ok for choppers but not the rain unless it's (as already said) a downpour, which should last not more than what... 15 minutes?

    Another noise I think it's wrong is the panting 'caused by being hurt or tired.
    It doesn't sound like it's made by my character. It sounds like it's external, from a third party, wich is counfusing and sometimes I get alerted thinking there is someone else around.


    Also, the hurt noises are annoying since you can't fully heal and they keep going so I keep hearing them and also people around can hear them and that's not good if it's enemies!

    (but that's something I guess it's gonna be solved once the healing system is fixed)

  2. I vote for safe zones around traders.
    I know it's not realistic but it's the best solution to stop ppl being killed while trading.
    There should be traders with safe zones and traders that don't have safe zones, like it's now on some DayZ Epoch servers.


    As for the safe zone camping, well that's another story. If you're not smart enough to go to a trader that has good cover to go in and out safely that's your fault.

    If there will be so many traders as there are now then you can just choose one that's more secure.


    The other solution could be a bounty system that places an indicator on those who attack players that are trading.

    But I think it's much more complicated and the developers work should be focused on more important matters...

  3. My character is male... maybe it only fits women as Epic says but then it should be specified if it's not.
    I'm not sure whether I checked the info about the object placing the mouse over it or not.


    Or maybe I'm too fat as Berreta suggested ;)

  4. They are already enough annoying and dangerous don't give them extra powers!!! :D

    Just kidding... they obviusly need to be fixed and then they will be less dangerous I guess.
    I don't think they are intended to just kill you with one bite.


    Your idea is nice.
    But I must say that there are already enough things that can (and often manage to) kill you on Epoch! ;)

  5. Yeah really annoying... and they never stop following you! XD
    Also, this morning I was killed by one with just one bite!
    It's true that some race of dogs have the strongest bite of all animals on Earth, but it's a bit too much! ;)

    Especially when they get to you without making any sound (they bark in the distance then sometimes they just get to you without making any sound running on the ground... and my effects volume is really high so I am sure it's not at all audible).


    And sometimes none appears... other times they just keep aggroing me like I were a human piece of beacon running around :P


    Anyway... the concept is nice and I think they will be great when fixed.
    Thanks for the great work vbawol! :)

  6. Greetings,


    I've noticed that sometimes the free look bugs and doesn't work anymore.
    The toggle look keeps working but the "press to look" actions stops working.


    I remapped them both... the look to spacebar and toggle look to 2xspacebar.


    Sometimes when I keep the spacebar pressed it doesn't let me free look.
    But if I double tap the spacebar it toggles it as intended.

  7. I had the same problem with T since I use Arma 2 key bindings.
    I've remapped the throw action to Left Shift + T so I stopped throwing grenade at my feets when looting trash LOL!  :lol:


    And T works perfectly... I've read someone has problems with it not working with arma 2 settings, but it works perfectly with me.
    The only problem was that it was bound both to loot trash/corpses AND throw.

  8. How?


    Once you find another backpack you have to:

    1) select the backpack you already have. This will make appear the list of items there are in it.

    2) drag and drop the other backpack you've found ON THE LIST of items. Not on the other backpack or it will just replace it.

    If there is enough space in the backpack the second one will be placed inside.

  9. Greetings,


    I don't know if this has already been submitted. Searched but couldn't find any thread.

    I've noticed that there are a few problems with the inventory.

    I usually carry a secondary gun with different scope/attachments in my backpack and I noticed a few bugs:


    1) After a relog/restart the weapon in the backpack gets all the attachments removed and placed in my inventory, scattered around where there is place for them. So I have to equip it and put all the attachments on it. Not a big problem, but annoying. And I guess it's not how it's intended to work.


    2) When I switch weapons for the first time after a relog/restart, all the ammo gets rearranged automatically and the ALL the mags of the gun I am equipping get moved to my backpack. This causes the backpack to get filled with the ammo of the weapon I am equipping and the one that should go in the backpack gets dropped on the ground 'cause there is no room for it anymore. So I have to move all the ammo back to my vest and THEN I am able to pick up the gun and put it in the backpack.
    This happens only one time. Then if I try to switch them again everything works fine.
    This is a very bad bug 'cause it will make me lose my gun sooner or later! :(


    Hope it helps... keep on the great work devs! :D




  10. Yeah it works. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I had killed a sheep so I used the sheep raw leg to tame the dog.
    I did this way:

    When the dog was at about 5-6 meters from me it stopped.
    I holstered my weapon.
    Put the raw meat on the floor.
    Moved away a little bit (2-3 meters) and then sat down.

    The dog got close to me then turned towards the meat.
    Stopped there a few moments then the meat disappeared and I got the message "you tamed Riley" (not sure about the exact name, but I guess it was his name ;))

    Then Riley started to follow me around.

    But... the problem is that another dog arrived... same exact race of Riley, so I could not tell who was who.
    I was scared to get attacked but I didn't kill them... I did some testing.
    The new dog seemed to be kept away from me by Riley.
    Only once one of the two came close to me and I moved away just in case it was not the tamed one.


    I also got attacked by one of those exploding monsters but the dog didn't seem to attack it or try to save me in any way (at least that I noticed).
    I let the monster come close then ran away when I saw it was exploding.
    When it went BOOOM! the dogs were quite close to it but they didn't seem to get any damage.


    After all this I disconnected and when I reconnected both dogs were gone.


  11. Yeah it worked for me.
    For some reason I didn't think that could be the problem but it's exactly as for dayz epoch.
    When you install the mod you have to run the game first one time before it works.

    Same for Arma 3...
    Just run the game once before trying launch it from the Epoch launcher and it will work! :D

    (at least it did for me)... have fun and see you online!

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